
On the finiteness of Ext-indices of ring extensions. (English) Zbl 1507.13013

Recall that Ext-index\((R)\) for a commutative ring \(R\), is defined as \(\sup\{ n\in \mathbb N \mid \{\mathrm{Ext}_{R}^{n}(M,N)\ne 0\}\), where the supremum is taken over all pairs \((M,N)\) of finite \(R\)-modules with Ext\(_{R}^{n}(M,N)= 0\) for all \(i \gg 0\). Quoting the authors: “The main goal of this paper is to investigate the finiteness of Ext-indices of ring extensions. We discuss some known related conjectures in the literature and observe the relationships among them within large classes of rings. This allows us to present interesting special cases verifying these conjectures.”
Here are some of the results in this paper. If \(R\) is a Noetherian ring, then \(\dim(R)\le \text{Ext-index}(R)\le\sup\{\text{Ext-index}(R_{\mathfrak m} )\mid \mathfrak m \in \text{Max}(R)\}\). The equality \(\text{Ext-index}(R) = \dim(R)\) holds if \(R\) is a locally AB ring, in particular, if \(R\) is a locally complete intersection. If \(R\) is a Gorenstein ring of finite Krull dimension, then \(\text{Ext-index}(R[X_{1}, X_{2},\dots, X_{n}])\) is finite if and only if so is \(\text{Ext-index}(R)\). The authors study in this context trivial ring extensions of Artinian rings.


13D07 Homological functors on modules of commutative rings (Tor, Ext, etc.)
13F20 Polynomial rings and ideals; rings of integer-valued polynomials
13H05 Regular local rings


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