
Seifert form of chain-type invertible singularities. (English) Zbl 1512.53082

Summary: In this paper, we confirm a conjecture of P. Orlik and R. Randell [Invent. Math. 39, 199–211 (1977; Zbl 0341.14001)] from 1977 on the Seifert form of chain-type invertible singularities. We use Lefschetz bifibration techniques as developed by P. Seidel [Fukaya categories and Picard-Lefschetz theory. Zürich: European Mathematical Society (EMS) (2008; Zbl 1159.53001)] (inspired by Arnold and Donaldson) and take advantage of the symmetries at hand. We believe that our method will be useful in understanding the homological/categorical version of Berglund-Hübsch mirror conjecture for invertible singularities.


53D37 Symplectic aspects of mirror symmetry, homological mirror symmetry, and Fukaya category
14J33 Mirror symmetry (algebro-geometric aspects)
14D05 Structure of families (Picard-Lefschetz, monodromy, etc.)
53D40 Symplectic aspects of Floer homology and cohomology


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