
Solutions to nonlinear recurrence equations. (English) Zbl 1514.65198

Summary: Let \(F(z)\) be any function. Suppose that \(w\) is a fixed point of \(F(z)\), that is, \(F(w)=w\). Then the recurrence equation \[x_{n + 1} = F(x_n)\] for \(n=0, 1, 2, \dots\) has a solution of the form \[x_n (w) = w + \sum_{i = 1}^\infty a_1^i A_i F_{\centerdot 1} (w)^{in} ,\] where \(F_{\centerdot 1}(z)=dF(z)/d\). So, for each \(w\) there is a set of complex \(x_0\) such that \(x_0(w)=x_0\). We assume that \(F(z)\) is analytic at \(w\). This solution appears to be new, even for such famous examples like the logistic map and the Mandelbrot equation.


65Q99 Numerical methods for difference and functional equations, recurrence relations


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