
D-complete classes of plans in the problem of design of a regression experiment in a Banach space. (Russian) Zbl 0638.62071

Teor. Veroyatn. Mat. Stat. 36, 45-52 (1987).
The authors consider the regression model \(Z_ i=\sum^{p}_{k=1}\theta_ ky_{ki}+e_ i\), where \({\underset \tilde{} \theta}=(\theta_ 1,...,\theta_ p)'\) are unknown parameters, \((y_{1i},...,y_{pi})'\), \(i=1,...,n\), are known elements of a Banach space B (creating the design matrix) and \(e_ 1,...,e_ n\) are random elements from B. They construct d-complete classes of designs w.r.t. certain sets of designs for best bounded linear unbiased estimators of \({\underset \tilde{} \theta}\).
Reviewer: M.Huškova


62K05 Optimal statistical designs
62J05 Linear regression; mixed models