Rojtgarts, A. D. Some properties of point random fields with non-random compensators. (Russian) Zbl 0647.60054 Teor. Veroyatn. Mat. Stat., Kiev 36, 119-127 (1987). The author considers two-parameter point processes, i.e. nondecreasing stepped random functions in \(R^ 2_+\) with jumps 0 or 1. He represents Ito’s formula for such processes and proves with its help that “thin” point two-parameter processes with nonrandom compensators are fields with independent increments. Then he gives a criterion for point processes in \(R^ 2_+\) to be Poisson. Reviewer: Yu.S.Mishura Cited in 1 Review MSC: 60G55 Point processes (e.g., Poisson, Cox, Hawkes processes) 60G60 Random fields 60H05 Stochastic integrals Keywords:two-parameter point processes; Ito’s formula; nonrandom compensators; independent increments PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. D. Rojtgarts}, Teor. Veroyatn. Mat. Stat., Kiev 36, 119--127 (1987; Zbl 0647.60054)