
Universal intermediate gradient method for convex problems with inexact oracle. (English) Zbl 1493.90132

Summary: In this paper, we propose new first-order methods for minimization of a convex function on a simple convex set. We assume that the objective function is a composite function given as a sum of a simple convex function and a convex function with inexact Hölder-continuous subgradient. We propose Universal Intermediate Gradient Method. Our method enjoys both the universality and intermediateness properties. Following the ideas of Y. Nesterov [Math. Program. 152, No. 1–2 (A), 381–404 (2015; Zbl 1327.90216)] on Universal Gradient Methods, our method does not require any information about the Hölder parameter and constant and adjusts itself automatically to the local level of smoothness. On the other hand, in the spirit of the Intermediate Gradient Method proposed by O. Devolder et al. [Intermediate gradient methods for smooth convex problems with inexact oracle. Techn. Rep., Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) (2013), https://EconPapers.repec.org/RePEc:cor:louvco:2013017], our method is intermediate in the sense that it interpolates between Universal Gradient Method and Universal Fast Gradient Method. This allows to balance the rate of convergence of the method and rate of the oracle error accumulation. Under the additional assumption of strong convexity of the objective, we show how the restart technique can be used to obtain an algorithm with faster rate of convergence.


90C25 Convex programming
90C47 Minimax problems in mathematical programming
90C60 Abstract computational complexity for mathematical programming problems


Zbl 1327.90216




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