
Pseudorandom sets in Grassmann graph have near-perfect expansion. (English) Zbl 07690461

Summary: We prove that pseudorandom sets in Grassmann graph have near-perfect expansion. This completes the proof of the \(2\)-to-\(2\) Games Conjecture (albeit with imperfect completeness). Some implications of this new result are improved hardness results for Minimum Vertex Cover, improving on the work of Dinur and Safra [Ann. of Math. 162 (2005), 439-485], and new hardness gaps for Unique-Games.
The Grassmann graph \(\mathsf{Gr}_{\mathsf{global}}\) contains induced subgraphs \(\mathsf{Gr}_{\mathsf{local}}\) that are themselves isomorphic to Grassmann graphs of lower orders. A set is called pseudorandom if its density is \(o(1)\) inside all subgraphs \(\mathsf{Gr}_{\mathsf{local}}\) whose order is \(O(1)\) lower than that of \(\mathsf{Gr}_{\mathsf{global}}\). We prove that pseudorandom sets have expansion \(1-o(1)\), greatly extending the results and techniques of a previous work of the authors with Dinur and Kindler.


68-XX Computer science
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