Yasynskyĭ, V. K.; Antonyuk, S. V. Stability of solution of the Ito-Skorokhod stochastic dynamic system of random structure with external random disturbances, Markov switching and all prehistory. (Ukrainian. English summary) Zbl 07909319 Nauk. Visn. Uzhgorod. Univ., Ser. Mat. Inform. 36, No. 1, 55-64 (2020). MSC: 60H10 49J55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. K. Yasynskyĭ} and \textit{S. V. Antonyuk}, Nauk. Visn. Uzhgorod. Univ., Ser. Mat. Inform. 36, No. 1, 55--64 (2020; Zbl 07909319) Full Text: DOI
Yasynskyĭ, V. K.; Antonyuk, S. V. Existence of \(l\)-th moment of solution of Ito-Skorokhod stochastic dynamic systems of random structure with external disturbances and all prehistory. (Ukrainian. English summary) Zbl 07909318 Nauk. Visn. Uzhgorod. Univ., Ser. Mat. Inform. 36, No. 1, 41-54 (2020). MSC: 60H10 49J55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. K. Yasynskyĭ} and \textit{S. V. Antonyuk}, Nauk. Visn. Uzhgorod. Univ., Ser. Mat. Inform. 36, No. 1, 41--54 (2020; Zbl 07909318) Full Text: DOI
Antonyuk, Svitlana V.; Byrka, Marian F.; Gorbatenko, Mykola Y.; Lukashiv, Taras O.; Malyk, Igor V. Optimal control of stochastic dynamic systems of a random structure with Poisson switches and Markov switching. (English) Zbl 1489.93131 J. Math. 2020, Article ID 9457152, 9 p. (2020). MSC: 93E20 49K45 49L20 60H10 60J76 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. V. Antonyuk} et al., J. Math. 2020, Article ID 9457152, 9 p. (2020; Zbl 1489.93131) Full Text: DOI OA License
Berezans’kyi, Yu. M.; Korolyuk, V. S.; Lukovs’kyi, I. O.; Makarov, V. L.; Marchenko, V. O.; Pastur, L. A.; Perestyuk, M. O.; Khruslov, E. Ya.; Sharkovs’kyi, O. M.; Boichuk, O. A.; Hutlyans’kyi, V. Ya.; Kochubei, A. N.; Kushnir, R. M.; Nikitin, A. H.; Portenko, M. I.; Antonyuk, O. V.; Parasyuk, I. O.; Ronto, M. I.; Tkachenko, V. I.; Trofimchuk, S. I. Anatolii Mykhailovych Samoilenko (on his 80th birthday). (English. Ukrainian original) Zbl 1419.01007 Ukr. Math. J. 70, No. 1, 1-4 (2018); translation from Ukr. Mat. Zh. 70, No. 1, 3-6 (2018). MSC: 01A70 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Yu. M. Berezans'kyi} et al., Ukr. Math. J. 70, No. 1, 1--4 (2018; Zbl 1419.01007); translation from Ukr. Mat. Zh. 70, No. 1, 3--6 (2018) Full Text: DOI
Antoniouk, Alexandra; Maksymenko, Sergiy Contractibility of manifolds by means of stochastic flows. (English) Zbl 1417.55010 Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 52, No. 2, 599-611 (2018). Reviewer: Jacques Franchi (Strasbourg) MSC: 55P15 58J65 60H30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Antoniouk} and \textit{S. Maksymenko}, Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 52, No. 2, 599--611 (2018; Zbl 1417.55010) Full Text: DOI arXiv Euclid
Antonyuk, O. V.; Kochubei, A. N.; Piskarev, S. I. On the compactness and the uniform continuity of a resolvent family for a fractional differential equation. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1313.34001 Dopov. Nats. Akad. Nauk Ukr., Mat. Pryr. Tekh. Nauky 2014, No. 6, 7-12 (2014). MSC: 34A08 34G20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. V. Antonyuk} et al., Dopov. Nats. Akad. Nauk Ukr., Mat. Pryr. Tekh. Nauky 2014, No. 6, 7--12 (2014; Zbl 1313.34001) Full Text: DOI OA License
Antoniouk, Alexandra; Keller, Karsten; Maksymenko, Sergiy Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy via separation properties of order-generated \(\sigma\)-algebras. (English) Zbl 1317.37010 Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 34, No. 5, 1793-1809 (2014). Reviewer: Tim Austin (New York) MSC: 37A35 54E52 58A20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Antoniouk} et al., Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 34, No. 5, 1793--1809 (2014; Zbl 1317.37010) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Antonyuk, S. V.; Doroshenko, I. V. Asymptotic stochastic stability of solutions to dynamic systems with Markov parameters. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1417.34197 Cybern. Syst. Anal. 49, No. 2, 205-208 (2013); translation from Kibern. Sist. Anal. 2013, No. 2, 52-56 (2013). MSC: 34K50 60J25 93E15 37H10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. V. Antonyuk} and \textit{I. V. Doroshenko}, Cybern. Syst. Anal. 49, No. 2, 205--208 (2013; Zbl 1417.34197); translation from Kibern. Sist. Anal. 2013, No. 2, 52--56 (2013) Full Text: DOI
Antonyuk, Sergiy; Heinrich, Stefan; Tomas, Jürgen; Deen, Niels G.; van Buijtenen, Maureen S.; Kuipers, J. A. M. Energy absorption during compression and impact of dry elastic-plastic spherical granules. (English) Zbl 1267.74025 Granul. Matter 12, No. 1, 15-47 (2010). MSC: 74E20 74M15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Antonyuk} et al., Granul. Matter 12, No. 1, 15--47 (2010; Zbl 1267.74025) Full Text: DOI OA License
Antonyuk, S. V.; Yasinskii, V. K. Stability of solutions of stochastic functional-differential equations with Poisson switchings and entire prehistory. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1195.60076 Cybern. Syst. Anal. 45, No. 1, 111-122 (2009); translation from Kibern. Sist. Anal. 2009, No. 1, 123-134 (2009). Reviewer: Iulian Stoleriu (Iaşi) MSC: 60H10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. V. Antonyuk} and \textit{V. K. Yasinskii}, Cybern. Syst. Anal. 45, No. 1, 111--122 (2009; Zbl 1195.60076); translation from Kibern. Sist. Anal. 2009, No. 1, 123--134 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Yasinskii, V. K.; Antonyuk, S. V. Existence of the \(l\)-th moment of a solution to a stochastic functional-differential equation with the entire prehistory. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1162.60329 Cybern. Syst. Anal. 44, No. 4, 582-590 (2008); Translation from Kibern. Sist. Anal. 2008, No. 4, 142-151 (2008). Reviewer: George Stoica (Saint John) MSC: 60H20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. K. Yasinskii} and \textit{S. V. Antonyuk}, Cybern. Syst. Anal. 44, No. 4, 582--590 (2008; Zbl 1162.60329) Full Text: DOI
Yasinskii, V. K.; Yasinskaya, L. I.; Antonyuk, S. V. Approximate synthesis of optimal control over quasilinear stochastic differential equations with a small parameter and Poisson perturbations. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1144.93032 Cybern. Syst. Anal. 44, No. 3, 341-347 (2008); translation from Kibern. Sist. Anal. 2008, No. 3, 39-45 (2008). MSC: 93E20 93C73 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. K. Yasinskii} et al., Cybern. Syst. Anal. 44, No. 3, 341--347 (2008; Zbl 1144.93032); translation from Kibern. Sist. Anal. 2008, No. 3, 39--45 (2008) Full Text: DOI
Yasinskii, V. K.; Antonyuk, S. V. Synthesis of optimal control of dynamic systems with infinite aftereffect, a small parameter, and Poisson perturbations. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1169.93027 Cybern. Syst. Anal. 43, No. 3, 466-470 (2007); translation from Kibern. Sist. Anal. 43, No. 3, 181-186 (2007). Reviewer: Vladimir Sobolev (Samara) MSC: 93E20 93C73 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. K. Yasinskii} and \textit{S. V. Antonyuk}, Cybern. Syst. Anal. 43, No. 3, 466--470 (2007; Zbl 1169.93027); translation from Kibern. Sist. Anal. 43, No. 3, 181--186 (2007) Full Text: DOI
Antonyuk, S. V.; Yurchenko, I. V. Exponential stability in the mean square of stochastic functional differential equations with all prehistory. (Ukrainian. English summary) Zbl 1097.60046 Nauk. Visn. Chernivets’kogo Univ., Mat. 239, 5-10 (2005). MSC: 60H10 34F05 93E15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. V. Antonyuk} and \textit{I. V. Yurchenko}, Nauk. Visn. Chernivets'kogo Univ., Mat. 239, 5--10 (2005; Zbl 1097.60046)
Yasyns’kyj, V. K.; Antonyuk, S. V. On properties of the second moment of solutions of stochastic differential functional equations with varying coefficients. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1074.60070 Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 70, 157-163 (2004); translation in Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 70, 177-184 (2005). Reviewer: Mikhail P. Moklyachuk (Kyïv) MSC: 60H10 60F15 60G42 62J05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. K. Yasyns'kyj} and \textit{S. V. Antonyuk}, Teor. Ĭmovirn. Mat. Stat. 70, 157--163 (2005; Zbl 1074.60070); translation in Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 70, 177--184 (2005)
Korolyuk, V. S.; Yasinskiĭ, V. K.; Antonyuk, S. V. Optimal control of stochastic dynamic systems with past history and Poisson switchings. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1091.93044 Cybern. Syst. Anal. 40, No. 6, 883-888 (2004); translation from Kibern. Sist. Anal. 2004, No. 6, 112-118 (2004). Reviewer: Alex V. Kolnogorov (Novgorod) MSC: 93E20 60H10 49J55 49L20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Korolyuk} et al., Cybern. Syst. Anal. 40, No. 6, 883--888 (2004; Zbl 1091.93044); translation from Kibern. Sist. Anal. 2004, No. 6, 112--118 (2004) Full Text: DOI
Antonyuk, S. V.; Yurchenko, I. V.; Yasins’kyj, V. K. Behaviour of the second moment of solutions of stochastic functional differential dynamical systems with discontinuous trajectories in the critical case. (Ukrainian. English summary) Zbl 1065.60074 Nauk. Visn. Chernivets’kogo Univ., Mat. 191-192, 5-9 (2004). MSC: 60H15 34F05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. V. Antonyuk} et al., Nauk. Visn. Chernivets'kogo Univ., Mat. 191--192, 5--9 (2004; Zbl 1065.60074)
Yasins’kyj, V. K.; Antonyuk, S. V. Behaviour of the second moment of solutions of stochastic functional differential equations with Poisson switching. (Ukrainian. English summary) Zbl 1065.60071 Nauk. Visn. Chernivets’kogo Univ., Mat. 160, 111-117 (2003). MSC: 60H10 34F05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. K. Yasins'kyj} and \textit{S. V. Antonyuk}, Nauk. Visn. Chernivets'kogo Univ., Mat. 160, 111--117 (2003; Zbl 1065.60071)
Larin, V. B.; Antonyuk, E. Ya.; Bobukh, I. A.; Verenev, V. V.; Yanisinskij, S. A. Problems of dynamics of rolling mills. (Survey). (Russian) Zbl 0884.70011 Prikl. Mekh., Kiev 33, No. 3, 3-27 (1997). Reviewer: A.A.Martynyuk (Kyïv) MSC: 70E15 00A71 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. B. Larin} et al., Prikl. Mekh., Kiev 33, No. 3, 3--27 (1997; Zbl 0884.70011)
Albeverio, S.; Antoniouk, A. Val.; Antoniouk, A. Vict.; Kondratiev, Yu. G. Dirichlet operators semigroups in some Gibbs lattice spin systems. (English) Zbl 0873.47027 Methods Funct. Anal. Topol. 1, No. 1, 3-27 (1995). MSC: 47D07 60H15 47B25 60J45 47D06 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Albeverio} et al., Methods Funct. Anal. Topol. 1, No. 1, 3--27 (1995; Zbl 0873.47027)
Mikhalevich, V. S.; Redkovskij, N. N.; Antonyuk, A. A.; Marutovskij, R. M.; Roda, I. G. Minimization on a matrix set and identification problems in some mass transfer models. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0751.65044 Cybernetics 26, No. 2, 246-253 (1990); translation from Kibernetika 1990, No. 2, 78-83 (1990). Reviewer: F.Luban (Bucureşti) MSC: 65L05 65K05 65L07 34A30 34A55 80A20 65F30 90C30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Mikhalevich} et al., Cybernetics 26, No. 2, 246--253 (1990; Zbl 0751.65044); translation from Kibernetika 1990, No. 2, 78--83 (1990) Full Text: DOI
Mikhalevich, V. S.; Redkovskij, N. N.; Antonyuk, A. A.; Perekatov, A. E. Nonconvex approximations in unconstrained minimization. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0749.90061 Cybernetics 26, No. 6, 805-821 (1990); translation from Kibernetika 1990, No. 6, 20-29 (1990). MSC: 90C26 90-08 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Mikhalevich} et al., Cybernetics 26, No. 6, 805--821 (1990; Zbl 0749.90061); translation from Kibernetika 1990, No. 6, 20--29 (1990) Full Text: DOI
Shvaj, A. I.; Antonyuk, P. E.; Dzyadyk, S. Yu.; Zaritskaya, Z. V. Approximation of the function \([x]^ r\) and its derivatives. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0767.41013 Ukr. Math. J. 42, No. 6, 724-729 (1990); translation from Ukr. Mat. Zh. 42, No. 6, 821-826 (1990). Reviewer: H.Fiedler (Ulm) MSC: 41A10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. I. Shvaj} et al., Ukr. Math. J. 42, No. 6, 724--729 (1990; Zbl 0767.41013); translation from Ukr. Mat. Zh. 42, No. 6, 821--826 (1990) Full Text: DOI
Antonyuk, E. Ya.; Zubarev, S. V. Modeling mechanical systems of variable structure. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0704.70003 Sov. Appl. Mech. 25, No. 6, 603-610 (1989); translation from Prikl. Mekh., Kiev 25, No. 6, 81-88 (1989). MSC: 70A05 37-XX PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. Ya. Antonyuk} and \textit{S. V. Zubarev}, Sov. Appl. Mech. 25, No. 6, 603--610 (1989; Zbl 0704.70003); translation from Prikl. Mekh., Kiev 25, No. 6, 81--88 (1989) Full Text: DOI
Mikhalevich, V. S.; Redkovskij, N. N.; Antonyuk, A. A. Minimization methods for smooth nonconvex functions. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0678.90076 Cybernetics 24, No. 4, 395-403 (1988); translation from Kibernetika 1988, No. 4, 6-12, 25 (1988). MSC: 90C30 65K05 49M15 49M37 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Mikhalevich} et al., Cybernetics 24, No. 4, 395--403 (1988; Zbl 0678.90076); translation from Kibernetika 1988, No. 4, 6--12, 25 (1988) Full Text: DOI
Antonyuk, E. Ya.; Zubarev, S. V. Investigation of mechanisms of variable structure on the method of approximation. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0634.70002 Sov. Appl. Mech. 22, 278-284 (1986); translation from Prikl. Mekh., Kiev 22, No. 3, 91-97 (1986). MSC: 70B15 74E30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. Ya. Antonyuk} and \textit{S. V. Zubarev}, Sov. Appl. Mech. 22, 278--284 (1986; Zbl 0634.70002); translation from Prikl. Mekh., Kiev 22, No. 3, 91--97 (1986) Full Text: DOI
Mikhalevich, V. S.; Redkovskij, N. N.; Antonyuk, A. A. Methods of minimization in a set of nonnegative definite matrices. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0631.90072 Cybernetics 22, 786-795 (1986); translation from Kibernetika 1986, No. 6, 84-90, 97 (1986). MSC: 90C31 65K05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Mikhalevich} et al., Cybernetics 22, 786--795 (1986; Zbl 0631.90072); translation from Kibernetika 1986, No. 6, 84--90, 97 (1986) Full Text: DOI
Kozhevnikov, S. N.; Antonyuk, E. Ya.; Matiyasevich, V. M. Dynamic processes in mechanisms with inertial self-braking chains. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0601.70004 Sov. Appl. Mech. 21, 1000-1005 (1985); translation from Prikl. Mekh., Kiev 21, No. 10, 96-102 (1985). MSC: 70B15 70-08 74E30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. N. Kozhevnikov} et al., Sov. Appl. Mech. 21, 1000--1005 (1985; Zbl 0601.70004); translation from Prikl. Mekh., Kiev 21, No. 10, 96--102 (1985) Full Text: DOI