Dotsenko, Vladimir; Shadrin, Sergey; Vaintrob, Arkady; Vallette, Bruno Deformation theory of cohomological field theories. (English) Zbl 07829700 J. Reine Angew. Math. 809, 91-157 (2024). MSC: 81-XX 14-XX PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko} et al., J. Reine Angew. Math. 809, 91--157 (2024; Zbl 07829700) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Dotsenko, Victor; Oshanin, Gleb; Pastur, Leonid; Viot, Pascal Irregular gyration of a two-dimensional random-acceleration process in a confining potential. (English) Zbl 07812605 J. Stat. Phys. 191, No. 2, Paper No. 27, 28 p. (2024). MSC: 82Cxx 82-XX 60Jxx PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko} et al., J. Stat. Phys. 191, No. 2, Paper No. 27, 28 p. (2024; Zbl 07812605) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Vladimir; Khoroshkin, Anton Homotopical rigidity of the pre-Lie operad. (English) Zbl 1533.18018 Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 152, No. 4, 1355-1371 (2024). Reviewer: Loïc Foissy (Calais) MSC: 18N40 16S80 18G85 18M70 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko} and \textit{A. Khoroshkin}, Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 152, No. 4, 1355--1371 (2024; Zbl 1533.18018) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Vladimir; Shadrin, Sergey; Vallette, Bruno Maurer-Cartan methods in deformation theory. The twisting procedure. (English) Zbl 1526.53001 London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 488. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (ISBN 978-1-108-96564-4/pbk; 978-1-108-96380-0/ebook). viii, 177 p. (2024). Reviewer: Hirokazu Nishimura (Tsukuba) MSC: 53-02 58-02 53C07 58A15 58A10 58A30 58A12 57R22 16E45 18G85 18M70 14F40 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko} et al., Maurer-Cartan methods in deformation theory. The twisting procedure. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2024; Zbl 1526.53001) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Vladimir; Shadrin, Sergey Hidden structures behind ambient symmetries of the Maurer-Cartan equation. arXiv:2407.06589 Preprint, arXiv:2407.06589 [math.QA] (2024). BibTeX Cite \textit{V. Dotsenko} and \textit{S. Shadrin}, ``Hidden structures behind ambient symmetries of the Maurer-Cartan equation'', Preprint, arXiv:2407.06589 [math.QA] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Dotsenko, Vladimir; Shadrin, Sergey; Tamaroff, Pedro Generalized cohomological field theories in the higher order formalism. (English) Zbl 1511.18026 Commun. Math. Phys. 399, No. 3, 1439-1500 (2023). Reviewer: Hirokazu Nishimura (Tsukuba) MSC: 18M75 55P48 81T45 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko} et al., Commun. Math. Phys. 399, No. 3, 1439--1500 (2023; Zbl 1511.18026) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Khoroshkin, Anton; Tamaroff, Pedro [Dotsenko, Vladimir] Derived Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorems. With an appendix by Vladimir Dotsenko. (English) Zbl 1508.18016 Lett. Math. Phys. 113, No. 1, Paper No. 15, 20 p. (2023). Reviewer: Hirokazu Nishimura (Tsukuba) MSC: 18M60 18M70 18N40 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Khoroshkin} and \textit{P. Tamaroff}, Lett. Math. Phys. 113, No. 1, Paper No. 15, 20 p. (2023; Zbl 1508.18016) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Victor S.; Viot, Pascal; Imparato, Alberto; Oshanin, Gleb Cooperative dynamics in two-component out-of-equilibrium systems: molecular ‘spinning tops’. (English) Zbl 1539.82239 J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2022, No. 12, Article ID 123211, 25 p. (2022). MSC: 82C31 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko} et al., J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2022, No. 12, Article ID 123211, 25 p. (2022; Zbl 1539.82239) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Victor One dimensional directed polymer ‘memory model’. (English) Zbl 1539.82391 J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2022, No. 9, Article ID 093302, 13 p. (2022). MSC: 82D60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko}, J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2022, No. 9, Article ID 093302, 13 p. (2022; Zbl 1539.82391) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Cerasoli, Sara; Dotsenko, Victor; Oshanin, Gleb; Rondoni, Lamberto Time-dependence of the effective temperatures of a two-dimensional Brownian gyrator with cold and hot components. (English) Zbl 1519.82086 J. Phys. A, Math. Theor. 54, No. 10, Article ID 105002, 10 p. (2021). MSC: 82C31 60J70 82B30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Cerasoli} et al., J. Phys. A, Math. Theor. 54, No. 10, Article ID 105002, 10 p. (2021; Zbl 1519.82086) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Vladimir; Mozgovoy, Sergey DT invariants from vertex algebras. arXiv:2108.10338 Preprint, arXiv:2108.10338 [math.AG] (2021). BibTeX Cite \textit{V. Dotsenko} and \textit{S. Mozgovoy}, ``DT invariants from vertex algebras'', Preprint, arXiv:2108.10338 [math.AG] (2021) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Dotsenko, Vladimir S. Four spins correlation function of the \(q\) states Potts model, for general values of \(q\). Its percolation model limit \(q \rightarrow 1\). (English) Zbl 1479.82012 Nucl. Phys., B 953, Article ID 114973, 18 p. (2020). MSC: 82B20 82B43 60K35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko}, Nucl. Phys., B 953, Article ID 114973, 18 p. (2020; Zbl 1479.82012) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Dotsenko, Sergeĭ I.; Shevchenko, Georgiĭ M. Secretary problem with vanishing objects. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1455.91074 Mat. Teor. Igr Prilozh. 12, No. 2, 63-81 (2020). MSC: 91B06 60F10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. I. Dotsenko} and \textit{G. M. Shevchenko}, Mat. Teor. Igr Prilozh. 12, No. 2, 63--81 (2020; Zbl 1455.91074) Full Text: MNR
Dotsenko, Sergeĭ I. On a cooperative game in the knapsack problem. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1431.91017 Autom. Remote Control 80, No. 9, 1734-1744 (2019); translation from Mat. Teor. Igr Prilozh. 10, No. 4, 16-29 (2018). MSC: 91A12 91A80 91B32 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. I. Dotsenko}, Autom. Remote Control 80, No. 9, 1734--1744 (2019; Zbl 1431.91017); translation from Mat. Teor. Igr Prilozh. 10, No. 4, 16--29 (2018) Full Text: DOI Link
Dotsenko, Vladimir; Shadrin, Sergey; Vallette, Bruno Toric varieties of Loday’s associahedra and noncommutative cohomological field theories. (English) Zbl 1421.18002 J. Topol. 12, No. 2, 463-535 (2019). Reviewer: Hirokazu Nishimura (Tsukuba) MSC: 18D50 14M25 53D45 81T45 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko} et al., J. Topol. 12, No. 2, 463--535 (2019; Zbl 1421.18002) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Victor Velocity distribution functions and intermittency in one-dimensional randomly forced Burgers turbulence. (English) Zbl 1457.82457 J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2018, No. 8, Article ID 083302, 28 p. (2018). MSC: 82D60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko}, J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2018, No. 8, Article ID 083302, 28 p. (2018; Zbl 1457.82457) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Sergeĭ I. On cooperative game in knapsack problem. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1419.91036 Mat. Teor. Igr Prilozh. 10, No. 4, 16-29 (2018); translation in Autom. Remote Control 80, No. 9, 1734-1744 (2019). MSC: 91A12 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. I. Dotsenko}, Mat. Teor. Igr Prilozh. 10, No. 4, 16--29 (2018; Zbl 1419.91036); translation in Autom. Remote Control 80, No. 9, 1734--1744 (2019) Full Text: MNR
Dotsenko, Vladimir; Shadrin, Sergey; Vallette, Bruno The twisting procedure. arXiv:1810.02941 Preprint, arXiv:1810.02941 [math.QA] (2018). MSC: 18D50 13D10 17B55 16W60 BibTeX Cite \textit{V. Dotsenko} et al., ``The twisting procedure'', Preprint, arXiv:1810.02941 [math.QA] (2018) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Maciołek, A.; Vasilyev, O.; Dotsenko, V.; Dietrich, S. Fluctuation induced forces in critical films with disorder at their surfaces. (English) Zbl 1457.82182 J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2017, No. 11, Article ID 113203, 22 p. (2017). MSC: 82B44 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Maciołek} et al., J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2017, No. 11, Article ID 113203, 22 p. (2017; Zbl 1457.82182) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Sergeĭ I.; Ivashko, Anna A. On the model of the best bilateral two-stage mutual choice. (Russian, English) Zbl 1405.91111 Mat. Teor. Igr Prilozh. 9, No. 1, 45-61 (2017); translation in Autom. Remote Control 79, No. 9, 45-61 (2018). MSC: 91B06 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. I. Dotsenko} and \textit{A. A. Ivashko}, Mat. Teor. Igr Prilozh. 9, No. 1, 45--61 (2017; Zbl 1405.91111); translation in Autom. Remote Control 79, No. 9, 45--61 (2018) Full Text: DOI MNR
Dotsenko, Vladimir; Chowdhury, Soutrik Roy Anick resolution and Koszul algebras of finite global dimension. (English) Zbl 1388.16031 Commun. Algebra 45, No. 12, 5380-5383 (2017). MSC: 16S37 13P10 16E05 16Z05 18G10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko} and \textit{S. R. Chowdhury}, Commun. Algebra 45, No. 12, 5380--5383 (2017; Zbl 1388.16031) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Victor Zero temperature limit for (1 + 1) directed polymers with correlated random potential. (English) Zbl 1456.82949 J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2016, No. 12, Article ID 123304, 12 p. (2016). MSC: 82D60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko}, J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2016, No. 12, Article ID 123304, 12 p. (2016; Zbl 1456.82949) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Vladimir; Shadrin, Sergey; Vallette, Bruno Pre-Lie deformation theory. (English) Zbl 1386.18054 Mosc. Math. J. 16, No. 3, 505-543 (2016). MSC: 18G55 13D10 17B60 18D50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko} et al., Mosc. Math. J. 16, No. 3, 505--543 (2016; Zbl 1386.18054) Full Text: arXiv Link
Dotsenko, Vladimir S. Correlation function of four spins in the percolation model. (English) Zbl 1346.82019 Nucl. Phys., B 911, 712-743 (2016). MSC: 82B43 82B20 82D05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko}, Nucl. Phys., B 911, 712--743 (2016; Zbl 1346.82019) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Dotsenko, Victor On two-time distribution functions in \((1+1)\) random directed polymers. (English) Zbl 1342.82160 J. Phys. A, Math. Theor. 49, No. 27, Article ID 27LT01, 8 p. (2016). MSC: 82D60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko}, J. Phys. A, Math. Theor. 49, No. 27, Article ID 27LT01, 8 p. (2016; Zbl 1342.82160) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Vladimir S. Analytic continuations of 3-point functions of the conformal field theory. (English) Zbl 1336.81077 Nucl. Phys., B 907, 208-248 (2016). MSC: 81T40 81T15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko}, Nucl. Phys., B 907, 208--248 (2016; Zbl 1336.81077) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Dotsenko, Victor Two-time distribution functions in the Gaussian model of randomly forced Burgers turbulence. (English) Zbl 1456.82948 J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2015, No. 2, Paper No. P02016, 12 p. (2015). MSC: 82D60 82C44 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko}, J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2015, No. 2, Paper No. P02016, 12 p. (2015; Zbl 1456.82948) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Sergei I.; Marynych, Alexander V. Optimal doubling strategies in backgammon. (English) Zbl 1418.91110 Petrosyan, Leon A. (ed.) et al., Contributions to game theory and management. Volume VIII. The 8th international conference on game theory and management (GTM 2014), St. Petersburg, Russia, June 25–27, 2014. Collected papers. St. Petersburg: Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University. 33-46 (2015). MSC: 91A46 91A35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. I. Dotsenko} and \textit{A. V. Marynych}, in: Contributions to game theory and management. Volume VIII. The 8th international conference on game theory and management (GTM 2014), St. Petersburg, Russia, June 25--27, 2014. Collected papers. St. Petersburg: Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University. 33--46 (2015; Zbl 1418.91110)
Dotsenko, Victor Two-time distribution function in one-dimensional random directed polymers. (English) Zbl 1332.82094 J. Phys. A, Math. Theor. 48, No. 49, Article ID 495001, 18 p. (2015). Reviewer: Guy Jumarie (Montréal) MSC: 82D60 82B23 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko}, J. Phys. A, Math. Theor. 48, No. 49, Article ID 495001, 18 p. (2015; Zbl 1332.82094) Full Text: DOI
Dotsenko, Vladimir; Shadrin, Sergey; Vallette, Bruno Givental action and trivialisation of circle action. (Action de Givental et trivialisation de l’action du cercle.) (English. French summary) Zbl 1331.18010 J. Éc. Polytech., Math. 2, 213-246 (2015). Reviewer: Philippe Gaucher (Paris) MSC: 18D50 18G55 53D45 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko} et al., J. Éc. Polytech., Math. 2, 213--246 (2015; Zbl 1331.18010) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Dotsenko, Vladimir; Shadrin, Sergey; Vallette, Bruno De Rham cohomology and homotopy Frobenius manifolds. (English) Zbl 1317.58003 J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 17, No. 3, 535-547 (2015). Reviewer: Weimin Chen (Amherst) MSC: 58A12 14F40 53D17 53D45 18G55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko} et al., J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 17, No. 3, 535--547 (2015; Zbl 1317.58003) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, S. I.; Marynych, A. V. Hint, extortion, and guessing games in the best choice problem. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1308.90114 Cybern. Syst. Anal. 50, No. 3, 419-425 (2014); translation from Kibern. Sist. Anal. No. 3, 107-115 (2014). MSC: 90C15 91B06 93E20 60J10 91A10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. I. Dotsenko} and \textit{A. V. Marynych}, Cybern. Syst. Anal. 50, No. 3, 419--425 (2014; Zbl 1308.90114); translation from Kibern. Sist. Anal. No. 3, 107--115 (2014) Full Text: DOI
Dotsenko, Victor Two-time free energy distribution function in (1 + 1) directed polymers. (English) Zbl 1456.82947 J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2013, No. 6, Paper No. P06017, 23 p. (2013). MSC: 82D60 82C26 82C44 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko}, J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2013, No. 6, Paper No. P06017, 23 p. (2013; Zbl 1456.82947) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Victor Distribution function of the endpoint fluctuations of one-dimensional directed polymers in a random potential. (English) Zbl 1456.82495 J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2013, No. 2, Paper No. P02012, 20 p. (2013). MSC: 82B44 82B23 82D60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko}, J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2013, No. 2, Paper No. P02012, 20 p. (2013; Zbl 1456.82495) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, S. I.; Marynych, O. V. Censorship game in optimal choice problem. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1298.91033 Cybern. Syst. Anal. 49, No. 5, 749-755 (2013); translation from Kibern. Sist. Anal. 2013, No. 5, 124-131 (2013). MSC: 91A10 91A05 60J20 60G40 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. I. Dotsenko} and \textit{O. V. Marynych}, Cybern. Syst. Anal. 49, No. 5, 749--755 (2013; Zbl 1298.91033); translation from Kibern. Sist. Anal. 2013, No. 5, 124--131 (2013) Full Text: DOI
Dotsenko, Vladimir; Khoroshkin, Anton Quillen homology for operads via Gröbner bases. (English) Zbl 1278.18018 Doc. Math. 18, 707-747 (2013). MSC: 18D50 18G10 13P10 16E05 18G55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko} and \textit{A. Khoroshkin}, Doc. Math. 18, 707--747 (2013; Zbl 1278.18018) Full Text: arXiv EMIS
Dotsenko, Victor Two-point free energy distribution function in (1+1) directed polymers. (English) Zbl 1276.82067 J. Phys. A, Math. Theor. 46, No. 35, Article ID 355001, 10 p. (2013). MSC: 82D60 82B23 35Q41 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko}, J. Phys. A, Math. Theor. 46, No. 35, Article ID 355001, 10 p. (2013; Zbl 1276.82067) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Vladimir; Khoroshkin, Anton Shuffle algebras, homology, and consecutive pattern avoidance. (English) Zbl 1271.05101 Algebra Number Theory 7, No. 3, 673-700 (2013). MSC: 05E15 18G10 16E05 05A16 05A15 05A05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko} and \textit{A. Khoroshkin}, Algebra Number Theory 7, No. 3, 673--700 (2013; Zbl 1271.05101) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Vladimir; Shadrin, Sergey; Vallette, Bruno Givental group action on topological field theories and homotopy Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras. (English) Zbl 1294.14019 Adv. Math. 236, 224-256 (2013). Reviewer: Piotr Sulkowski (Amsterdam) MSC: 14N35 53D45 18D50 57R56 14F43 14H10 81T45 13N10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko} et al., Adv. Math. 236, 224--256 (2013; Zbl 1294.14019) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Victor; Klumov, Boris Free energy distribution function of a random Ising ferromagnet. (English) Zbl 1456.82014 J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2012, No. 5, Paper No. P05027, 12 p. (2012). MSC: 82B05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko} and \textit{B. Klumov}, J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2012, No. 5, Paper No. P05027, 12 p. (2012; Zbl 1456.82014) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Victor Bethe ansatz replica derivation of the GOE Tracy-Widom distribution in one-dimensional directed polymers with free endpoints. (English) Zbl 1456.82249 J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2012, No. 11, Paper No. P11014, 18 p. (2012). MSC: 82B23 82D60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko}, J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2012, No. 11, Paper No. P11014, 18 p. (2012; Zbl 1456.82249) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Vladimir S. Two more solutions for the parafermionic chiral algebra \(Z_3\) with the dimension of the principal parafermionic fields \(\psi(z)\), \(\psi^+(z)\), \(\Delta_{\psi}=8/3\). (English) Zbl 1262.81271 Nucl. Phys., B 864, No. 1, 203-225 (2012). MSC: 81V70 81S05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko}, Nucl. Phys., B 864, No. 1, 203--225 (2012; Zbl 1262.81271) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Vladimir S. Parafermionic chiral algebra \(Z_3\) with the dimension of the principal parafermion fields \(\psi(z)\), \(\psi^+(z)\), \(\Delta_{\psi}=8/3\). (English) Zbl 1246.81320 Nucl. Phys., B 863, No. 1, 130-212 (2012). MSC: 81T40 81S05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko}, Nucl. Phys., B 863, No. 1, 130--212 (2012; Zbl 1246.81320) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Victor; Klumov, Boris Bethe ansatz solution for one-dimensional directed polymers in random media. (English) Zbl 1456.82496 J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2010, No. 3, Paper No. P03022, 42 p. (2010). MSC: 82B44 82B10 82B23 82D60 15B52 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko} and \textit{B. Klumov}, J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2010, No. 3, Paper No. P03022, 42 p. (2010; Zbl 1456.82496) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, S. I. Johnson problem is flow shop with random processing time jobs. (Ukrainian. English summary) Zbl 1224.90074 Visn., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauky, Kyïv. Univ. Im. Tarasa Shevchenka 2010, No. 1, 65-72 (2010). MSC: 90B35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. I. Dotsenko}, Visn., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauky, Kyïv. Univ. Im. Tarasa Shevchenka 2010, No. 1, 65--72 (2010; Zbl 1224.90074)
Dotsenko, Vladimir; Khoroshkin, Anton Gröbner bases for operads. (English) Zbl 1208.18007 Duke Math. J. 153, No. 2, 363-396 (2010). Reviewer: Benoît Fresse (Villeneuve d’Ascq) MSC: 18D50 16S15 20B30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko} and \textit{A. Khoroshkin}, Duke Math. J. 153, No. 2, 363--396 (2010; Zbl 1208.18007) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Lutsenko, J. O.; Dotsenko, S. I. Matrix games with bounded strategy set. (Ukrainian. English summary) Zbl 1199.91005 Visn., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauky, Kyïv. Univ. Im. Tarasa Shevchenka 2009, No. 3, 138-145 (2009). MSC: 91A05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. O. Lutsenko} and \textit{S. I. Dotsenko}, Visn., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauky, Kyïv. Univ. Im. Tarasa Shevchenka 2009, No. 3, 138--145 (2009; Zbl 1199.91005)
Dotsenko, S. F.; Rubino, A. Nonlinear inertial oscillations of a multilayer eddy: an analytical solution. (English) Zbl 1171.76397 Izv., Atmos. Ocean. Phys. 44, No. 3, 358-363 (2008). MSC: 76F65 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. F. Dotsenko} and \textit{A. Rubino}, Izv., Atmos. Ocean. Phys. 44, No. 3, 358--363 (2008; Zbl 1171.76397) Full Text: DOI
Dotsenko, Vik S. On the nature of the phase transition in the three-dimensional random field Ising model. (English) Zbl 1456.82354 J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2007, No. 9, Paper No. P09005, 25 p. (2007). MSC: 82B26 82B20 82B44 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko}, J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2007, No. 9, Paper No. P09005, 25 p. (2007; Zbl 1456.82354) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, S. I.; Lutsenko, Ye. O. Optimal scheduling in tandem systems. (Ukrainian. English summary) Zbl 1164.68313 Visn., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauky, Kyïv. Univ. Im. Tarasa Shevchenka 2007, No. 3, 131-134 (2007). MSC: 68M20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. I. Dotsenko} and \textit{Ye. O. Lutsenko}, Visn., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauky, Kyïv. Univ. Im. Tarasa Shevchenka 2007, No. 3, 131--134 (2007; Zbl 1164.68313)
Bershtein, Mikhail; Dotsenko, Vladimir; Khoroshkin, Anton Quadratic algebras related to the bi-Hamiltonian operad. (English) Zbl 1149.18003 Int. Math. Res. Not. 2007, No. 24, Article ID rnm122, 30 p. (2007). Reviewer: Benoît Fresse (Villeneuve d’Ascq) MSC: 18D50 16S37 52B99 17B63 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Bershtein} et al., Int. Math. Res. Not. 2007, No. 24, Article ID rnm122, 30 p. (2007; Zbl 1149.18003) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, V. V.; Khoroshkin, A. S. Character formulas for the operad of two compatible brackets and for the bi-Hamiltonian operad. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1145.18001 Funct. Anal. Appl. 41, No. 1, 1-17 (2007); translation from Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 41, No. 1, 1-22 (2007). Reviewer: Li Guo (Newark) MSC: 18D50 20C30 05E25 06A11 37K10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. V. Dotsenko} and \textit{A. S. Khoroshkin}, Funct. Anal. Appl. 41, No. 1, 1--17 (2007; Zbl 1145.18001); translation from Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 41, No. 1, 1--22 (2007) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Vladimir S.; Estienne, Benoit Renormalization group flows for the second \(\mathbb Z_{n}\) parafermionic field theory for \(N\) odd. (English) Zbl 1117.82020 Nucl. Phys., B 775, No. 3, 341-364 (2007). MSC: 82B28 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko} and \textit{B. Estienne}, Nucl. Phys., B 775, No. 3, 341--364 (2007; Zbl 1117.82020) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Vladimir S.; Estienne, Benoit Renormalization group flows for the second \(Z_5\) parafermionic field theory. (English) Zbl 1248.81197 Phys. Lett., B 643, No. 6, 362-365 (2006). MSC: 81T40 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko} and \textit{B. Estienne}, Phys. Lett., B 643, No. 6, 362--365 (2006; Zbl 1248.81197) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Viktor S. Non-perturbative phenomena in the three-dimensional random field Ising model. (English) Zbl 1244.82025 J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2006, No. 6, Paper No. P06003, 18 p. (2006). MSC: 82B30 82B44 82D40 82B20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko}, J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2006, No. 6, Paper No. P06003, 18 p. (2006; Zbl 1244.82025) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Kharchenko, V. P.; Nagaev, S. V.; Kukush, A. G.; Knakovskaya, E. A.; Dotsenko, S. I. Determination of sample size in a rare event simulation method. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1100.65009 Cybern. Syst. Anal. 42, No. 1, 65-74 (2006); translation from Kibern. Sist. Anal. 2006, No. 1, 76-86 (2006). MSC: 65C50 60G35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. P. Kharchenko} et al., Cybern. Syst. Anal. 42, No. 1, 65--74 (2006; Zbl 1100.65009); translation from Kibern. Sist. Anal. 2006, No. 1, 76--86 (2006) Full Text: DOI
Dotsenko, Victor Griffiths singularity in the random Ising ferromagnet. (English) Zbl 1127.82029 J. Stat. Phys. 122, No. 2, 197-216 (2006). MSC: 82B44 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko}, J. Stat. Phys. 122, No. 2, 197--216 (2006; Zbl 1127.82029) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Vladimir S.; Santachiara, Raoul The third parafermionic chiral algebra with the symmetry \(Z_3\). (English) Zbl 1247.81171 Phys. Lett., B 611, No. 1-2, 189-192 (2005). MSC: 81R10 81T40 17B68 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko} and \textit{R. Santachiara}, Phys. Lett., B 611, No. 1--2, 189--192 (2005; Zbl 1247.81171) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Vladimir S.; Jacobsen, Jesper Lykke; Santachiara, Raoul Conformal field theories with \(Z_{N}\) and Lie algebra symmetries. (English) Zbl 1246.81321 Phys. Lett., B 584, No. 1-2, 186-191 (2004). MSC: 81T40 81R10 17B81 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko} et al., Phys. Lett., B 584, No. 1--2, 186--191 (2004; Zbl 1246.81321) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Dotsenko, Victor Infinite range interaction model of a structural glass. (English) Zbl 1052.82012 J. Stat. Phys. 115, No. 3-4, 823-837 (2004). MSC: 82B26 82D30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko}, J. Stat. Phys. 115, No. 3--4, 823--837 (2004; Zbl 1052.82012) Full Text: DOI
Dotsenko, Vladimir S.; Jacobsen, Jesper Lykke; Santachiara, Raoul Parafermionic theory with the symmetry \(Z_N\) for \(N\) even. (English) Zbl 1045.81520 Nucl. Phys., B 679, No. 3, 464-494 (2004). MSC: 81S05 81V70 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko} et al., Nucl. Phys., B 679, No. 3, 464--494 (2004; Zbl 1045.81520) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, S. F.; Rubino, A. Exact analytic solutions of the nonlinear long-wave equations in the case of axisymmetric fluid vibrations in a parabolic rotating vessel. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1066.76009 Fluid Dyn. 38, No. 2, 303-309 (2003); translation from Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Mekh. Zhidk. Gaza 2003, No. 2, 158-164 (2003). MSC: 76B15 76U05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. F. Dotsenko} and \textit{A. Rubino}, Fluid Dyn. 38, No. 2, 303--309 (2003; Zbl 1066.76009); translation from Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Mekh. Zhidk. Gaza 2003, No. 2, 158--164 (2003) Full Text: DOI
Dotsenko, Vladimir S.; Jacobsen, Jesper Lykke; Santachiara, Raoul Parafermionic theory with the symmetry \(\mathbb Z_N\), for \(N\) odd. (English) Zbl 1044.81660 Nucl. Phys., B 664, No. 3, 477-511 (2003). MSC: 81T05 81T40 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko} et al., Nucl. Phys., B 664, No. 3, 477--511 (2003; Zbl 1044.81660) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Vladimir S.; Jacobsen, Jesper Lykke; Santachiara, Raoul Parafermionic theory with the symmetry \(\mathbb{Z}_5\). (English) Zbl 1011.81066 Nucl. Phys., B 656, No. 3, 259-324 (2003). MSC: 81T40 81R05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko} et al., Nucl. Phys., B 656, No. 3, 259--324 (2003; Zbl 1011.81066) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, S. I. Probabilistic aspects of ”Spade queen” by Pushkin. (Ukrainian) Zbl 1224.91016 Sviti Mat. 8, No. 2, 81-84 (2002). MSC: 91A60 00A08 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. I. Dotsenko}, Sviti Mat. 8, No. 2, 81--84 (2002; Zbl 1224.91016)
Dotsenko, Sergij I.; Zakusylo, Oleg K. Correlation in queueing systems. (English) Zbl 1009.60077 Visn., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauky, Kyïv. Univ. Im. Tarasa Shevchenka 2002, No. 4, 172-178 (2002). MSC: 60K25 90B22 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. I. Dotsenko} and \textit{O. K. Zakusylo}, Visn., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauky, Kyïv. Univ. Im. Tarasa Shevchenka 2002, No. 4, 172--178 (2002; Zbl 1009.60077)
Dotsenko, Sergej I.; Zakusilo, Oleg K. On the comparison of sojourn time \((\text{M}|\text{G}|1|\infty)\) queueing system with FIFS, FILS and \(d_w\) disciplines. (English) Zbl 1004.60093 Visn., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauky, Kyïv. Univ. Im. Tarasa Shevchenka 2002, No. 1, 228-232 (2002). MSC: 60K25 90B22 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. I. Dotsenko} and \textit{O. K. Zakusilo}, Visn., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauky, Kyïv. Univ. Im. Tarasa Shevchenka 2002, No. 1, 228--232 (2002; Zbl 1004.60093)
Tarjus, Gilles; Dotsenko, Victor Is there a spin-glass phase in the random temperature Ising ferromagnet? (English) Zbl 0995.82038 J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 35, No. 7, 1627-1649 (2002). MSC: 82B44 82B26 82C26 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{G. Tarjus} and \textit{V. Dotsenko}, J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 35, No. 7, 1627--1649 (2002; Zbl 0995.82038) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Vladimir S.; Jacobsen, Jesper Lykke; Nguyen Xuan Son; Santachiara, Raoul Universality of coupled Potts models. (English) Zbl 0995.82005 Nucl. Phys., B 631, No. 3, 426-446 (2002). MSC: 82B20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko} et al., Nucl. Phys., B 631, No. 3, 426--446 (2002; Zbl 0995.82005) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Sergij I.; Zakusylo, Oleg K. On some type of priorities in \((\text{M}|\text{G}|1|\infty)\) queueing system. (Ukrainian. English summary) Zbl 1004.60033 Visn., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauky, Kyïv. Univ. Im. Tarasa Shevchenka 5, 44-49 (2001). Reviewer: A.D.Borisenko (Kyïv) MSC: 60G25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. I. Dotsenko} and \textit{O. K. Zakusylo}, Visn., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauky, Kyïv. Univ. Im. Tarasa Shevchenka 2001, No. 5, 44--49 (2001; Zbl 1004.60033)
Dotsenko, Vladimir S.; Jacobsen, Jesper Lykke; Picco, Marco Classification of conformal field theories based on Coulomb gases. Application to loop models. (English) Zbl 0992.81070 Nucl. Phys., B 618, No. 3, 523-550 (2001). MSC: 81T40 81V05 82B10 81R10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko} et al., Nucl. Phys., B 618, No. 3, 523--550 (2001; Zbl 0992.81070) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, V. S.; Nguyen, X. S.; Santachiara, R. Models WD\(_n\) in the presence of disorder and the coupled models. (English) Zbl 0972.81088 Nucl. Phys., B 613, No. 3, 445-471 (2001). MSC: 81T10 81T40 81T15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko} et al., Nucl. Phys., B 613, No. 3, 445--471 (2001; Zbl 0972.81088) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, S. F.; Shokin, Yu. I. Vortex generation in a continuously stratified rotating fluid in the case of displacement of a basin bottom region. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1150.76542 Vychisl. Tekhnol. 6, No. 1, 13-22 (2001). Reviewer: V. Grebenev (Novosibirsk) MSC: 76U05 76D50 76M22 86A15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. F. Dotsenko} and \textit{Yu. I. Shokin}, Vychisl. Tekhnol. 6, No. 1, 13--22 (2001; Zbl 1150.76542)
Dotsenko, Viktor Introduction to the replica theory of disordered statistical systems. (English) Zbl 0999.82001 Collection Aléa-Saclay: Monographs and Texts in Statistical Physics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xii, 220 p. (2001). Reviewer: A.Bovier (Berlin) MSC: 82-01 82B44 82C44 82D30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko}, Introduction to the replica theory of disordered statistical systems. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2001; Zbl 0999.82001) Full Text: DOI
Dotsenko, S. F. Generation of surface waves and vorticities due to displacements of the elliptical part of basin bottom. (Russian) Zbl 1079.76516 Prykl. Gidromekh. 2(74), No. 4, 24-31 (2000). Reviewer: I. T. Selezov (Kyïv) MSC: 76B15 76B47 76M22 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. F. Dotsenko}, Prykl. Gidromekh. 2(74), No. 4, 24--31 (2000; Zbl 1079.76516)
Dotsenko, Vik. S. Exact solution of the random bipartite matching model. (English) Zbl 0972.82044 J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 33, No. 10, 2015-2030 (2000). MSC: 82B31 05A05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Vik. S. Dotsenko}, J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 33, No. 10, 2015--2030 (2000; Zbl 0972.82044) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Vladimir; Jacobsen, Jesper Lykke; Lewis, Marc-André; Picco, Marco Coupled Potts models: self-duality and fixed point structure. (English) Zbl 1044.82516 Nucl. Phys., B 546, No. 3, 505-557 (1999). MSC: 82B20 82B27 82B80 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko} et al., Nucl. Phys., B 546, No. 3, 505--557 (1999; Zbl 1044.82516) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, S. F. Generation of geostrophic motions of an inhomogeneous fluid by surface pressure. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0962.76018 Fluid Dyn. 34, No. 1, 43-50 (1999); translation from Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Mekh. Zhidk. Gaza 1999, No. 1, 51-59 (1999). MSC: 76B70 76U05 86A05 86A10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. F. Dotsenko}, Fluid Dyn. 34, No. 1, 43--50 (1999; Zbl 0962.76018); translation from Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Mekh. Zhidk. Gaza 1999, No. 1, 51--59 (1999) Full Text: DOI
Dotsenko, Vik S. Griffiths singularities and the replica instantons in the random ferromagnet. (English) Zbl 0963.82024 J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 32, No. 16, 2949-2959 (1999). MSC: 82B44 82D40 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko}, J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 32, No. 16, 2949--2959 (1999; Zbl 0963.82024) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, V. S.; Dotsenko, Vl. S.; Picco, M. Random bond Potts model: the test of the replica symmetry breaking. (English) Zbl 0947.82007 Nucl. Phys., B 520, No. 3, 633-674 (1998). MSC: 82B44 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko} et al., Nucl. Phys., B 520, No. 3, 633--674 (1998; Zbl 0947.82007) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Korshunov, S. E.; Dotsenko, Vik S. Fluctuations of a one-dimensional directed polymer in a random potential with finite correlation radius. (English) Zbl 0939.82054 J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 31, No. 11, 2591-2601 (1998). MSC: 82D60 82D30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. E. Korshunov} and \textit{V. S. Dotsenko}, J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 31, No. 11, 2591--2601 (1998; Zbl 0939.82054) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Viktor; Mézard, Marc Vector breaking of replica symmetry in some low-temperature disordered systems. (English) Zbl 1042.82563 J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 30, No. 10, 3363-3382 (1997). MSC: 82B44 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko} and \textit{M. Mézard}, J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 30, No. 10, 3363--3382 (1997; Zbl 1042.82563) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Vladimir; Picco, Marco; Pujol, Pierre Correlation functions for the \(2\)D random bonds Potts models. (English) Zbl 0989.82505 Nucl. Phys., B, Proc. Suppl. 45A, 145-153 (1996). MSC: 82B20 82B28 82B44 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko} et al., Nucl. Phys., B, Proc. Suppl. 45A, 145--153 (1996; Zbl 0989.82505) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Zakusilo, O. K.; Dotsenko, S. I. The optimal allocation of servers on an interval. (English. Ukrainian original) Zbl 0923.60094 Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 55, 75-78 (1997); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 55, 73-76 (1996). Reviewer: Yu.V.Kozachenko (Kyïv) MSC: 60K25 68M20 90B22 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. K. Zakusilo} and \textit{S. I. Dotsenko}, Teor. Ĭmovirn. Mat. Stat. 55, 73--76 (1996; Zbl 0923.60094); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 55, 73--76 (1996)
Feldman, D. E.; Izyumov, A. V.; Dotsenko, Viktor Stability of the renormalization group in the 2D random Ising and Baxter models with respect to replica symmetry breaking. (English) Zbl 0904.60079 J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 29, No. 15, 4331-4336 (1996). MSC: 60K35 82B28 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. E. Feldman} et al., J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 29, No. 15, 4331--4336 (1996; Zbl 0904.60079) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, S. F. Surface wave generation in the process of finite deformation of the bottom of a basin. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0871.76011 Fluid Dyn. 31, No. 2, 290-295 (1996); translation from Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Mekh. Zhidk. Gaza 1996, No. 2, 151-156 (1996). MSC: 76B15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. F. Dotsenko}, Fluid Dyn. 31, No. 2, 290--295 (1996; Zbl 0871.76011); translation from Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Mekh. Zhidk. Gaza 1996, No. 2, 151--156 (1996) Full Text: DOI
Dotsenko, Vladimir S.; Picco, Marco; Windey, Paul; Harris, Geoffrey; Marinari, Enzo; Martinec, Emil The phenomenology of strings and clusters in the 3-d Ising model. (English) Zbl 0853.73061 Baulieu, Laurent (ed.) et al., Quantum field theory and string theory. Proceedings of a NATO advanced research workshop on new developments in string theory, conformal models, and topological field theory, in Cargèse, France, May 10-21, 1993. New York, NY: Plenum. NATO ASI Ser., Ser. B, Phys. 328, 99-117 (1995). MSC: 74A55 74M15 82B20 82B41 81T30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko} et al., NATO ASI Ser., Ser. B, Phys. 328, 99--117 (1995; Zbl 0853.73061) Full Text: arXiv
Baulieu, Laurent (ed.); Dotsenko, Vladimir (ed.); Kazakov, Vladimir (ed.); Windey, Paul (ed.) Quantum field theory and string theory. Proceedings of a NATO advanced research workshop on new developments in string theory, conformal models, and topological field theory, in Cargèse, France, May 10-21, 1993. (English) Zbl 0840.00053 NATO ASI Series. Series B. Physics. 328. New York, NY: Plenum. x, 420 p. (1995). MSC: 00B25 81-06 53Z05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L. Baulieu} (ed.) et al., Quantum field theory and string theory. Proceedings of a NATO advanced research workshop on new developments in string theory, conformal models, and topological field theory, in Cargèse, France, May 10-21, 1993. New York, NY: Plenum (1995; Zbl 0840.00053)
Dotsenko, Vladimir S.; Picco, Marco; Windey, Paul; Harris, Geoffrey; Martinec, Emil Self-avoiding surfaces in the \(3\)d Ising model. (English) Zbl 1009.82502 Nucl. Phys., B 448, No. 3, 577-620 (1995). MSC: 82B20 82-04 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko} et al., Nucl. Phys., B 448, No. 3, 577--620 (1995; Zbl 1009.82502) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, Viktor Physics of spin glasses and related problems. (English) Zbl 0962.82539 Mineev, Vladimir P. (ed.), The first Landau Institute summer school, Moscow, Russia, July 4-25, 1993. Selected proceedings. London: Gordon and Breach Publishers. 1-96 (1995). MSC: 82D30 82-01 82B44 82C32 92B20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko}, in: The first Landau Institute summer school, Moscow, Russia, July 4--25, 1993. Selected proceedings. London: Gordon and Breach Publishers. 1--96 (1995; Zbl 0962.82539)
Dotsenko, Viktor; Feldman, D. E. Replica symmetry breaking and the renormalization group theory of the weakly disordered ferromagnet. (English) Zbl 0868.60088 J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 28, No. 18, 5183-5206 (1995). MSC: 60K35 82B28 82B44 82D40 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko} and \textit{D. E. Feldman}, J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 28, No. 18, 5183--5206 (1995; Zbl 0868.60088) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dotsenko, V. S.; Feldman, D. E. Statistical mechanics of training in neural networks. (English) Zbl 1023.68651 J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 27, No. 21, L821-L827 (1994). MSC: 68T05 82C41 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko} and \textit{D. E. Feldman}, J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 27, No. 21, L821--L827 (1994; Zbl 1023.68651) Full Text: DOI
Fel’dman, D. E.; Dotsenko, V. S. Partially annealed neural networks. (English) Zbl 0842.68064 J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 27, No. 13, 4401-4411 (1994). MSC: 68T05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. E. Fel'dman} and \textit{V. S. Dotsenko}, J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 27, No. 13, 4401--4411 (1994; Zbl 0842.68064) Full Text: DOI
Dotsenko, Vik; Franz, S.; Mézard, M. Partial annealing and overfrustration in disordered systems. (English) Zbl 0838.58051 J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 27, No. 7, 2351-2365 (1994). MSC: 58Z05 82B44 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko} et al., J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 27, No. 7, 2351--2365 (1994; Zbl 0838.58051) Full Text: DOI Link
Dotsenko, Viktor An introduction to the theory of spin glasses and neural networks. (English) Zbl 0849.68100 World Scientific Lecture Notes in Physics 54. Singapore: World Scientific (ISBN 981-02-1873-7/hbk; 978-981-279-898-5/ebook). vii, 156 p. (1994). Reviewer: R.Der (Leipzig) MSC: 68T05 82C32 68-01 82-01 68T10 92B20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko}, An introduction to the theory of spin glasses and neural networks. Singapore: World Scientific (1994; Zbl 0849.68100) Full Text: DOI
Dotsenko, Viktor Griffiths singularities in the random-field Ising model. (English) Zbl 0827.60084 J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 27, No. 10, 3397-3402 (1994). MSC: 60K35 82B44 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Dotsenko}, J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 27, No. 10, 3397--3402 (1994; Zbl 0827.60084) Full Text: DOI
Dotsenko, Vladimir S. The operator algebra of the discrete state operators in 2D gravity with non-vanishing cosmological constant. (English) Zbl 0887.46045 Bonora, L. (ed.) et al., Integrable quantum field theories. Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Como, Italy, September 14-19, 1992. New York, NY: Plenum Press. NATO Advanced Study Institutes Series, Series B. 310, 69-81 (1993). Reviewer: V.Zagrebnov (Marseille) MSC: 46N50 81V17 46L60 83C55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Dotsenko}, in: Integrable quantum field theories. Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Como, Italy, September 14-19, 1992. New York, NY: Plenum Press. 69--81 (1993; Zbl 0887.46045)
Dotsenko, Vl. S. Remarks on the physical states and the chiral algebra of 2D gravity coupled to \(C\leq 1\) matter. (English) Zbl 0798.53072 Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 7, No. 20-21, 3531-3545 (1993). MSC: 53Z05 81R30 81T40 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Vl. S. Dotsenko}, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 7, No. 20--21, 3531--3545 (1993; Zbl 0798.53072) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Der, R.; Dotsenko, V. S.; Tirozzi, B. Modified pseudo-inverse neural networks storing correlated patterns. (English) Zbl 0753.92002 J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 25, No. 10, 2843-2857 (1992). MSC: 92B20 68T05 82C32 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. Der} et al., J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 25, No. 10, 2843--2857 (1992; Zbl 0753.92002) Full Text: DOI
Dotsenko, Vl. S. Correlation functions of local operators in 2D gravity coupled to minimal matter. (English) Zbl 1221.81140 Fröhlich, J. (ed.) et al., New symmetry principles in quantum field theory. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Cargèse, July 16–27, 1991. New York, NY: Plenum Press (ISBN 0-306-44240-X). NATO Advanced Science Institutes Series B: Physics, 295, 423-431 (1992). MSC: 81T40 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Vl. S. Dotsenko}, in: New symmetry principles in quantum field theory. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Cargèse, July 16--27, 1991. New York, NY: Plenum Press. 423--431 (1992; Zbl 1221.81140) Full Text: arXiv