
Found 280 Documents (Results 1–100)

Multivariate elliptically contoured linear models and some aspects of the theory of random matrices. (English) Zbl 0872.62061

Gupta, A. K. (ed.) et al., Multidimensional statistical analysis and theory of random matrices. Proceedings of the 6th Lukacs symposium, Bowling Green, OH, USA, March 29–30, 1996. Utrecht: VSP. 327-386 (1996).

Strong law for the eigenvalues of empirical covariance matrices. (English) Zbl 0879.60025

Gupta, A. K. (ed.) et al., Multidimensional statistical analysis and theory of random matrices. Proceedings of the 6th Eugene Lukacs symposium, Bowling Green, OH, USA, March 29–30, 1996. Utrecht: VSP. 61-92 (1996).
MSC:  60F15 15B52

Canonical equation for the resolvent of empirical covariance matrices pencil. (English) Zbl 0878.60017

Gupta, A. K. (ed.) et al., Multidimensional statistical analysis and theory of random matrices. Proceedings of the 6th Eugene Lukacs symposium, Bowling Green, OH, USA, March 29–30, 1996. Utrecht: VSP. 41-60 (1996).
MSC:  60E99

Multidimensional statistical analysis and theory of random matrices. Proceedings of the 6th Eugene Lukacs symposium, Bowling Green, OH, USA, March 29–30, 1996. (English) Zbl 0866.00051

Utrecht: VSP. xii, 386 p. (1996).
MSC:  00B25 60-06 15B52

Statistical analysis of observations of increasing dimension. Transl. from the Russian. (English) Zbl 0867.62047

Theory and Decision Library. Series B: Mathematical and Statistical Methods. 28. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. xxi, 286 p. Dfl. 185.00; £78.00; $ 120.00 (1995).

Canonical spectral equation for the eigenvalues of empirical covariance matrices. (English) Zbl 0843.60028

Grigelionis, B. (ed.) et al., Probability theory and mathematical statistics. Proceedings of the sixth Vilnius conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, June 28 - July 3, 1993. Utrecht: VSP. 313-336 (1994).

An asymptotically normal \(G\)-estimate for the Anderson-Fisher discriminant function. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0875.62267

J. Math. Sci., New York 70, No. 1, 1593-1595 (1994); translation from Vychisl. Prikl. Mat. 70, 128-132 (1990).
MSC:  62H30 62G20
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