Arman, Andrii; Bondarenko, Andriy; Prymak, Andriy; Radchenko, Danylo Upper bounds on chromatic number of \(\mathbb{E}^n\) in low dimensions. (English) Zbl 07882956 Electron. J. Comb. 31, No. 2, Research Paper P2.35, 20 p. (2024). MSC: 05C15 11H31 05B40 52C17 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Arman} et al., Electron. J. Comb. 31, No. 2, Research Paper P2.35, 20 p. (2024; Zbl 07882956) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Berghaus, David; Georgiev, Bogdan; Monien, Hartmut; Radchenko, Danylo On Dirichlet eigenvalues of regular polygons. (English) Zbl 07867909 J. Math. Anal. Appl. 538, No. 2, Article ID 128460, 17 p. (2024). Reviewer: Sami Omar (Sukhair) MSC: 11G55 11M32 35P15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Berghaus} et al., J. Math. Anal. Appl. 538, No. 2, Article ID 128460, 17 p. (2024; Zbl 07867909) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Radchenko, Vadym The Burgers-type equation driven by a stochastic measure. (English) Zbl 07854701 Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 110, 185-199 (2024). MSC: 60A10 60H15 60G57 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Radchenko}, Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 110, 185--199 (2024; Zbl 07854701) Full Text: DOI
Berghaus, David; Jones, Robert Stephen; Monien, Hartmut; Radchenko, Danylo Computation of Laplacian eigenvalues of two-dimensional shapes with dihedral symmetry. (English) Zbl 07845583 Adv. Comput. Math. 50, No. 3, Paper No. 38, 28 p. (2024). MSC: 65N25 65N35 11M32 35P20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Berghaus} et al., Adv. Comput. Math. 50, No. 3, Paper No. 38, 28 p. (2024; Zbl 07845583) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Charlton, Steven; Gangl, Herbert; Radchenko, Danylo; Rudenko, Daniil On the Goncharov depth conjecture and polylogarithms of depth two. (English) Zbl 07815186 Sel. Math., New Ser. 30, No. 2, Paper No. 27, 7 p. (2024). MSC: 11G55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Charlton} et al., Sel. Math., New Ser. 30, No. 2, Paper No. 27, 7 p. (2024; Zbl 07815186) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Berghaus, David; Monien, Hartmut; Radchenko, Danylo On the computation of modular forms on noncongruence subgroups. (English) Zbl 07810338 Math. Comput. 93, No. 347, 1399-1425 (2024). Reviewer: İlker İnam (Bilecik) MSC: 11F30 65Q20 65F10 11F11 65Y20 11G32 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Berghaus} et al., Math. Comput. 93, No. 347, 1399--1425 (2024; Zbl 07810338) Full Text: DOI arXiv Link
Böröczky, Károly J.; Radchenko, Danylo; Ramos, João P. G. A quantitative stability result for the sphere packing problem in dimensions 8 and 24. (English) Zbl 07810140 J. Reine Angew. Math. 808, 241-270 (2024). Reviewer: Lienhard Wimmer (Isny) MSC: 52C17 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{K. J. Böröczky} et al., J. Reine Angew. Math. 808, 241--270 (2024; Zbl 07810140) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Radchenko, Vadym Regularity of paths of stochastic measures. arXiv:2409.06497 Preprint, arXiv:2409.06497 [math.PR] (2024). MSC: 60G17 60H05 BibTeX Cite \textit{V. Radchenko}, ``Regularity of paths of stochastic measures'', Preprint, arXiv:2409.06497 [math.PR] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Radchenko, Vadym The Burgers equation driven by a stochastic measure. arXiv:2407.15434 Preprint, arXiv:2407.15434 [math.PR] (2024). MSC: 60H15 60G57 BibTeX Cite \textit{V. Radchenko}, ``The Burgers equation driven by a stochastic measure'', Preprint, arXiv:2407.15434 [math.PR] (2024) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Radchenko, Vadym Transport equation driven by a stochastic measure. arXiv:2407.15232 Preprint, arXiv:2407.15232 [math.PR] (2024). MSC: 60H15 60G57 BibTeX Cite \textit{V. Radchenko}, ``Transport equation driven by a stochastic measure'', Preprint, arXiv:2407.15232 [math.PR] (2024) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Manikin, Boris; Radchenko, Vadym Sample path properties of multidimensional integral with respect to stochastic measure. arXiv:2401.06425 Preprint, arXiv:2401.06425 [math.PR] (2024). MSC: 60H05 60G60 60G17 BibTeX Cite \textit{B. Manikin} and \textit{V. Radchenko}, ``Sample path properties of multidimensional integral with respect to stochastic measure'', Preprint, arXiv:2401.06425 [math.PR] (2024) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Radchenko, Vladimir Pavlovich; Shishkin, Dmitriĭ Mikhaĭlovich; Saushkin, Mikhail Nikolaevich Numerical solution of the problem of stress-strain state of a surface-hardened prismatic V-notched specimen in elastic and elastoplastic formulations. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 07815845 Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 27, No. 3, 491-508 (2023). MSC: 74A10 74D10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. P. Radchenko} et al., Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 27, No. 3, 491--508 (2023; Zbl 07815845) Full Text: DOI MNR OA License
Radchenko, Vladimir Pavlovich; Berbasova, Tat’yana Igorevna; Saushkin, Mikhail Nikolaevich; Akinfieva, Mariya Mikhaĭlovna Relaxation of residual stresses in surface-hardened rotating prismatic elements of structures under creep conditions. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 07804602 Izv. Sarat. Univ. (N.S.), Ser. Mat. Mekh. Inform. 23, No. 4, 512-530 (2023). MSC: 74K10 74K30 74C05 74F05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. P. Radchenko} et al., Izv. Sarat. Univ. (N.S.), Ser. Mat. Mekh. Inform. 23, No. 4, 512--530 (2023; Zbl 07804602) Full Text: DOI MNR OA License
Radchenko, Vladimir Pavlovich; Afanas’eva, Elena Andreevna; Saushkin, Mikhail Nikolaevich Predicting high-temperature rheological deformation and long-term strength of a viscoplastic material using a leader sample. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1538.74147 Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 27, No. 2, 292-308 (2023). MSC: 74S60 74C10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. P. Radchenko} et al., Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 27, No. 2, 292--308 (2023; Zbl 1538.74147) Full Text: DOI MNR OA License
Radchenko, Vladimir Pavlovich; Saushkin, Mikhail Nikolaevich To the 70th anniversary of Professor Leonid A. Saraev. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1538.01021 Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 27, No. 2, 207-213 (2023). MSC: 01A70 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. P. Radchenko} and \textit{M. N. Saushkin}, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 27, No. 2, 207--213 (2023; Zbl 1538.01021) Full Text: DOI MNR OA License
Radchenko, Vadym Averaging principle for the wave equation driven by a stochastic measure. (English) Zbl 1523.60114 Stat. Probab. Lett. 201, Article ID 109888, 7 p. (2023). MSC: 60H15 60G57 35R60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Radchenko}, Stat. Probab. Lett. 201, Article ID 109888, 7 p. (2023; Zbl 1523.60114) Full Text: DOI OA License
Radchenko, Vadym The Burgers equation driven by a stochastic measure. (English) Zbl 1523.60113 Mod. Stoch., Theory Appl. 10, No. 3, 229-246 (2023). Reviewer: Feng-Yu Wang (Tianjin) MSC: 60H15 60G57 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Radchenko}, Mod. Stoch., Theory Appl. 10, No. 3, 229--246 (2023; Zbl 1523.60113) Full Text: DOI
Radchenko, Vadym Transport equation driven by a stochastic measure. (English) Zbl 1519.60059 Mod. Stoch., Theory Appl. 10, No. 2, 197-209 (2023). Reviewer: Denis R. Bell (Jacksonville) MSC: 60H15 60G57 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Radchenko}, Mod. Stoch., Theory Appl. 10, No. 2, 197--209 (2023; Zbl 1519.60059) Full Text: DOI
Bondarenko, Andriy; Radchenko, Danylo; Seip, Kristian Fourier interpolation with zeros of zeta and \(L\)-functions. (English) Zbl 1528.11076 Constr. Approx. 57, No. 2, 405-461 (2023). Reviewer: Devendra Kumar (Al-Baha) MSC: 11M06 42A38 41A05 11F37 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Bondarenko} et al., Constr. Approx. 57, No. 2, 405--461 (2023; Zbl 1528.11076) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Charlton, Steven; Gangl, Herbert; Radchenko, Danylo Functional equations of polygonal type for multiple polylogarithms in weights \(5, 6\) and \(7\). (English) Zbl 1533.11127 Pure Appl. Math. Q. 19, No. 1, 85-93 (2023). MSC: 11G55 33E20 39B32 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Charlton} et al., Pure Appl. Math. Q. 19, No. 1, 85--93 (2023; Zbl 1533.11127) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Radchenko, Danylo; Zagier, Don Arithmetic properties of the Herglotz function. (English) Zbl 1525.11095 J. Reine Angew. Math. 797, 229-253 (2023). Reviewer: Roma Kačinskaitė (Vilnius) MSC: 11M41 11F67 11F20 11F25 11R11 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Radchenko} and \textit{D. Zagier}, J. Reine Angew. Math. 797, 229--253 (2023; Zbl 1525.11095) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Bondarenko, Andriy; Prymak, Andriy; Radchenko, Danylo Spherical coverings and X-raying convex bodies of constant width. (English) Zbl 1512.52022 Can. Math. Bull. 65, No. 4, 860-866 (2022). MSC: 52C17 52A20 52A40 52C35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Bondarenko} et al., Can. Math. Bull. 65, No. 4, 860--866 (2022; Zbl 1512.52022) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Radchenko, V. P.; Tsvetkov, V. V.; Saushkin, M. N. Method for calculating relaxation of residual stresses in a surface-hardened rotating rod under creep conditions with constraints on linear and angular displacements. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1519.74042 Mech. Solids 57, No. 2, 254-262 (2022); translation from Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Mekh. Tverd. Tela 2022, No. 2, 61-71 (2022). MSC: 74K10 74C05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. P. Radchenko} et al., Mech. Solids 57, No. 2, 254--262 (2022; Zbl 1519.74042); translation from Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Mekh. Tverd. Tela 2022, No. 2, 61--71 (2022) Full Text: DOI
Radchenko, Vladimir Pavlovich; Afanas’eva, Elena Andreevna Prediction of individual deformation characteristics of structural elements by a “leader” product. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1513.74157 Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 26, No. 3, 500-519 (2022). MSC: 74S60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. P. Radchenko} and \textit{E. A. Afanas'eva}, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 26, No. 3, 500--519 (2022; Zbl 1513.74157) Full Text: DOI MNR OA License
Radchenko, Vadym M. General stochastic measures. Integration, path properties and equations. (English) Zbl 07632446 Mathematics and Statistics Series. London: ISTE; Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons (ISBN 978-1-78630-828-3/hbk; 978-1-394-16393-9/ebook). xiii, 242 p. (2022). MSC: 60-01 60Bxx 28-01 60Hxx PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. M. Radchenko}, General stochastic measures. Integration, path properties and equations. London: ISTE; Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley \& Sons (2022; Zbl 07632446) Full Text: DOI
Cohn, Henry; Kumar, Abhinav; Miller, Stephen; Radchenko, Danylo; Viazovska, Maryna Universal optimality of the \(E_8\) and Leech lattices and interpolation formulas. (English) Zbl 1509.11061 Ann. Math. (2) 196, No. 3, 983-1082 (2022). Reviewer: Matthew C. Lettington (Cardiff) MSC: 11H31 11F11 11E45 31C20 52C17 82B05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. Cohn} et al., Ann. Math. (2) 196, No. 3, 983--1082 (2022; Zbl 1509.11061) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Bykov, Dmitriĭ Evgen’evich; Nenashev, Maksim Vladimirovich; Radchenko, Vladimir Pavlovich On the 60th anniversary of Professor Yuriĭ Nikolaevich Radaev. (Russian) Zbl 1503.01039 Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 26, No. 2, 207-221 (2022). MSC: 01A70 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. E. Bykov} et al., Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 26, No. 2, 207--221 (2022; Zbl 1503.01039) Full Text: DOI MNR OA License
Radchenko, Danylo; Stoller, Martin Fourier non-uniqueness sets from totally real number fields. (English) Zbl 1497.11259 Comment. Math. Helv. 97, No. 3, 513-553 (2022). MSC: 11R04 11F03 11F11 11H06 22E40 42B10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Radchenko} and \textit{M. Stoller}, Comment. Math. Helv. 97, No. 3, 513--553 (2022; Zbl 1497.11259) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Radchenko, Vladimir Pavlovich; Liberman, Aleksandr Evgen’evich; Blokhin, Oleg Leonidovich Relaxation of residual stresses in a surface-hardened rotating cylinder under creep conditions. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1499.74010 Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 26, No. 1, 119-139 (2022). MSC: 74A10 74D10 74F05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. P. Radchenko} et al., Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 26, No. 1, 119--139 (2022; Zbl 1499.74010) Full Text: DOI MNR OA License
Grigoriev, Dima; Radchenko, Danylo On a tropical version of the Jacobian conjecture. (English) Zbl 1471.14128 J. Symb. Comput. 109, 399-403 (2022). MSC: 14T20 14R15 26B40 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Grigoriev} and \textit{D. Radchenko}, J. Symb. Comput. 109, 399--403 (2022; Zbl 1471.14128) Full Text: DOI arXiv Link
Radchenko, Danylo; Rodriguez Villegas, Fernando Independence polynomials and hypergeometric series. (English) Zbl 1531.33027 Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 53, No. 6, 1834-1848 (2021). MSC: 33C65 33C70 11B39 05C31 05A10 05A19 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Radchenko} and \textit{F. Rodriguez Villegas}, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 53, No. 6, 1834--1848 (2021; Zbl 1531.33027) Full Text: DOI arXiv Link
Radchenko, V. P.; Berbasova, T. I.; Shishkin, D. M. Relaxation of residual stresses in a surface-hardened prismatic sample subjected to biaxial loading under creep conditions. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1491.74010 J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys. 62, No. 5, 861-869 (2021); translation from Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz. 62, No. 5, 184-194 (2021). MSC: 74C05 74F05 74S99 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. P. Radchenko} et al., J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys. 62, No. 5, 861--869 (2021; Zbl 1491.74010); translation from Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz. 62, No. 5, 184--194 (2021) Full Text: DOI
Manikin, B. I.; Radchenko, V. M. Approximation of solution of the cable equation driven by a stochastic measure. (English) Zbl 1486.60080 Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 104, 103-112 (2021). Reviewer: Anhui Gu (Chongqing) MSC: 60H15 60G57 60H05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. I. Manikin} and \textit{V. M. Radchenko}, Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 104, 103--112 (2021; Zbl 1486.60080) Full Text: DOI
Charlton, Steven; Gangl, Herbert; Radchenko, Danylo On functional equations for Nielsen polylogarithms. (English) Zbl 1471.11205 Commun. Number Theory Phys. 15, No. 2, 363-454 (2021). MSC: 11G55 33E20 39B32 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Charlton} et al., Commun. Number Theory Phys. 15, No. 2, 363--454 (2021; Zbl 1471.11205) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Radchenko, Danylo Unit distance graphs and algebraic integers. (English) Zbl 1472.52023 Discrete Comput. Geom. 66, No. 1, 269-272 (2021). Reviewer: László A. Székely (Columbia) MSC: 52C10 11R06 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Radchenko}, Discrete Comput. Geom. 66, No. 1, 269--272 (2021; Zbl 1472.52023) Full Text: DOI arXiv Link
Manikin, B. I.; Radchenko, V. M. Approximation of the solution to the parabolic equation driven by stochastic measure. (English) Zbl 1465.60060 Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 102, 145-156 (2020). Reviewer: Feng-Yu Wang (Swansea) MSC: 60H15 60G57 60H05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. I. Manikin} and \textit{V. M. Radchenko}, Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 102, 145--156 (2020; Zbl 1465.60060) Full Text: DOI
Radchenko, Vladimir Pavlovich; Shishkin, Dmitriĭ Mikhaĭlovich The influence of the dimensions of the surface hardening region on the stress-strain state of a beam with a notch of a semicircular profile. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1463.74011 Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 24, No. 4, 663-676 (2020). MSC: 74A10 74D10 74K10 74F05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. P. Radchenko} and \textit{D. M. Shishkin}, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 24, No. 4, 663--676 (2020; Zbl 1463.74011) Full Text: DOI MNR OA License
Bodnarchuk, I. M.; Radchenko, V. M. The equation for vibrations of a fixed string driven by a general stochastic measure. (English. Ukrainian original) Zbl 1508.60064 Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 101, 1-11 (2020); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 101, 5-14 (2019). MSC: 60H15 60G17 60G57 60B10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. M. Bodnarchuk} and \textit{V. M. Radchenko}, Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 101, 1--11 (2020; Zbl 1508.60064); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 101, 5--14 (2019) Full Text: DOI
Radchenko, V. P.; Tsvetkov, V. V.; Saushkin, M. N. Residual stress relaxation in a hardened cylinder under creep, loaded by an axial force, torque, and internal pressure. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1451.74024 J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys. 61, No. 4, 583-592 (2020); translation from Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz. 61, No. 4, 96-107 (2020). MSC: 74A10 74G10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. P. Radchenko} et al., J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys. 61, No. 4, 583--592 (2020; Zbl 1451.74024); translation from Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz. 61, No. 4, 96--107 (2020) Full Text: DOI
Bodnarchuk, I. M.; Radchenko, V. M. The wave equation in the three-dimensional space driven by a general stochastic measure. (English. Ukrainian original) Zbl 1446.60042 Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 100, 43-60 (2020); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 100, 43-59 (2019). Reviewer: Yuliya S. Mishura (Kyïv) MSC: 60H15 60G17 60G57 35L05 35R60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. M. Bodnarchuk} and \textit{V. M. Radchenko}, Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 100, 43--60 (2020; Zbl 1446.60042); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 100, 43--59 (2019) Full Text: DOI
Radchenko, V. M. Averaging principle for equation driven by a stochastic measure. (English) Zbl 1498.35642 Stochastics 91, No. 6, 905-915 (2019). MSC: 35R60 60H15 37H10 60G57 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. M. Radchenko}, Stochastics 91, No. 6, 905--915 (2019; Zbl 1498.35642) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Moskalik, A. D.; Radchenko, V. P. Analytical solution to the boundary value problem of steady creep of a nonaxisymmetric thick-walled tube under the action of internal pressure. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1457.74130 Mech. Solids 54, No. 5, 807-818 (2019); translation from Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 83, No. 1, 144-157 (2019). MSC: 74K25 74G10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. D. Moskalik} and \textit{V. P. Radchenko}, Mech. Solids 54, No. 5, 807--818 (2019; Zbl 1457.74130); translation from Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 83, No. 1, 144--157 (2019) Full Text: DOI
Radchenko, V. M.; Stefans’ka, N. O. Approximation of solutions of the wave equation driven by a stochastic measure. (English. Ukrainian original) Zbl 1431.60063 Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 99, 229-238 (2019); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 99, 203-211 (2018). MSC: 60H15 60H05 60G57 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. M. Radchenko} and \textit{N. O. Stefans'ka}, Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 99, 229--238 (2019; Zbl 1431.60063); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 99, 203--211 (2018) Full Text: DOI
Radchenko, Vladimir Pavlovich; Derevyanka, Ekaterina Evgen’evna The effect of elevated temperature and tensile force loading on the relaxation of residual stresses in surface-hardened elements of the rod structure under creep conditions. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1449.74005 Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 23, No. 3, 497-524 (2019). MSC: 74A10 74D10 74K10 74R20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. P. Radchenko} and \textit{E. E. Derevyanka}, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 23, No. 3, 497--524 (2019; Zbl 1449.74005) Full Text: DOI MNR OA License
Bodnarchuk, I. M.; Radchenko, V. M. Wave equation in the plane driven by a general stochastic measure. (English. Ukrainian original) Zbl 1447.60089 Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 98, 73-90 (2019); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 98, 70-86 (2018). MSC: 60H15 60G17 60G57 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. M. Bodnarchuk} and \textit{V. M. Radchenko}, Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 98, 73--90 (2019; Zbl 1447.60089); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 98, 70--86 (2018) Full Text: DOI
Radchenko, Danylo; Viazovska, Maryna Fourier interpolation on the real line. (English) Zbl 1455.11075 Publ. Math., Inst. Hautes Étud. Sci. 129, 51-81 (2019). Reviewer: Adhemar Bultheel (Leuven) MSC: 11F37 11F03 11F11 42A10 46A11 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Radchenko} and \textit{M. Viazovska}, Publ. Math., Inst. Hautes Étud. Sci. 129, 51--81 (2019; Zbl 1455.11075) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Radchenko, Vadym Averaging principle for the heat equation driven by a general stochastic measure. (English) Zbl 1418.60085 Stat. Probab. Lett. 146, 224-230 (2019). MSC: 60H15 60G57 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Radchenko}, Stat. Probab. Lett. 146, 224--230 (2019; Zbl 1418.60085) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Radchenko, Vadym; Stefans’ka, Nelia Approximation of solutions of the stochastic wave equation by using the Fourier series. (English) Zbl 1433.60062 Mod. Stoch., Theory Appl. 5, No. 4, 429-444 (2018). MSC: 60H15 60G57 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Radchenko} and \textit{N. Stefans'ka}, Mod. Stoch., Theory Appl. 5, No. 4, 429--444 (2018; Zbl 1433.60062) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Radchenko, Danylo; Rodriguez Villegas, Fernando Goursat rigid local systems of rank four. (English) Zbl 1420.14020 Res. Math. Sci. 5, No. 4, Paper No. 38, 34 p. (2018). Reviewer: Vladimir P. Kostov (Nice) MSC: 14D05 14H60 11F55 14D20 33E30 34M35 34M55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Radchenko} and \textit{F. Rodriguez Villegas}, Res. Math. Sci. 5, No. 4, Paper No. 38, 34 p. (2018; Zbl 1420.14020) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Radchenko, Vladimir Pavlovich; Derevyanka, Ekaterina Evgen’evna Mathematical modeling of creep and residual stresses relaxation in surface hardened elements of statically indefinable rod systems. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1424.74003 Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 22, No. 4, 647-668 (2018). MSC: 74A10 74D10 74K10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. P. Radchenko} and \textit{E. E. Derevyanka}, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 22, No. 4, 647--668 (2018; Zbl 1424.74003) Full Text: DOI MNR OA License
Radchenko, V. P.; Saushkin, M. N. In memory of Professor Oleg Aleksandrovich Repin. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1424.01020 Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 22, No. 3, 401-406 (2018). MSC: 01A70 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. P. Radchenko} and \textit{M. N. Saushkin}, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 22, No. 3, 401--406 (2018; Zbl 1424.01020) Full Text: DOI MNR OA License
Andreev, A. A.; Radchenko, V. P.; Kozlova, E. A. To the 70th anniversary of Professor Aleksandr Pavlovich Soldatov. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1424.01012 Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 22, No. 1, 15-22 (2018). MSC: 01A70 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. A. Andreev} et al., Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 22, No. 1, 15--22 (2018; Zbl 1424.01012) Full Text: DOI MNR OA License
Andreev, A. A.; Radchenko, V. P.; Kozlova, E. A. To the 75th anniversary of Professor Evgeniĭ Vladimirovich Radkevich. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1424.01011 Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 22, No. 1, 7-14 (2018). MSC: 01A70 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. A. Andreev} et al., Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 22, No. 1, 7--14 (2018; Zbl 1424.01011) Full Text: DOI MNR OA License
Vertsimakha, O. O.; Radchenko, V. M. Mild solution of the parabolic equation driven by a \(\sigma \)-finite stochastic measure. (English. Ukrainian original) Zbl 1409.60099 Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 97, 17-32 (2018); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 97, 24-37 (2017). MSC: 60H15 60G57 60G17 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. O. Vertsimakha} and \textit{V. M. Radchenko}, Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 97, 17--32 (2018; Zbl 1409.60099); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 97, 24--37 (2017) Full Text: DOI
Tchernykh, Andrei; Babenko, Mikhail; Chervyakov, Nikolay; Miranda-López, Vanessa; Kuchukov, Viktor; Cortés-Mendoza, Jorge M.; Deryabin, Maxim; Kucherov, Nikolay; Radchenko, Gleb; Avetisyan, Arutyun AC-RRNS: anti-collusion secured data sharing scheme for cloud storage. (English) Zbl 1448.94249 Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 102, 60-73 (2018). MSC: 94A62 68M11 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Tchernykh} et al., Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 102, 60--73 (2018; Zbl 1448.94249) Full Text: DOI
Bondarenko, Andriy; Mellit, Anton; Prymak, Andriy; Radchenko, Danylo; Viazovska, Maryna There is no strongly regular graph with parameters \((460, 153, 32, 60)\). (English) Zbl 1409.05219 Dick, Josef (ed.) et al., Contemporary computational mathematics – a celebration of the 80th birthday of Ian Sloan. In 2 volumes. Cham: Springer. 131-134 (2018). Reviewer: Dean Crnković (Rijeka) MSC: 05E30 05B25 05B30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Bondarenko} et al., in: Contemporary computational mathematics -- a celebration of the 80th birthday of Ian Sloan. In 2 volumes. Cham: Springer. 131--134 (2018; Zbl 1409.05219) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Radchenko, V. M. Fourier series expansion of stochastic measures. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1414.60037 Theory Probab. Appl. 63, No. 2, 318-326 (2018); translation from Teor. Veroyatn. Primen. 63, No. 2, 389-401 (2018). MSC: 60G57 46G10 60H05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. M. Radchenko}, Theory Probab. Appl. 63, No. 2, 318--326 (2018; Zbl 1414.60037); translation from Teor. Veroyatn. Primen. 63, No. 2, 389--401 (2018) Full Text: DOI
Radchenko, V. M.; Stefans’ka, N. O. Fourier series and Fourier-Haar series for stochastic measures. (English. Ukrainian original) Zbl 1402.60061 Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 96, 159-167 (2018); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 96, 155-162 (2016). MSC: 60G57 60H15 60H05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. M. Radchenko} and \textit{N. O. Stefans'ka}, Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 96, 159--167 (2018; Zbl 1402.60061); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 96, 155--162 (2016) Full Text: DOI
Radaev, Yu. N.; Radchenko, V. P. To the 60th anniversary of Professor Aleksandr Vladimirovich Manzhirov. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1413.01020 Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 21, No. 3, 401-416 (2017). MSC: 01A70 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Yu. N. Radaev} and \textit{V. P. Radchenko}, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 21, No. 3, 401--416 (2017; Zbl 1413.01020) Full Text: DOI MNR OA License
Radchenko, V. M.; Stefans’ka, N. O. Fourier transform of general stochastic measures. (English. Ukrainian original) Zbl 1371.60090 Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 94, 151-158 (2017); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 94, 143-149 (2016). MSC: 60G57 60H05 60H15 42B10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. M. Radchenko} and \textit{N. O. Stefans'ka}, Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 94, 151--158 (2017; Zbl 1371.60090); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 94, 143--149 (2016) Full Text: DOI
Bondarenko, A. V.; Prymak, A.; Radchenko, D. Non-existence of (76,30,8,14) strongly regular graph. (English) Zbl 1365.05120 Linear Algebra Appl. 527, 53-72 (2017). MSC: 05C25 05C50 52C99 41A55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. V. Bondarenko} et al., Linear Algebra Appl. 527, 53--72 (2017; Zbl 1365.05120) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Cohn, Henry; Kumar, Abhinav; Miller, Stephen D.; Radchenko, Danylo; Viazovska, Maryna The sphere packing problem in dimension \(24\). (English) Zbl 1370.52037 Ann. Math. (2) 185, No. 3, 1017-1033 (2017). Reviewer: Anton Shutov (Vladimir) MSC: 52C17 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. Cohn} et al., Ann. Math. (2) 185, No. 3, 1017--1033 (2017; Zbl 1370.52037) Full Text: DOI arXiv Backlinks: MO
Kravtsov, K. S.; Kulik, S. P.; Radchenko, I. V. Quantum random number generator. (English) Zbl 1476.81025 Mat. Vopr. Kriptografii 7, No. 2, 111-114 (2016). MSC: 81P68 81P94 94A60 65C10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{K. S. Kravtsov} et al., Mat. Vopr. Kriptografii 7, No. 2, 111--114 (2016; Zbl 1476.81025) Full Text: DOI MNR
Radaev, Yuriĭ Nikolaevich; Radchenko, Vladimir Pavlovich Professor Dyuis Danilovich Ivlev. Dedication to his 85th birtday. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1413.01021 Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 20, No. 2, 197-219 (2016). MSC: 01A70 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. N. Radaev} and \textit{V. P. Radchenko}, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 20, No. 2, 197--219 (2016; Zbl 1413.01021) Full Text: DOI MNR OA License
Ogorodnikov, Evgeniĭ Nikolaevich; Radchenko, Vladimir Pavlovich; Ungarova, Luiza Gadil’evna Mathematical modeling of hereditary elastically deformable body on the basis of structural models and fractional integro-differentiation Riemann-Liouville apparatus. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1413.74029 Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 20, No. 1, 167-194 (2016). MSC: 74D10 26A33 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. N. Ogorodnikov} et al., Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 20, No. 1, 167--194 (2016; Zbl 1413.74029) Full Text: DOI MNR OA License
Radchenko, V. P.; Saushkin, M. N.; Tsvetkov, V. V. Effect of thermal exposure on the residual stress relaxation in a hardened cylindrical sample under creep conditions. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1433.74041 J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys. 57, No. 3, 559-568 (2016); translation from Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz. 57, No. 3, 196-207 (2016). MSC: 74F05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. P. Radchenko} et al., J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys. 57, No. 3, 559--568 (2016; Zbl 1433.74041); translation from Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz. 57, No. 3, 196--207 (2016) Full Text: DOI
Radchenko, Vadym Stratonovich-type integral with respect to a general stochastic measure. (English) Zbl 1352.60075 Stochastics 88, No. 7, 1060-1072 (2016). MSC: 60H05 60G57 60H10 60G17 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Radchenko}, Stochastics 88, No. 7, 1060--1072 (2016; Zbl 1352.60075) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Lavrov, Peter M.; Radchenko, Olga V. Once again on the Gribov horizon. (English) Zbl 1337.81089 Mod. Phys. Lett. A 30, No. 40, Article ID 1550215, 6 p. (2015). MSC: 81T13 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. M. Lavrov} and \textit{O. V. Radchenko}, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 30, No. 40, Article ID 1550215, 6 p. (2015; Zbl 1337.81089) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Radchenko, V. M. Integral equations with respect to a general stochastic measure. (English. Ukrainian original) Zbl 1333.60146 Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 91, 169-179 (2015); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 91, 154-163 (2014). MSC: 60H20 60H05 60G57 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. M. Radchenko}, Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 91, 169--179 (2015; Zbl 1333.60146); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 91, 154--163 (2014) Full Text: DOI
Radchenko, V. M. Evolution equations driven by general stochastic measures in Hilbert space. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1315.60004 Theory Probab. Appl. 59, No. 2, 328-339 (2015); translation from Teor. Veroyatn. Primen. 59, No. 2, 375-386 (2014). MSC: 60B11 60H05 47D06 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. M. Radchenko}, Theory Probab. Appl. 59, No. 2, 328--339 (2015; Zbl 1315.60004); translation from Teor. Veroyatn. Primen. 59, No. 2, 375--386 (2014) Full Text: DOI
Bondarenko, Andriy; Radchenko, Danylo; Viazovska, Maryna Well-separated spherical designs. (English) Zbl 1314.52020 Constr. Approx. 41, No. 1, 93-112 (2015). Reviewer: Kelly J. Pearson (Murray) MSC: 52C35 41A55 41A05 41A63 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Bondarenko} et al., Constr. Approx. 41, No. 1, 93--112 (2015; Zbl 1314.52020) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Radchenko, V. P.; Moskalik, A. D.; Adeyanov, I. E. Comparative analysis of the approximate analytical and finite element solutions for misaligned tube. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1413.74032 Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 2014, No. 3(36), 79-93 (2014). MSC: 74D10 74G10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. P. Radchenko} et al., Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 2014, No. 3(36), 79--93 (2014; Zbl 1413.74032) Full Text: DOI MNR OA License
Radchenko, Y. S.; Ignatov, V. A. Statistics of structural changes of images on the basis of spectral and correlation analysis. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1352.94010 Vestn. Voronezh. Gos. Univ., Ser. Fiz. Mat. 2014, No. 2, 29-41 (2014). MSC: 94A08 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. S. Radchenko} and \textit{V. A. Ignatov}, Vestn. Voronezh. Gos. Univ., Ser. Fiz. Mat. 2014, No. 2, 29--41 (2014; Zbl 1352.94010)
Radchenko, Vadym Heat equation with general stochastic measure colored in time. (English) Zbl 1349.60111 Mod. Stoch., Theory Appl. 1, No. 2, 129-138 (2014). MSC: 60H15 60G17 60G57 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Radchenko}, Mod. Stoch., Theory Appl. 1, No. 2, 129--138 (2014; Zbl 1349.60111) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Radchenko, Vadym Stochastic partial differential equations driven by general stochastic measures. (English) Zbl 1322.60120 Korolyuk, Volodymyr (ed.) et al., Modern stochastics and applications. Selected papers based on the presentations at the international conference “Modern stochastics: theory and applications III”, dedicated to B. V. Gnedenko on the occasion of his 100th birthday and to M. I. Yadrenko on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Kyiv, Ukraine, September 10–14, 2012. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-03511-6/hbk; 978-3-319-03512-3/ebook). Springer Optimization and Its Applications 90, 143-156 (2014). MSC: 60H15 60H05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Radchenko}, Springer Optim. Appl. 90, 143--156 (2014; Zbl 1322.60120) Full Text: DOI
Esipova, S. R.; Radchenko, O. V. Remarks on supersymmetric transformations in field theory. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1314.81091 Russ. Phys. J. 57, No. 6, 772-776 (2014); translation from Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Fiz. 57, No. 6, 61-64 (2014). MSC: 81Q60 81T13 81T10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. R. Esipova} and \textit{O. V. Radchenko}, Russ. Phys. J. 57, No. 6, 772--776 (2014; Zbl 1314.81091); translation from Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Fiz. 57, No. 6, 61--64 (2014) Full Text: DOI
Lavrov, P. M.; Radchenko, O. V.; Tyutin, I. V. Jacobi-type identities in algebras and superalgebras. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1353.16045 Theor. Math. Phys. 179, No. 2, 550-558 (2014); translation from Teor. Mat. Fiz. 179, No. 2, 196-206 (2014). MSC: 16W55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. M. Lavrov} et al., Theor. Math. Phys. 179, No. 2, 550--558 (2014; Zbl 1353.16045); translation from Teor. Mat. Fiz. 179, No. 2, 196--206 (2014) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Radchenko, D. V. Local maxima of the potential energy on spheres. (English) Zbl 1308.31006 Ukr. Math. J. 65, No. 10, 1585-1587 (2014) and Ukr. Mat. Zh. 65, No. 10, 1427-1429 (2013). MSC: 31B15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. V. Radchenko}, Ukr. Math. J. 65, No. 10, 1585--1587 (2014; Zbl 1308.31006) Full Text: DOI Link
Borovoj, V. Ya.; Mosharov, V. E.; Radchenko, V. N.; Skuratov, A. S.; Struminskaya, I. V. Leading edge bluntness effect on the flow in a model air-inlet. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1301.76003 Fluid Dyn. 49, No. 4, 454-467 (2014); translation from Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Mekh. Zhidk. Gaza 2014, No. 4, 43-57 (2014). MSC: 76-05 76N20 76L05 80A20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Ya. Borovoj} et al., Fluid Dyn. 49, No. 4, 454--467 (2014; Zbl 1301.76003); translation from Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Mekh. Zhidk. Gaza 2014, No. 4, 43--57 (2014) Full Text: DOI
Esipova, S. R.; Lavrov, P. M.; Radchenko, O. V. Supersymmetric invariant theories. (English) Zbl 1291.81359 Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 29, No. 11-12, Article ID 1450065, 8 p. (2014). MSC: 81T60 81T13 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. R. Esipova} et al., Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 29, No. 11--12, Article ID 1450065, 8 p. (2014; Zbl 1291.81359) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Radchenko, V. P.; Saushkin, M. N.; Gorbunov, S. V. Energy version of the kinetic equations of isothermal creep and long-term strength. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1284.74106 J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys. 55, No. 1, 172-181 (2014); translation from Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz. 55, No. 1, 207-217 (2014). MSC: 74R05 74A05 74C10 82D35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. P. Radchenko} et al., J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys. 55, No. 1, 172--181 (2014; Zbl 1284.74106); translation from Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz. 55, No. 1, 207--217 (2014) Full Text: DOI
Radchenko, O. V.; Reshetnyak, A. A. Notes on soft BRST symmetry breaking within the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1334.81053 Russ. Phys. J. 55, No. 9, 1005-1010 (2013); translation from Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Fiz. 55, No. 9, 26–30 (2012). MSC: 81R40 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. V. Radchenko} and \textit{A. A. Reshetnyak}, Russ. Phys. J. 55, No. 9, 1005--1010 (2013; Zbl 1334.81053); translation from Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Fiz. 55, No. 9, 26--30 (2012) Full Text: DOI
Saushkin, M. N.; Radchenko, V. P.; Kurov, A. Yu. Method of calculating residual stresses in semicircular notches in a surface hardened hollow cylindrical specimen. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1298.74037 J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys. 54, No. 4, 644-650 (2013); translation from Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz. 54, No. 4, 150-157 (2013). MSC: 74C05 74S05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. N. Saushkin} et al., J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys. 54, No. 4, 644--650 (2013; Zbl 1298.74037); translation from Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz. 54, No. 4, 150--157 (2013) Full Text: DOI
Bondarenko, Andriy V.; Radchenko, Danylo V. On a family of strongly regular graphs with \(\lambda = 1\). (English) Zbl 1301.05372 J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 103, No. 4, 521-531 (2013). MSC: 05E30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. V. Bondarenko} and \textit{D. V. Radchenko}, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 103, No. 4, 521--531 (2013; Zbl 1301.05372) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Radchenko, V. Riemann integral of a random function and the parabolic equation with a general stochastic measure. (English. Ukrainian original) Zbl 1329.60218 Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 87, 185-198 (2013); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 87, 163-175 (2012). MSC: 60H15 60H05 26A42 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Radchenko}, Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 87, 185--198 (2013; Zbl 1329.60218); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 87, 163--175 (2012) Full Text: DOI
Borovoj, V. Ya.; Egorov, I. V.; Mosharov, V. E.; Radchenko, V. N.; Skuratov, A. S.; Struminskaya, I. V. Interaction of intersecting shocks with a flat-plate boundary layer in the presence of an entropy layer. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1279.76003 Fluid Dyn. 48, No. 5, 636-647 (2013); translation from Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Mekh. Zhidk. Gaza 2013, No. 5, 79-90 (2013). MSC: 76-05 76L05 76N20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Ya. Borovoj} et al., Fluid Dyn. 48, No. 5, 636--647 (2013; Zbl 1279.76003); translation from Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Mekh. Zhidk. Gaza 2013, No. 5, 79--90 (2013) Full Text: DOI
Bondarenko, Andriy; Radchenko, Danylo; Viazovska, Maryna Optimal asymptotic bounds for spherical designs. (English) Zbl 1270.05026 Ann. Math. (2) 178, No. 2, 443-452 (2013). MSC: 05B30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Bondarenko} et al., Ann. Math. (2) 178, No. 2, 443--452 (2013; Zbl 1270.05026) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Livins’kyi, I. V.; Radchenko, D. V. Representations of algebras defined by a multiplicative relation and corresponding to the extended Dynkin graphs \(\tilde D_4\), \(\tilde E_6\), \(\tilde E_7\), and \(\tilde E_8\). (English. Ukrainian original) Zbl 1287.46042 Ukr. Math. J. 64, No. 12, 1865-1892 (2013); translation from Ukr. Mat. Zh. 64, No. 12, 1654-1675 (2012). MSC: 46K10 46H35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. V. Livins'kyi} and \textit{D. V. Radchenko}, Ukr. Math. J. 64, No. 12, 1865--1892 (2013; Zbl 1287.46042); translation from Ukr. Mat. Zh. 64, No. 12, 1654--1675 (2012) Full Text: DOI
Radchenko, D. V. Approximation by maps with nonnegative Jacobian. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1276.41019 Math. Notes 93, No. 2, 297-307 (2013); translation from Mat. Zametki 93, No. 2, 263-275 (2013). Reviewer: Sergei S. Platonov (Petrozavodsk) MSC: 41A30 47H11 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. V. Radchenko}, Math. Notes 93, No. 2, 297--307 (2013; Zbl 1276.41019); translation from Mat. Zametki 93, No. 2, 263--275 (2013) Full Text: DOI
Bondarenko, A. V.; Prymak, A.; Radchenko, D. On concentrators and related approximation constants. (English) Zbl 1262.05068 J. Math. Anal. Appl. 402, No. 1, 234-241 (2013). MSC: 05C20 94C10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. V. Bondarenko} et al., J. Math. Anal. Appl. 402, No. 1, 234--241 (2013; Zbl 1262.05068) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Radchenko, Vladimir Pavlovich; Shershneva, Mariya Viktorovna; Tsvetkov, Vitaliĭ Vladimirovich Generalized stochastic model of creep and creep rupture beams in pure bending and its application to the estimation of reliability. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1449.74201 Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 2012, No. 4(29), 72-86 (2012). MSC: 74S60 74K10 60H30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. P. Radchenko} et al., Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 2012, No. 4(29), 72--86 (2012; Zbl 1449.74201) Full Text: DOI MNR OA License
Popov, N. N.; Radchenko, V. P. Analytical solution of the stochastic steady-state creep boundary value problem for a thick-walled tube. (English) Zbl 1327.74057 J. Appl. Math. Mech. 76, No. 6, 1023-1031 (2012); translation from Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 76, No. 6, 1023-1031 (2012). MSC: 74F10 74H15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. N. Popov} and \textit{V. P. Radchenko}, J. Appl. Math. Mech. 76, No. 6, 1023--1031 (2012; Zbl 1327.74057); translation from Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 76, No. 6, 1023--1031 (2012) Full Text: DOI
Radchenko, V. P.; Shershneva, M. V.; Kubyshkina, S. N. Evaluation of the reliability of structures under creep for stochastic generalized models. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1326.74133 Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 2012, No. 3(28), 53-71 (2012). MSC: 74S60 74K10 60H30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. P. Radchenko} et al., Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekh. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki 2012, No. 3(28), 53--71 (2012; Zbl 1326.74133) Full Text: DOI MNR OA License
Radchenko, V. P.; Saushkin, M. N.; Goludin, E. P. Stochastic model of nonisothermal creep and long-term strength of materials. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1298.74222 J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys. 53, No. 2, 292-298 (2012); translation from Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz. 53, No. 2, 167-174 (2012). MSC: 74R20 74S60 74F05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. P. Radchenko} et al., J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys. 53, No. 2, 292--298 (2012; Zbl 1298.74222); translation from Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz. 53, No. 2, 167--174 (2012) Full Text: DOI
Radchenko, V. M. Cable equation with a general stochastic measure. (English. Ukrainian original) Zbl 1274.60159 Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 84, 131-138 (2012); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 84, 123-130 (2011). MSC: 60G57 60H15 60H05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. M. Radchenko}, Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 84, 131--138 (2012; Zbl 1274.60159); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 84, 123--130 (2011) Full Text: DOI
Radchenko, E. V.; Koshelev, S. O.; Tsareva, D. A.; Voronkov, A. E.; Palyulin, V. A.; Zefirov, N. S. Computer-aided design of arylphthalazines as potential smoothened receptor antagonists. (Russian, English) Zbl 1274.92016 Dokl. Akad. Nauk, Ross. Akad. Nauk 443, No. 4, 448-451 (2012); translation in Dokl. Chem. 443, Part 2, 97-100 (2012). Reviewer: Andrei Zemskov (Moskva) MSC: 92C40 65D17 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. V. Radchenko} et al., Dokl. Akad. Nauk, Ross. Akad. Nauk 443, No. 4, 448--451 (2012; Zbl 1274.92016); translation in Dokl. Chem. 443, Part 2, 97--100 (2012) Full Text: DOI
Lavrov, P. M.; Radchenko, O. V.; Reshetnyak, A. A. Soft breaking of brst symmetry and gauge dependence. (English) Zbl 1257.81055 Mod. Phys. Lett. A 27, No. 13, 1250067, 12 p. (2012). MSC: 81T13 81R40 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. M. Lavrov} et al., Mod. Phys. Lett. A 27, No. 13, 1250067, 12 p. (2012; Zbl 1257.81055) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Radchenko, V. M. Asymptotic behaviour of solution to the heat equations driven by a stochastic measure as \(t\to \infty\). (Ukrainian. English summary) Zbl 1265.60118 Nauk. Visn. Uzhgorod. Univ., Ser. Mat. 23, No. 1, 113-118 (2012). MSC: 60H15 60G17 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. M. Radchenko}, Nauk. Visn. Uzhgorod. Univ., Ser. Mat. 23, No. 1, 113--118 (2012; Zbl 1265.60118)
Bodnarchuk, I. M.; Radchenko, V. M. Asymptotic behaviour of the solution to the heat equation with stochastic measure. (Ukrainian. English summary) Zbl 1265.60093 Nauk. Visn. Chernivets’kogo Univ., Mat. 2, No. 1, 7-11 (2012). MSC: 60G57 60H15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. M. Bodnarchuk} and \textit{V. M. Radchenko}, Nauk. Visn. Chernivets'kogo Univ., Mat. 2, No. 1, 7--11 (2012; Zbl 1265.60093)
Leviatan, D.; Radchenko, D. V.; Shevchuk, I. A. Positive results and counterexamples in comonotone approximation. (English) Zbl 1254.41006 Constr. Approx. 36, No. 2, 243-266 (2012). Reviewer: Francisco Marcellán (Leganes) MSC: 41A10 41A25 41A29 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Leviatan} et al., Constr. Approx. 36, No. 2, 243--266 (2012; Zbl 1254.41006) Full Text: DOI