
Found 1,085 Documents (Results 1–100)

Principal problems of relativistic mechanics of solids. (English. Russian original) Zbl 07853892

Mech. Solids 58, No. 6, 2034-2042 (2023); translation from Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Mekh. Tverd. Tela 2023, No. 6, 125-135 (2023).
MSC:  74B99 83C55
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Efficient heuristics for a partial set covering problem with mutually exclusive pairs of facilities. (English) Zbl 07822841

Enkhbat, Rentsen (ed.) et al., Optimization, simulation and control. ICOSC 2022, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, June 20–22, 2022. Selected papers. Cham: Springer. Springer Proc. Math. Stat. 434, 45-63 (2023).
MSC:  90C10 90B80
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MIP heuristics for a resource constrained project scheduling problem with workload stability constraints. (English) Zbl 1519.90077

Khachay, Michael (ed.) et al., Mathematical optimization theory and operations research. 22nd international conference, MOTOR 2023, Ekaterinburg, Russia, July 2–8, 2023. Proceedings. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 13930, 212-223 (2023).
Full Text: DOI

On discrete boundary-value problems and their approximation properties. (English. Russian original) Zbl 07712796

J. Math. Sci., New York 272, No. 5, 634-641 (2023); translation from Itogi Nauki Tekh., Ser. Sovrem. Mat. Prilozh., Temat. Obz. 174, 12-19 (2020).
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Characteristic-based volume penalization-imposed wall function method for turbulent boundary layer modeling. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1519.76193

Comput. Math. Math. Phys. 63, No. 5, 821-836 (2023); translation from Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz. 63, No. 5, 778-794 (2023).
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Iterative solution of a retrospective inverse problem of heat conduction with inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 07868530

Sib. Zh. Ind. Mat. 25, No. 4, 27-41 (2022); translation in J. Appl. Ind. Math. 16, No. 4, 841-852 (2022).
MSC:  65-XX 35-XX
Full Text: DOI MNR

Nikolai Nikolaevich Konstantinov (obituary). (English. Russian original) Zbl 1518.01020

Russ. Math. Surv. 77, No. 3, 531-541 (2022); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 77, No. 3, 161-170 (2022).
MSC:  01A70
Full Text: DOI MNR

A criterion for nonsolvability of a finite group and recognition of direct squares of simple groups. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1522.20090

Algebra Logic 61, No. 4, 288-300 (2022); translation from Algebra Logika 61, No. 4, 424-442 (2022).
MSC:  20D60 20D05 20D06
Full Text: DOI arXiv

Stress functions in elasticity theory. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1518.74004

Mech. Solids 57, No. 4, 770-778 (2022); translation from Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Mekh. Tverd. Tela 2022, No. 4, 103-113 (2022).
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Quantum algorithms for string processing. (English) Zbl 07610427

Badriev, Ildar B. (ed.) et al., Mesh methods for boundary-value problems and applications. 13th international conference, Kazan, Russia, October 20–25, 2020. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. Eng. 141, 1-14 (2022).
MSC:  68Q12 68W32
Full Text: DOI arXiv

Methods for organization of iteration loops in calculating dynamic modes of large circuits based on decomposition. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1497.94211

Dokl. Math. 105, No. 3, 183-186 (2022); translation from Dokl. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Mat. Inform. Protsessy Upr. 504, 56-59 (2022).
MSC:  94C60
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Multiscale model reduction for a thermoelastic model with phase change using a generalized multiscale finite-element method. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1515.80008

Theor. Math. Phys. 211, No. 2, 595-610 (2022); translation from Teor. Mat. Fiz. 211, No. 2, 181-199 (2022).
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Iterative identification of the diffusion coefficient in an initial boundary value problem for the subdiffusion equation. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 07668732

Sib. Zh. Ind. Mat. 24, No. 2, 23-37 (2021); translation in J. Appl. Ind. Math. 15, No. 2, 343-354 (2021).
MSC:  65-XX 35-XX
Full Text: DOI MNR

Computational implementation of a mixed-dimensional model of heat transfer in the soil-pipe system in cryolithic zone. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1480.80013

Comput. Math. Math. Phys. 61, No. 12, 2054-2067 (2021); translation from Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz. 61, No. 12, 2060-2073 (2021).
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Kinetic equation for systems with resonant captures and scatterings. (English) Zbl 1480.78008

Volchenkov, Dimitri (ed.), Nonlinear dynamics, chaos, and complexity. In memory of Professor Valentin Afraimovich. Beijing: Higher Education Press; Singapore: Springer. Nonlinear Phys. Sci., 171-180 (2021).
MSC:  78A45 78A35 78A40
Full Text: DOI arXiv

Approximation properties of discrete boundary value problems for elliptic pseudo-differential equations. (English) Zbl 1507.65305

Vermolen, Fred J. (ed.) et al., Numerical mathematics and advanced applications. ENUMATH 2019. Proceedings of the European conference, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, September 30 – October 4, 2019. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. Eng. 139, 1089-1097 (2021).
Full Text: DOI

Characteristic based volume penalization method for numerical simulation of compressible flows on unstructured meshes. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1479.76065

Comput. Math. Math. Phys. 61, No. 8, 1315-1329 (2021); translation from Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz. 61, No. 8, 1336-1352 (2021).
MSC:  76M12 76M20 76N06
Full Text: DOI

Operators and equations: discrete and continuous. (English. Russian original) Zbl 07380558

J. Math. Sci., New York 257, No. 1, 17-26 (2021); translation from Itogi Nauki Tekh., Ser. Sovrem. Mat. Prilozh., Temat. Obz. 160, 18-27 (2019).
Full Text: DOI Link

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