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Martínez, Servet; Nagel, Werner Tessellation-valued processes that are generated by cell division. (English) Zbl 1537.60018 J. Appl. Probab. 61, No. 2, 697-715 (2024). MSC: 60D05 60J25 60J76 60J80 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Martínez} and \textit{W. Nagel}, J. Appl. Probab. 61, No. 2, 697--715 (2024; Zbl 1537.60018) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Schmidt, Bernd Most likely balls in Banach spaces: existence and nonexistence. (English) Zbl 1540.60025 Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 56, No. 5, 1762-1767 (2024). Reviewer: Pavel Stoynov (Sofia) MSC: 60D05 28C20 62F10 52A22 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. Schmidt}, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 56, No. 5, 1762--1767 (2024; Zbl 1540.60025) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Coupier, David; Flammant, Lucas; Tran, Viet Chi Hyperbolic radial spanning tree. (English) Zbl 07842648 Stochastic Processes Appl. 172, Article ID 104318, 24 p. (2024). Reviewer: Matthias Reitzner (Osnabrück) MSC: 60D05 05C80 60G55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Coupier} et al., Stochastic Processes Appl. 172, Article ID 104318, 24 p. (2024; Zbl 07842648) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Randon-Furling, J.; Zaporozhets, D. Convex hulls of several multidimensional Gaussian random walks. (English) Zbl 1537.60019 J. Math. Sci., New York 281, No. 1, 168-195 (2024); and Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI 505, 244-281 (2021). Reviewer: Pavel Stoynov (Sofia) MSC: 60D05 60G50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Randon-Furling} and \textit{D. Zaporozhets}, J. Math. Sci., New York 281, No. 1, 168--195 (2024; Zbl 1537.60019) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Ding, Jian; Gwynne, Ewain The critical Liouville quantum gravity metric induces the Euclidean topology. (English) Zbl 07834625 Front. Math. (Beijing) 19, No. 1, 1-46 (2024). Reviewer: Viktor Ohanyan (Erevan) MSC: 60D05 60G60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Ding} and \textit{E. Gwynne}, Front. Math. (Beijing) 19, No. 1, 1--46 (2024; Zbl 07834625) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Kozma, Gady; Meyerovitch, Tom; Peled, Ron; Samotij, Wojciech What does a typical metric space look like? (English. French summary) Zbl 07831623 Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré, Probab. Stat. 60, No. 1, 11-53 (2024). Reviewer: Viktor Ohanyan (Erevan) MSC: 60D05 51F99 05A16 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{G. Kozma} et al., Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré, Probab. Stat. 60, No. 1, 11--53 (2024; Zbl 07831623) Full Text: DOI arXiv
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Gusakova, Anna; Kabluchko, Zakhar; Thäle, Christoph Sectional Voronoi tessellations: characterization and high-dimensional limits. (English) Zbl 1536.60014 Bernoulli 30, No. 2, 1482-1501 (2024). MSC: 60D05 52A22 60G55 60F05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Gusakova} et al., Bernoulli 30, No. 2, 1482--1501 (2024; Zbl 1536.60014) Full Text: DOI arXiv Link
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Pogorui, Anatoliy A.; Rodríguez-Dagnino, Ramón M. Isotropic evolution process with Gauss-distributed particle position in \(\mathbb{R}^d\). (English) Zbl 1539.60013 J. Math. Sci., New York 279, No. 1, 92-98 (2024); and Ukr. Mat. Visn. 20, No. 4, 577-585 (2023). Reviewer: Renming Song (Urbana) MSC: 60D05 60K37 60G55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. A. Pogorui} and \textit{R. M. Rodríguez-Dagnino}, J. Math. Sci., New York 279, No. 1, 92--98 (2024; Zbl 1539.60013) Full Text: DOI
Gwynne, Ewain; Sung, Jinwoo The Minkowski content measure for the Liouville quantum gravity metric. (English) Zbl 1535.60024 Ann. Probab. 52, No. 2, 658-712 (2024). Reviewer: Rózsa Horváth-Bokor (Budakalász) MSC: 60D05 60J67 60G57 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. Gwynne} and \textit{J. Sung}, Ann. Probab. 52, No. 2, 658--712 (2024; Zbl 1535.60024) Full Text: DOI arXiv Link
Adamczak, Radosław; Pivovarov, Peter; Simanjuntak, Paul Limit theorems for the volumes of small codimensional random sections of \(\ell_{p}^{n}\)-balls. (English) Zbl 1539.60009 Ann. Probab. 52, No. 1, 93-126 (2024). Reviewer: Andrew Wade (Durham) MSC: 60D05 52A22 60F05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. Adamczak} et al., Ann. Probab. 52, No. 1, 93--126 (2024; Zbl 1539.60009) Full Text: DOI arXiv Link
Heerten, Nils; Krecklenberg, Julia; Thäle, Christoph The proportion of triangles in a class of anisotropic Poisson line tessellations. (English) Zbl 1539.60011 J. Appl. Probab. 61, No. 1, 214-229 (2024). Reviewer: Ilya S. Molchanov (Bern) MSC: 60D05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. Heerten} et al., J. Appl. Probab. 61, No. 1, 214--229 (2024; Zbl 1539.60011) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Brazitikos, Silouanos; Giannopoulos, Apostolos; Pafis, Minas Threshold for the expected measure of random polytopes. (English) Zbl 1533.60016 Math. Ann. 388, No. 3, 2991-3024 (2024). MSC: 60D05 60E15 62H05 52A22 52A23 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Brazitikos} et al., Math. Ann. 388, No. 3, 2991--3024 (2024; Zbl 1533.60016) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Ding, Jian; Gwynne, Ewain Regularity and confluence of geodesics for the supercritical Liouville quantum gravity metric. (English) Zbl 1532.60018 Probab. Math. Phys. 5, No. 1, 1-54 (2024). MSC: 60D05 60G60 37F35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Ding} and \textit{E. Gwynne}, Probab. Math. Phys. 5, No. 1, 1--54 (2024; Zbl 1532.60018) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Pafis, Minas Threshold for the expected measure of the convex hull of random points with independent coordinates. (English) Zbl 1531.60013 Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 56, No. 1, 240-262 (2024). MSC: 60D05 52A22 52A23 60E15 62H05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Pafis}, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 56, No. 1, 240--262 (2024; Zbl 1531.60013) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Prochno, Joscha; Rudolf, Daniel The minimal spherical dispersion. (English) Zbl 1539.60014 J. Geom. Anal. 34, No. 3, Paper No. 85, 14 p. (2024). MSC: 60D05 51D20 11K38 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Prochno} and \textit{D. Rudolf}, J. Geom. Anal. 34, No. 3, Paper No. 85, 14 p. (2024; Zbl 1539.60014) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Brazitikos, Silouanos; Giannopoulos, Apostolos; Pafis, Minas Half-space depth of log-concave probability measures. (English) Zbl 1530.60011 Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 188, No. 1-2, 309-336 (2024). MSC: 60D05 62H05 46B06 52A40 52A23 52A22 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Brazitikos} et al., Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 188, No. 1--2, 309--336 (2024; Zbl 1530.60011) Full Text: DOI arXiv Backlinks: MO OA License
Hirsch, Christian; Owada, Takashi Limit theorems under heavy-tailed scenario in the age dependent random connection models. arXiv:2409.05226 Preprint, arXiv:2409.05226 [math.PR] (2024). MSC: 60D05 60G70 BibTeX Cite \textit{C. Hirsch} and \textit{T. Owada}, ``Limit theorems under heavy-tailed scenario in the age dependent random connection models'', Preprint, arXiv:2409.05226 [math.PR] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Rosen, Daniel; Schulte, Matthias; Thäle, Christoph; Trapp, Vanessa The radial spanning tree in hyperbolic space. arXiv:2408.15131 Preprint, arXiv:2408.15131 [math.PR] (2024). MSC: 60D05 51M09 52A55 60F05 60G55 BibTeX Cite \textit{D. Rosen} et al., ``The radial spanning tree in hyperbolic space'', Preprint, arXiv:2408.15131 [math.PR] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Guillarmou, Colin; Rhodes, Rémi; Wu, Baojun Conformal Bootstrap for surfaces with boundary in Liouville CFT. Part 1: Segal axioms. arXiv:2408.13133 Preprint, arXiv:2408.13133 [math-ph] (2024). MSC: 60D05 81T40 17B69 81R10 17B68 BibTeX Cite \textit{C. Guillarmou} et al., ``Conformal Bootstrap for surfaces with boundary in Liouville CFT. Part 1: Segal axioms'', Preprint, arXiv:2408.13133 [math-ph] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Hug, Daniel; Last, Günter; Schulte, Matthias Boolean models in hyperbolic space. arXiv:2408.03890 Preprint, arXiv:2408.03890 [math.PR] (2024). MSC: 60D05 52A22 52A55 60F05 60G55 BibTeX Cite \textit{D. Hug} et al., ``Boolean models in hyperbolic space'', Preprint, arXiv:2408.03890 [math.PR] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
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Pistolato, Francesca; Stecconi, Michele Expected Lipschitz-Killing curvatures for spin random fields and other non-isotropic fields. arXiv:2406.04850 Preprint, arXiv:2406.04850 [math.PR] (2024). MSC: 60D05 60G60 33C55 85A40 53B20 BibTeX Cite \textit{F. Pistolato} and \textit{M. Stecconi}, ``Expected Lipschitz-Killing curvatures for spin random fields and other non-isotropic fields'', Preprint, arXiv:2406.04850 [math.PR] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Penrose, Mathew D.; Yang, Xiaochuan Fluctuations of the connectivity threshold and largest nearest-neighbour link. arXiv:2406.00647 Preprint, arXiv:2406.00647 [math.PR] (2024). MSC: 60D05 BibTeX Cite \textit{M. D. Penrose} and \textit{X. Yang}, ``Fluctuations of the connectivity threshold and largest nearest-neighbour link'', Preprint, arXiv:2406.00647 [math.PR] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Penrose, Mathew D.; Yang, Xiaochuan On the rate of convergence in the Hall-Janson coverage theorem. arXiv:2405.16461 Preprint, arXiv:2405.16461 [math.PR] (2024). MSC: 60D05 BibTeX Cite \textit{M. D. Penrose} and \textit{X. Yang}, ``On the rate of convergence in the Hall-Janson coverage theorem'', Preprint, arXiv:2405.16461 [math.PR] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Brazitikos, Silouanos; Chasapis, Giorgos Sharp estimates for the Cramér transform of log-concave measures and geometric applications. arXiv:2405.07253 Preprint, arXiv:2405.07253 [math.PR] (2024). MSC: 60D05 60E15 52A22 52A23 BibTeX Cite \textit{S. Brazitikos} and \textit{G. Chasapis}, ``Sharp estimates for the Cramér transform of log-concave measures and geometric applications'', Preprint, arXiv:2405.07253 [math.PR] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Trapp, Vanessa Geometric functionals of polyconvex excursion sets of Poisson shot noise processes. arXiv:2405.06952 Preprint, arXiv:2405.06952 [math.PR] (2024). MSC: 60D05 60F05 BibTeX Cite \textit{V. Trapp}, ``Geometric functionals of polyconvex excursion sets of Poisson shot noise processes'', Preprint, arXiv:2405.06952 [math.PR] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Gall, Jean-François Le; Riera, Armand Peeling the Brownian half-plane. arXiv:2404.18489 Preprint, arXiv:2404.18489 [math.PR] (2024). MSC: 60D05 BibTeX Cite \textit{J.-F. Le Gall} and \textit{A. Riera}, ``Peeling the Brownian half-plane'', Preprint, arXiv:2404.18489 [math.PR] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Bonnet, Gilles; Gusakova, Anna Concentration inequalities for Poisson \(U\)-statistics. arXiv:2404.16756 Preprint, arXiv:2404.16756 [math.PR] (2024). MSC: 60D05 60F10 05C80 BibTeX Cite \textit{G. Bonnet} and \textit{A. Gusakova}, ``Concentration inequalities for Poisson $U$-statistics'', Preprint, arXiv:2404.16756 [math.PR] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Bonis, Thomas; Decreusefond, Laurent; Tran, Viet Chi; Zhang, Zhihan Iris Random walks on simplicial complexes. arXiv:2404.08803 Preprint, arXiv:2404.08803 [math.PR] (2024). MSC: 60D05 BibTeX Cite \textit{T. Bonis} et al., ``Random walks on simplicial complexes'', Preprint, arXiv:2404.08803 [math.PR] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
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Ghosh, Partha Pratim; Jahnel, Benedikt; Jhawar, Sanjoy Kumar Large and moderate deviations in Poisson navigations. arXiv:2403.14295 Preprint, arXiv:2403.14295 [math.PR] (2024). MSC: 60D05 60G70 60G55 05C80 BibTeX Cite \textit{P. P. Ghosh} et al., ``Large and moderate deviations in Poisson navigations'', Preprint, arXiv:2403.14295 [math.PR] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Guillarmou, Colin; Kupiainen, Antti; Rhodes, Rémi Review on the probabilistic construction and Conformal bootstrap in Liouville Theory. arXiv:2403.12780 Preprint, arXiv:2403.12780 [math-ph] (2024). MSC: 60D05 81T40 17B69 81R10 17B68 BibTeX Cite \textit{C. Guillarmou} et al., ``Review on the probabilistic construction and Conformal bootstrap in Liouville Theory'', Preprint, arXiv:2403.12780 [math-ph] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Baverez, Guillaume; Guillarmou, Colin; Kupiainen, Antti; Rhodes, Rémi Semigroup of annuli in Liouville CFT. arXiv:2403.10914 Preprint, arXiv:2403.10914 [math.PR] (2024). MSC: 60D05 81T40 BibTeX Cite \textit{G. Baverez} et al., ``Semigroup of annuli in Liouville CFT'', Preprint, arXiv:2403.10914 [math.PR] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Avrachenkov, Konstantin; Kumar, B. R. Vinay; Leskelä, Lasse Community Detection on Block Models with Geometric Kernels. arXiv:2403.02802 Preprint, arXiv:2403.02802 [math.PR] (2024). MSC: 60D05 62F30 BibTeX Cite \textit{K. Avrachenkov} et al., ``Community Detection on Block Models with Geometric Kernels'', Preprint, arXiv:2403.02802 [math.PR] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Fill, James Allen; Naiman, Daniel; Sun, Ao Sharpened localization of the trailing point of the Pareto record frontier. arXiv:2402.17221 Preprint, arXiv:2402.17221 [math.PR] (2024). MSC: 60D05 60F05 60F15 60G17 BibTeX Cite \textit{J. A. Fill} et al., ``Sharpened localization of the trailing point of the Pareto record frontier'', Preprint, arXiv:2402.17221 [math.PR] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Huesmann, Martin; Müller, Bastian A Benamou-Brenier formula for transport distances between stationary random measures. arXiv:2402.04842 Preprint, arXiv:2402.04842 [math.PR] (2024). MSC: 60D05 49Q22 BibTeX Cite \textit{M. Huesmann} and \textit{B. Müller}, ``A Benamou-Brenier formula for transport distances between stationary random measures'', Preprint, arXiv:2402.04842 [math.PR] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
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Higgs, Frankie; Penrose, Mathew D.; Yang, Xiaochuan Covering one point process with another. arXiv:2401.03832 Preprint, arXiv:2401.03832 [math.PR] (2024). MSC: 60D05 60F05 60F15 BibTeX Cite \textit{F. Higgs} et al., ``Covering one point process with another'', Preprint, arXiv:2401.03832 [math.PR] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Feng, Shi Number of regions created by random chords in the circle. (English) Zbl 1536.60012 Undergrad. Math J. 24, No. 2, Paper No. 4, 16 p. (2023). MSC: 60D05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Feng}, Undergrad. Math J. 24, No. 2, Paper No. 4, 16 p. (2023; Zbl 1536.60012) Full Text: arXiv Link
Groeneboom, Piet Convex hulls. (English) Zbl 1540.60022 Nieuw Arch. Wiskd. (5) 24, No. 3, 172-176 (2023). Reviewer: Florian Pausinger (Belfast) MSC: 60D05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. Groeneboom}, Nieuw Arch. Wiskd. (5) 24, No. 3, 172--176 (2023; Zbl 1540.60022) Full Text: Link
Groeneboom, Piet Buffon’s needles and noodles. (English) Zbl 1540.60021 Nieuw Arch. Wiskd. (5) 24, No. 2, 88-90 (2023). Reviewer: Florian Pausinger (Belfast) MSC: 60D05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. Groeneboom}, Nieuw Arch. Wiskd. (5) 24, No. 2, 88--90 (2023; Zbl 1540.60021)
Ding, Jian; Dubédat, Julien; Gwynne, Ewain Introduction to the Liouville quantum gravity metric. (English) Zbl 1535.60022 Beliaev, Dmitry (ed.) et al., International congress of mathematicians 2022, ICM 2022, Helsinki, Finland, virtual, July 6–14, 2022. Volume 6. Sections 12–14. Berlin: European Mathematical Society (EMS). 4212-4244 (2023). Reviewer: A. C. D. van Enter (Groningen) MSC: 60D05 60G60 60K35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Ding} et al., in: International congress of mathematicians 2022, ICM 2022, Helsinki, Finland, virtual, July 6--14, 2022. Volume 6. Sections 12--14. Berlin: European Mathematical Society (EMS). 4212--4244 (2023; Zbl 1535.60022) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Martirosyan, D. M. Orientation-dependent chord length distribution in a convex quadrilateral. (English) Zbl 1536.60016 J. Contemp. Math. Anal., Armen. Acad. Sci. 58, No. 6, 416-430 (2023); and Izv. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., Mat. 58, No. 6, 36-53 (2023). Reviewer: Rolf Schneider (Freiburg im Breisgau) MSC: 60D05 52A22 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. M. Martirosyan}, J. Contemp. Math. Anal., Armen. Acad. Sci. 58, No. 6, 416--430 (2023; Zbl 1536.60016) Full Text: DOI
Barthe, Franck; Wolff, Paweł Volume properties of high-dimensional Orlicz balls. (English) Zbl 07814320 Adamczak, Radosław (ed.) et al., High dimensional probability IX. The ethereal volume. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 9th conference, virtual, June 15–19, 2020. Cham: Springer. Prog. Probab. 80, 75-95 (2023). MSC: 60D05 52A23 60E15 60F05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Barthe} and \textit{P. Wolff}, Prog. Probab. 80, 75--95 (2023; Zbl 07814320) Full Text: DOI arXiv HAL
Kuriki, Satoshi; Matsubara, Takahiko Asymptotic expansion of the expected Minkowski functional for isotropic central limit random fields. (English) Zbl 1533.60017 Adv. Appl. Probab. 55, No. 4, 1390-1414 (2023). MSC: 60D05 62M40 62H10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Kuriki} and \textit{T. Matsubara}, Adv. Appl. Probab. 55, No. 4, 1390--1414 (2023; Zbl 1533.60017) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Basdevant, Anne-Laure; Blanc, Guillaume; Curien, Nicolas; Singh, Arvind Fractal properties of the frontier in Poissonian coloring. (English) Zbl 1532.60017 ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 20, No. 2, 1565-1586 (2023). MSC: 60D05 60G55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A.-L. Basdevant} et al., ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 20, No. 2, 1565--1586 (2023; Zbl 1532.60017) Full Text: arXiv Link
Heida, Martin Stochastic homogenization on perforated domains. I: Extension operators. (English) Zbl 07798682 Netw. Heterog. Media 18, No. 4, 1820-1897 (2023). MSC: 60D05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Heida}, Netw. Heterog. Media 18, No. 4, 1820--1897 (2023; Zbl 07798682) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Hálová, Eliška Four point problem. (English) Zbl 07790646 Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astron. 68, No. 3, 137-155 (2023). Reviewer: Zbyněk Pawlas (Praha) MSC: 60D05 60-02 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. Hálová}, Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astron. 68, No. 3, 137--155 (2023; Zbl 07790646) Full Text: Link
Dong, Dingding; Mani, Nitya Maximum gaps in one-dimensional hard-core models. (English) Zbl 1530.60012 Electron. Commun. Probab. 28, Paper No. 46, 12 p. (2023). MSC: 60D05 82C22 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Dong} and \textit{N. Mani}, Electron. Commun. Probab. 28, Paper No. 46, 12 p. (2023; Zbl 1530.60012) Full Text: DOI arXiv
van der Jagt, Thomas; Jongbloed, Geurt; Vittorietti, Martina Existence and approximation of densities of chord length- and cross section area distributions. (English) Zbl 1535.60026 Image Anal. Stereol. 42, No. 3, 171-184 (2023). Reviewer: Viktor Ohanyan (Erevan) MSC: 60D05 52A22 53C65 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. van der Jagt} et al., Image Anal. Stereol. 42, No. 3, 171--184 (2023; Zbl 1535.60026) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Ledoux, Michel Optimal matching of random samples and rates of convergence of empirical measures. (English) Zbl 1536.60015 Morel, Jean-Michel (ed.) et al., Mathematics going forward. Collected mathematical brushstrokes. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Math. 2313, 615-627 (2023). Reviewer: Dmitry Zaporozhets (Sankt-Peterburg) MSC: 60D05 60B10 60E05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Ledoux}, Lect. Notes Math. 2313, 615--627 (2023; Zbl 1536.60015) Full Text: DOI
Calka, Pierre; Quilan, Gauthier Limit theory for the first layers of the random convex hull peeling in the unit ball. (English) Zbl 1529.60021 Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 187, No. 3-4, 1037-1091 (2023). Reviewer: Rózsa Horváth-Bokor (Budakalász) MSC: 60D05 52A22 60G55 60F05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. Calka} and \textit{G. Quilan}, Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 187, No. 3--4, 1037--1091 (2023; Zbl 1529.60021) Full Text: DOI arXiv HAL
Huesmann, Martin; Mattesini, Francesco; Otto, Felix There is no stationary cyclically monotone Poisson matching in 2d. (English) Zbl 1527.60016 Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 187, No. 3-4, 629-656 (2023). Reviewer: Yuliya S. Mishura (Kyïv) MSC: 60D05 60G55 52A22 49Q22 35R06 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Huesmann} et al., Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 187, No. 3--4, 629--656 (2023; Zbl 1527.60016) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Harutyunyan, H. O.; Ohanyan, V. K. Investigation of convex bodies in \(\mathbb R^3\) by support planes. (English) Zbl 1526.60015 J. Contemp. Math. Anal., Armen. Acad. Sci. 58, No. 2, 101-104 (2023) and Izv. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., Mat. 58, No. 2, 63-67 (2023). MSC: 60D05 52A22 53C65 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. O. Harutyunyan} and \textit{V. K. Ohanyan}, J. Contemp. Math. Anal., Armen. Acad. Sci. 58, No. 2, 101--104 (2023; Zbl 1526.60015) Full Text: DOI
Arkhipov, Alex; Mendo, Luis On the number of tiles visited by a line segment on a rectangular grid. (English) Zbl 1530.60010 Mathematika 69, No. 4, 1242-1281 (2023). Reviewer: Florian Pausinger (Belfast) MSC: 60D05 52C99 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Arkhipov} and \textit{L. Mendo}, Mathematika 69, No. 4, 1242--1281 (2023; Zbl 1530.60010) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Balko, Martin; Scheucher, Manfred; Valtr, Pavel Tight bounds on the expected number of holes in random point sets. (English) Zbl 1523.60031 Random Struct. Algorithms 62, No. 1, 29-51 (2023). MSC: 60D05 52A22 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Balko} et al., Random Struct. Algorithms 62, No. 1, 29--51 (2023; Zbl 1523.60031) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Last, Günter; Peccati, Giovanni; Yogeshwaran, D. Phase transitions and noise sensitivity on the Poisson space via stopping sets and decision trees. (English) Zbl 1523.60034 Random Struct. Algorithms 63, No. 2, 457-511 (2023). MSC: 60D05 60G55 60K35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{G. Last} et al., Random Struct. Algorithms 63, No. 2, 457--511 (2023; Zbl 1523.60034) Full Text: DOI arXiv Link
Buchta, Christian The duality of the volumes and the numbers of vertices of random polytopes. (English) Zbl 1523.60032 Discrete Comput. Geom. 70, No. 3, 951-959 (2023). MSC: 60D05 52A22 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. Buchta}, Discrete Comput. Geom. 70, No. 3, 951--959 (2023; Zbl 1523.60032) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Athreya, Siva; Gupta, Purvi; Yogeshwaran, D. Volume approximation of strongly \(\mathbb{C} \)-convex domains by random polyhedra. (English) Zbl 1523.60029 Adv. Math. 432, Article ID 109243, 62 p. (2023). MSC: 60D05 32F17 60G55 60F05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Athreya} et al., Adv. Math. 432, Article ID 109243, 62 p. (2023; Zbl 1523.60029) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Ding, Jian; Gwynne, Ewain Uniqueness of the critical and supercritical Liouville quantum gravity metrics. (English) Zbl 1522.60020 Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 126, No. 1, 216-333 (2023). MSC: 60D05 60G60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Ding} and \textit{E. Gwynne}, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 126, No. 1, 216--333 (2023; Zbl 1522.60020) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Borodin, Alexei; Duits, Maurice Biased \(2 \times 2\) periodic Aztec diamond and an elliptic curve. (English) Zbl 1535.60021 Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 187, No. 1-2, 259-315 (2023). Reviewer: Viktor Ohanyan (Erevan) MSC: 60D05 60G55 14H52 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Borodin} and \textit{M. Duits}, Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 187, No. 1--2, 259--315 (2023; Zbl 1535.60021) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Artstein, Zvi; Shapira, Alon Samplings from the values of random convex sets. (English) Zbl 1527.60015 J. Convex Anal. 30, No. 2, 441-452 (2023). Reviewer: Viktor Ohanyan (Erevan) MSC: 60D05 52A22 53C65 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Z. Artstein} and \textit{A. Shapira}, J. Convex Anal. 30, No. 2, 441--452 (2023; Zbl 1527.60015) Full Text: Link
Fill, James Allen Breaking multivariate records. (English) Zbl 1519.60018 Electron. J. Probab. 28, Paper No. 78, 27 p. (2023). MSC: 60D05 60F05 60G55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. A. Fill}, Electron. J. Probab. 28, Paper No. 78, 27 p. (2023; Zbl 1519.60018) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Khamdamov, I. M. Asymptotic analysis of the functionals of the vertex process of the convex hull. (English) Zbl 1524.60024 Uzb. Math. J. 67, No. 2, 109-114 (2023). MSC: 60D05 60F05 60G55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. M. Khamdamov}, Uzb. Math. J. 67, No. 2, 109--114 (2023; Zbl 1524.60024) Full Text: DOI
Simarova, E. Extremal random beta polytopes. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1519.60019 J. Math. Sci., New York 273, No. 5, 844-860 (2023); translation from Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI 501, 276-301 (2021). Reviewer: Rolf Schneider (Freiburg im Breisgau) MSC: 60D05 52A22 52B11 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. Simarova}, J. Math. Sci., New York 273, No. 5, 844--860 (2023; Zbl 1519.60019); translation from Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI 501, 276--301 (2021) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Götze, F.; Kabluchko, Z.; Zaporozhets, D. Grassmann angles and absorption probabilities of Gaussian convex hulls. (English) Zbl 1523.60033 J. Math. Sci., New York 273, No. 5, 738-754 (2023) and Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI 501, 126-148 (2021). Reviewer: Florian Pausinger (Belfast) MSC: 60D05 52A22 60G15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Götze} et al., J. Math. Sci., New York 273, No. 5, 738--754 (2023; Zbl 1523.60033) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Betken, Carina; Kaufmann, Tom; Meier, Kathrin; Thäle, Christoph Second-order properties for planar Mondrian tessellations. (English) Zbl 1526.60014 Methodol. Comput. Appl. Probab. 25, No. 2, Paper No. 47, 28 p. (2023). Reviewer: Christian Richter (Jena) MSC: 60D05 60G55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. Betken} et al., Methodol. Comput. Appl. Probab. 25, No. 2, Paper No. 47, 28 p. (2023; Zbl 1526.60014) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Cerclé, Baptiste; Rhodes, Rémi; Vargas, Vincent Probabilistic construction of Toda conformal field theories. (Construction probabiliste des théories conformes des champs de Toda.) (English. French summary) Zbl 1516.60006 Ann. Henri Lebesgue 6, 31-64 (2023). MSC: 60D05 81T40 17B20 17B68 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. Cerclé} et al., Ann. Henri Lebesgue 6, 31--64 (2023; Zbl 1516.60006) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Schulte, Matthias; Yukich, J. E. Rates of multivariate normal approximation for statistics in geometric probability. (English) Zbl 1522.60022 Ann. Appl. Probab. 33, No. 1, 507-548 (2023). Reviewer: Ilya S. Molchanov (Bern) MSC: 60D05 60F05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Schulte} and \textit{J. E. Yukich}, Ann. Appl. Probab. 33, No. 1, 507--548 (2023; Zbl 1522.60022) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Krapivsky, P. L. Random sequential covering. (English) Zbl 1539.60012 J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2023, No. 3, Article ID 033202, 34 p. (2023). MSC: 60D05 52C17 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. L. Krapivsky}, J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2023, No. 3, Article ID 033202, 34 p. (2023; Zbl 1539.60012) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Moud, Aref Abbasi Precise determination of the saturation coverage of polygons in silico using exclusion assisted packing technique. (English) Zbl 1514.60017 J. Stat. Phys. 190, No. 5, Paper No. 93, 18 p. (2023). MSC: 60D05 52C15 65C35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. A. Moud}, J. Stat. Phys. 190, No. 5, Paper No. 93, 18 p. (2023; Zbl 1514.60017) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dubédat, Julien; Falconet, Hugo Metric growth dynamics in Liouville quantum gravity. (English) Zbl 1525.60020 Commun. Math. Phys. 400, No. 2, 1317-1383 (2023). MSC: 60D05 60J67 60K35 83C45 60G60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Dubédat} and \textit{H. Falconet}, Commun. Math. Phys. 400, No. 2, 1317--1383 (2023; Zbl 1525.60020) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Ding, Jian; Gwynne, Ewain Up-to-constants comparison of Liouville first passage percolation and Liouville quantum gravity. (English) Zbl 1514.60015 Sci. China, Math. 66, No. 5, 1053-1072 (2023). MSC: 60D05 60G60 60K35 82B43 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Ding} and \textit{E. Gwynne}, Sci. China, Math. 66, No. 5, 1053--1072 (2023; Zbl 1514.60015) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Gayet, Damien Systoles and Lagrangians of random complex algebraic hypersurfaces. (English) Zbl 1522.60021 J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 25, No. 4, 1457-1496 (2023). Reviewer: Fernando Etayo Gordejuela (Santander) MSC: 60D05 53D12 32Q15 14J25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Gayet}, J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 25, No. 4, 1457--1496 (2023; Zbl 1522.60021) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Flimmel, Daniela; Heinrich, Lothar Variance asymptotics for the area of planar cylinder processes generated by Brillinger-mixing point processes. (English) Zbl 1512.60005 Lith. Math. J. 63, No. 1, 58-80 (2023). MSC: 60D05 60G55 60F25 60F99 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Flimmel} and \textit{L. Heinrich}, Lith. Math. J. 63, No. 1, 58--80 (2023; Zbl 1512.60005) Full Text: DOI OA License
Martirosyan, Davit; Ohanyan, Victor On intersection probabilities of four lines inside a planar convex domain. (English) Zbl 1521.60007 J. Appl. Probab. 60, No. 2, 504-527 (2023). Reviewer: Mo Dick Wong (Durham) MSC: 60D05 53C65 52A22 52A10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Martirosyan} and \textit{V. Ohanyan}, J. Appl. Probab. 60, No. 2, 504--527 (2023; Zbl 1521.60007) Full Text: DOI
Holden, Nina; Sun, Xin Convergence of uniform triangulations under the Cardy embedding. (English) Zbl 1514.60016 Acta Math. 230, No. 1, 93-203 (2023). MSC: 60D05 57Q15 60K35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. Holden} and \textit{X. Sun}, Acta Math. 230, No. 1, 93--203 (2023; Zbl 1514.60016) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Reitzner, Matthias; Schütt, Carsten; Werner, Elisabeth M. The convex hull of random points on the boundary of a simple polytope. (English) Zbl 1515.60054 Discrete Comput. Geom. 69, No. 2, 453-504 (2023). Reviewer: Viktor Ohanyan (Erevan) MSC: 60D05 52A22 52A20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Reitzner} et al., Discrete Comput. Geom. 69, No. 2, 453--504 (2023; Zbl 1515.60054) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Penrose, Mathew D. Random Euclidean coverage from within. (English) Zbl 1517.60020 Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 185, No. 3-4, 747-814 (2023). Reviewer: Dmitry Zaporozhets (Sankt-Peterburg) MSC: 60D05 60G55 60F05 60F15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. D. Penrose}, Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 185, No. 3--4, 747--814 (2023; Zbl 1517.60020) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Hayakawa, Satoshi; Lyons, Terry; Oberhauser, Harald Estimating the probability that a given vector is in the convex hull of a random sample. (English) Zbl 1509.60015 Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 185, No. 3-4, 705-746 (2023). MSC: 60D05 65C05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Hayakawa} et al., Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 185, No. 3--4, 705--746 (2023; Zbl 1509.60015) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Owada, Takashi Limit theory for \(U\)-statistics under geometric and topological constraints with rare events. (English) Zbl 1509.60016 J. Appl. Probab. 60, No. 1, 314-340 (2023). MSC: 60D05 60G55 55U10 60G70 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. Owada}, J. Appl. Probab. 60, No. 1, 314--340 (2023; Zbl 1509.60016) Full Text: DOI