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Audigier, Vincent; Niang, Ndèye Clustering with missing data: which equivalent for Rubin’s rules? (English) Zbl 07739769 Adv. Data Anal. Classif., ADAC 17, No. 3, 623-657 (2023). MSC: 62H30 62D10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Audigier} and \textit{N. Niang}, Adv. Data Anal. Classif., ADAC 17, No. 3, 623--657 (2023; Zbl 07739769) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Anjoy, Priyanka; Chandra, Hukum Hierarchical Bayes estimation of small area means under a spatial nonstationary Fay-Herriot model. (English) Zbl 07739059 Commun. Stat., Simulation Comput. 52, No. 7, 3043-3061 (2023). MSC: 62H30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. Anjoy} and \textit{H. Chandra}, Commun. Stat., Simulation Comput. 52, No. 7, 3043--3061 (2023; Zbl 07739059) Full Text: DOI
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Di Mari, Roberto; Ingrassia, Salvatore; Punzo, Antonio Local and overall deviance R-squared measures for mixtures of generalized linear models. (English) Zbl 07734138 J. Classif. 40, No. 2, 233-266 (2023). MSC: 62H30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. Di Mari} et al., J. Classif. 40, No. 2, 233--266 (2023; Zbl 07734138) Full Text: DOI OA License
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Huang, Li-wen Misclassification analysis of discriminant model. (English) Zbl 1524.62295 Appl. Math., Ser. B (Engl. Ed.) 38, No. 2, 180-191 (2023). MSC: 62H30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L.-w. Huang}, Appl. Math., Ser. B (Engl. Ed.) 38, No. 2, 180--191 (2023; Zbl 1524.62295) Full Text: DOI
Kumar, Pushkal; Tripathy, Manas Ranjan Estimation and classification using progressive type-II censored samples from two exponential populations with a common location. (English) Zbl 1517.62070 Jpn. J. Stat. Data Sci. 6, No. 1, 243-278 (2023). MSC: 62H30 62F10 62F30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. Kumar} and \textit{M. R. Tripathy}, Jpn. J. Stat. Data Sci. 6, No. 1, 243--278 (2023; Zbl 1517.62070) Full Text: DOI
Lyu, Zhongyuan; Xia, Dong Optimal estimation and computational limit of low-rank Gaussian mixtures. (English) Zbl 1539.62197 Ann. Stat. 51, No. 2, 646-667 (2023). MSC: 62H30 62C20 62F12 62F30 62H12 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Z. Lyu} and \textit{D. Xia}, Ann. Stat. 51, No. 2, 646--667 (2023; Zbl 1539.62197) Full Text: DOI arXiv
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Carrizosa, Emilio; Kurishchenko, Kseniia; Marín, Alfredo; Romero Morales, Dolores On clustering and interpreting with rules by means of mathematical optimization. (English) Zbl 07706708 Comput. Oper. Res. 154, Article ID 106180, 19 p. (2023). MSC: 62H30 68T05 90C11 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. Carrizosa} et al., Comput. Oper. Res. 154, Article ID 106180, 19 p. (2023; Zbl 07706708) Full Text: DOI OA License
Blanquero, Rafael; Carrizosa, Emilio; Molero-Río, Cristina; Romero Morales, Dolores On optimal regression trees to detect critical intervals for multivariate functional data. (English) Zbl 07706560 Comput. Oper. Res. 152, Article ID 106152, 10 p. (2023). MSC: 62H30 62G08 62R10 68T05 90C90 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. Blanquero} et al., Comput. Oper. Res. 152, Article ID 106152, 10 p. (2023; Zbl 07706560) Full Text: DOI OA License
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Han, Xiao; Tong, Xin; Fan, Yingying Eigen selection in spectral clustering: a theory-guided practice. (English) Zbl 1514.62108 J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 118, No. 541, 109-121 (2023). MSC: 62H30 15A69 15A18 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{X. Han} et al., J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 118, No. 541, 109--121 (2023; Zbl 1514.62108) Full Text: DOI arXiv Link
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