Gajera, Jeet B.; Jana, Ranjan Kumar Fractional integral inequalities for the \(s\)-\((\kappa, H)\)-convex function. (English) Zbl 07912329 Analysis, München 44, No. 3, 223-231 (2024). MSC: 26A24 26A33 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. B. Gajera} and \textit{R. K. Jana}, Analysis, München 44, No. 3, 223--231 (2024; Zbl 07912329) Full Text: DOI
Zayed, Hanaa M. Turán-type inequalities for generalized \(k\)-Bessel functions. (English) Zbl 07906288 Ukr. Math. J. 76, No. 2, 254-279 (2024); and Ukr. Mat. Zh. 76, No. 2, 234-256 (2024). MSC: 33C10 33C05 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. M. Zayed}, Ukr. Math. J. 76, No. 2, 254--279 (2024; Zbl 07906288) Full Text: DOI
Mirzadeh, Somayeh; Barsam, Hasan; Ciurdariu, Loredana Characterizations of minimal elements of upper support with applications in minimizing DC functions. (English) Zbl 07903485 Open Math. 22, Article ID 20240030, 11 p. (2024). MSC: 26B25 26A48 90C46 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Mirzadeh} et al., Open Math. 22, Article ID 20240030, 11 p. (2024; Zbl 07903485) Full Text: DOI OA License
Zayed, H. M.; Mehrez, K.; Morais, J. Monotonicity patterns and functional inequalities for modified Lommel functions of the first kind. (English) Zbl 07901600 Anal. Math. Phys. 14, No. 5, Paper No. 103, 22 p. (2024). MSC: 26A51 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. M. Zayed} et al., Anal. Math. Phys. 14, No. 5, Paper No. 103, 22 p. (2024; Zbl 07901600) Full Text: DOI
Yin, Hong-Ping; Han, Ling-Xiong; Qi, Feng Decreasing and complete monotonicity of functions defined by derivatives of completely monotonic function involving trigamma function. (English) Zbl 07899345 Demonstr. Math. 57, Article ID 20240041, 10 p. (2024). MSC: 33B15 26A48 26D07 33B10 44A10 44A35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H.-P. Yin} et al., Demonstr. Math. 57, Article ID 20240041, 10 p. (2024; Zbl 07899345) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Yang, Zhen-Hang; Tian, Jing-Feng Complete monotonicity of the remainder in an asymptotic series related to the psi function. (English) Zbl 07893383 Czech. Math. J. 74, No. 1, 337-351 (2024). MSC: 41A60 33B15 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Z.-H. Yang} and \textit{J.-F. Tian}, Czech. Math. J. 74, No. 1, 337--351 (2024; Zbl 07893383) Full Text: DOI
Schindl, Gerhard On Orlicz classes defined in terms of associated weight functions. (English) Zbl 07891503 Monatsh. Math. 204, No. 4, 919-968 (2024). MSC: 26A12 26A48 26A51 46E30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{G. Schindl}, Monatsh. Math. 204, No. 4, 919--968 (2024; Zbl 07891503) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Bouthat, Ludovick On the monotonicity of left and right Riemann sums. (English) Zbl 07877690 Sampl. Theory Signal Process. Data Anal. 22, No. 1, Paper No. 14, 42 p. (2024). MSC: 26D15 26A48 26A42 41A05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L. Bouthat}, Sampl. Theory Signal Process. Data Anal. 22, No. 1, Paper No. 14, 42 p. (2024; Zbl 07877690) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Han, Xue-Feng; Chen, Chao-Ping; Srivastava, H. M. Some new results related to the constant \(e\) and function \((1 + 1/x)^{x}\). (English) Zbl 07877077 Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. 18, No. 1, 65-91 (2024). MSC: 11Y60 40A05 26D20 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{X.-F. Han} et al., Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. 18, No. 1, 65--91 (2024; Zbl 07877077) Full Text: DOI
Wright, Stephen E. Mountain-climbing constructions for piecewise monotone functions. (English) Zbl 07872208 Aequationes Math. 98, No. 3, 803-817 (2024). Reviewer: Steve Pederson (Atlanta) MSC: 39B22 37E05 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. E. Wright}, Aequationes Math. 98, No. 3, 803--817 (2024; Zbl 07872208) Full Text: DOI
Goodrich, Christopher; Lizama, Carlos An unexpected property of fractional difference operators: finite and eventual monotonicity. (English) Zbl 07869338 Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 47, No. 7, 5484-5508 (2024). MSC: 26A48 33B15 44A35 26A33 39A12 39A70 39A99 39B62 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. Goodrich} and \textit{C. Lizama}, Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 47, No. 7, 5484--5508 (2024; Zbl 07869338) Full Text: DOI
Girjoaba, Adrian On the log-convexity of a Bernstein-like polynomials sequence. (English) Zbl 1540.26005 Dolomites Res. Notes Approx. 17, No. 2, 59-63 (2024). MSC: 26A51 26A48 33C45 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Girjoaba}, Dolomites Res. Notes Approx. 17, No. 2, 59--63 (2024; Zbl 1540.26005) Full Text: DOI
Chen, Hai-Sheng; Zhu, Ye-Cheng; Wang, Jia-Hui Complete monotonicity for a ratio of finitely many gamma functions. (English) Zbl 07859892 Math. Slovaca 74, No. 2, 355-364 (2024). MSC: 33B15 26A48 26A51 26D10 26D15 44A10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H.-S. Chen} et al., Math. Slovaca 74, No. 2, 355--364 (2024; Zbl 07859892) Full Text: DOI
Monteiro, Ana Shirley; Santiago, Regivan; Papčo, Martin; Mesiar, Radko; Bustince, Humberto On conditional monotonicities of interval-valued functions. (English) Zbl 07856747 Comput. Appl. Math. 43, No. 4, Paper No. 200, 24 p. (2024). MSC: 03B52 06A05 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. S. Monteiro} et al., Comput. Appl. Math. 43, No. 4, Paper No. 200, 24 p. (2024; Zbl 07856747) Full Text: DOI
Jiménez-Garrido, Javier; Miguel-Cantero, Ignacio; Sanz, Javier; Schindl, Gerhard Stability properties of ultraholomorphic classes of Roumieu-type defined by weight matrices. (English) Zbl 07851917 Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat., Ser. A Mat., RACSAM 118, No. 3, Paper No. 85, 30 p. (2024). MSC: 26A12 46E10 26A48 46A13 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Jiménez-Garrido} et al., Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat., Ser. A Mat., RACSAM 118, No. 3, Paper No. 85, 30 p. (2024; Zbl 07851917) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Mao, Zhong-Xuan; Tian, Jing-Feng Monotonicity rules for the ratio of two function series and two integral transforms. (English) Zbl 07843762 Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 152, No. 6, 2511-2527 (2024). MSC: 26A48 44A05 44A10 60E15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Z.-X. Mao} and \textit{J.-F. Tian}, Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 152, No. 6, 2511--2527 (2024; Zbl 07843762) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Zhao, Tie-Hong; Wang, Miao-Kun Monotonicity and convexity (concavity) properties for zero-balanced hypergeometric function. (English) Zbl 1537.33003 Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat., Ser. A Mat., RACSAM 118, No. 2, Paper No. 56, 21 p. (2024). MSC: 33C05 26A48 26A51 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T.-H. Zhao} and \textit{M.-K. Wang}, Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat., Ser. A Mat., RACSAM 118, No. 2, Paper No. 56, 21 p. (2024; Zbl 1537.33003) Full Text: DOI
Rajba, Teresa On functions with monotonic differences. (English) Zbl 07827631 Ann. Math. Sil. 38, No. 1, 93-110 (2024). Reviewer: Pál Burai (Debrecen) MSC: 39B62 39B12 26A51 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. Rajba}, Ann. Math. Sil. 38, No. 1, 93--110 (2024; Zbl 07827631) Full Text: DOI OA License
Bridaa, Safa; Jedidi, Wissem; Sendov, Hristo Generalized unimodality and subordinators, with applications to stable laws and to the Mittag-Leffler function. (English) Zbl 07826587 J. Theor. Probab. 37, No. 1, 1-42 (2024). MSC: 26A48 26D07 30E20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Bridaa} et al., J. Theor. Probab. 37, No. 1, 1--42 (2024; Zbl 07826587) Full Text: DOI
Alzer, Horst; Kwong, Man Kam On the sine polynomials of Fejér and Lukács. (English) Zbl 07806710 Arch. Math. 122, No. 3, 307-317 (2024). MSC: 26A48 26D05 33B10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. Alzer} and \textit{M. K. Kwong}, Arch. Math. 122, No. 3, 307--317 (2024; Zbl 07806710) Full Text: DOI
Koumandos, Stamatis; Pedersen, Henrik L. Higher order Thorin-Bernstein functions. (English) Zbl 1536.33001 Result. Math. 79, No. 1, Paper No. 13, 22 p. (2024). MSC: 33B15 33C05 44A10 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Koumandos} and \textit{H. L. Pedersen}, Result. Math. 79, No. 1, Paper No. 13, 22 p. (2024; Zbl 1536.33001) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Bao, Qi; Chu, Yu-Ming; Wang, Miao-Kun Dependence on the parameter of generalized Grötzsch ring and generalized Hübner functions. (English) Zbl 1539.33004 Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2) 47, No. 2, Paper No. 46, 13 p. (2024). MSC: 33C05 33E05 33B10 11F03 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Q. Bao} et al., Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2) 47, No. 2, Paper No. 46, 13 p. (2024; Zbl 1539.33004) Full Text: DOI
Mao, Zhong-Xuan; Tian, Jing-Feng Delta L’Hospital-, Laplace- and variable limit-type monotonicity rules on time scales. (English) Zbl 07768230 Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2) 47, No. 1, Paper No. 1, 28 p. (2024). MSC: 26A48 26E70 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Z.-X. Mao} and \textit{J.-F. Tian}, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2) 47, No. 1, Paper No. 1, 28 p. (2024; Zbl 07768230) Full Text: DOI
Karp, Dmitrii; Vishnyakova, Anna; Zhang, Yi Unimodality preservation by ratios of functional series and integral transforms. arXiv:2408.01755 Preprint, arXiv:2408.01755 [math.CA] (2024). MSC: 26A48 44A05 15B48 33C20 33D15 33E20 BibTeX Cite \textit{D. Karp} et al., ``Unimodality preservation by ratios of functional series and integral transforms'', Preprint, arXiv:2408.01755 [math.CA] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Yang, Zhen-Hang; Wang, Miao-Kun; Zhao, Tie-Hong Some new properties of the beta function and Ramanujan R-function. arXiv:2407.15664 Preprint, arXiv:2407.15664 [math.CA] (2024). MSC: 33B15 33C05 11M06 30B10 26A48 BibTeX Cite \textit{Z.-H. Yang} et al., ``Some new properties of the beta function and Ramanujan R-function'', Preprint, arXiv:2407.15664 [math.CA] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Alzer, Horst; Pedersen, Henrik L. Inequalities for 1/(1-cos(x)) and its derivatives. arXiv:2406.08932 Preprint, arXiv:2406.08932 [math.CA] (2024). MSC: 26A48 26D05 11B68 BibTeX Cite \textit{H. Alzer} and \textit{H. L. Pedersen}, ``Inequalities for 1/(1-cos(x)) and its derivatives'', Preprint, arXiv:2406.08932 [math.CA] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Zhao, Tiehong; Yang, Zhen-Hang Absolutely monotonic functions related to the asymptotic formula for the complete elliptic integral of the first kind. arXiv:2405.19651 Preprint, arXiv:2405.19651 [math.CA] (2024). MSC: 33E05 26A48 40A05 41A10 BibTeX Cite \textit{T. Zhao} and \textit{Z.-H. Yang}, ``Absolutely monotonic functions related to the asymptotic formula for the complete elliptic integral of the first kind'', Preprint, arXiv:2405.19651 [math.CA] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Mao, Zhong-Xuan; Tian, Jing-Feng Monotonicity rules for the ratio of power series. arXiv:2404.18168 Preprint, arXiv:2404.18168 [math.CA] (2024). MSC: 26A48 BibTeX Cite \textit{Z.-X. Mao} and \textit{J.-F. Tian}, ``Monotonicity rules for the ratio of power series'', Preprint, arXiv:2404.18168 [math.CA] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Berg, Christian A complete Bernstein function related to the fractal dimension of Pascal’s pyramid modulo a prime. arXiv:2402.08378 Preprint, arXiv:2402.08378 [math.CA] (2024). MSC: 30E20 26A48 BibTeX Cite \textit{C. Berg}, ``A complete Bernstein function related to the fractal dimension of Pascal's pyramid modulo a prime'', Preprint, arXiv:2402.08378 [math.CA] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Brown, Henry J.; Grabovsky, Yury On feasibility of extrapolation of completely monotone functions. arXiv:2401.15178 Preprint, arXiv:2401.15178 [math.CV] (2024). MSC: 49K40 90C46 30B40 44A10 26A48 41A30 41A05 30A10 BibTeX Cite \textit{H. J. Brown} and \textit{Y. Grabovsky}, ``On feasibility of extrapolation of completely monotone functions'', Preprint, arXiv:2401.15178 [math.CV] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Han, Qi; Liu, Jingbo; Malik, Nadeem Borel lemma: geometric progression vs. Riemann zeta-function. arXiv:2401.14481 Preprint, arXiv:2401.14481 [math.CA] (2024). MSC: 26A12 26A48 30D35 BibTeX Cite \textit{Q. Han} et al., ``Borel lemma: geometric progression vs. Riemann zeta-function'', Preprint, arXiv:2401.14481 [math.CA] (2024) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Schindl, Gerhard On the class of almost subadditive weight functions. arXiv:2401.10933 Preprint, arXiv:2401.10933 [math.CV] (2024). MSC: 26A12 26A48 BibTeX Cite \textit{G. Schindl}, ``On the class of almost subadditive weight functions'', Preprint, arXiv:2401.10933 [math.CV] (2024) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Sesma-Sara, Mikel; Bustince, Humberto; Mesiar, Radko Directional monotonicity of multidimensional fusion functions with respect to admissible orders. (English) Zbl 07898153 Fuzzy Sets Syst. 467, Article ID 108498, 19 p. (2023). MSC: 26E50 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Sesma-Sara} et al., Fuzzy Sets Syst. 467, Article ID 108498, 19 p. (2023; Zbl 07898153) Full Text: DOI
Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha; Tephnadze, George Sharpness of some Hardy-type inequalities. (English) Zbl 1537.26015 J. Inequal. Appl. 2023, Paper No. 155, 16 p. (2023). MSC: 26D15 26D10 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L.-E. Persson} et al., J. Inequal. Appl. 2023, Paper No. 155, 16 p. (2023; Zbl 1537.26015) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Li, Y.-F.; Lim, D.; Qi, F. Closed-form formulas, determinantal expressions, recursive relations, power series, and special values of several functions used in Clark-Ismail’s two conjectures. (English) Zbl 07837935 Appl. Comput. Math. 22, No. 4, 443-465 (2023). MSC: 11B68 11B73 41A58 26A24 26A48 26A51 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. F. Li} et al., Appl. Comput. Math. 22, No. 4, 443--465 (2023; Zbl 07837935) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Hilberdink, Titus Complete monotonicity of solutions of the Abel equation \(F(e^x)=F(x)+1\). (English) Zbl 07826887 Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci., Math. 71, No. 2, 135-145 (2023). MSC: 26A18 39B22 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. Hilberdink}, Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci., Math. 71, No. 2, 135--145 (2023; Zbl 07826887) Full Text: DOI
Mao, Zhong-Xuan; Tian, Jing-Fen Monotonicity of three kinds of functions involving the Gaussian hypergeometric function. (English) Zbl 07789467 Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. - Simon Stevin 30, No. 4, 532-547 (2023). MSC: 26A48 33C05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Z.-X. Mao} and \textit{J.-F. Tian}, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. - Simon Stevin 30, No. 4, 532--547 (2023; Zbl 07789467) Full Text: DOI Link
Wang, Miao-Kun; Zhao, Tie-Hong; Ren, Xue-Jing; Chu, Yu-Ming; He, Zai-Yin Monotonicity and concavity properties of the Gaussian hypergeometric functions, with applications. (English) Zbl 1534.33002 Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 54, No. 4, 1105-1124 (2023). Reviewer: Showkat Ahmad (Sopore) MSC: 33C05 33E05 26A48 26A51 26D07 26D20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M.-K. Wang} et al., Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 54, No. 4, 1105--1124 (2023; Zbl 1534.33002) Full Text: DOI
Mehrez, Khaled; Das, Sourav; Kumar, Anish Monotonicity properties and functional inequalities for the Barnes Mittag-Leffler function. (English) Zbl 07777170 Miskolc Math. Notes 24, No. 2, 893-907 (2023). MSC: 39B62 33E12 26D07 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{K. Mehrez} et al., Miskolc Math. Notes 24, No. 2, 893--907 (2023; Zbl 07777170) Full Text: DOI
Mao, Zhong-Xuan; Tian, Jing-Feng Monotonicity of three classes of functions involving modified Bessel functions of the second kind. (English) Zbl 1532.33010 Bull. Iran. Math. Soc. 49, No. 5, Paper No. 70, 25 p. (2023). MSC: 33C10 26A48 26D07 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Z.-X. Mao} and \textit{J.-F. Tian}, Bull. Iran. Math. Soc. 49, No. 5, Paper No. 70, 25 p. (2023; Zbl 1532.33010) Full Text: DOI
Zhang, Ju-Mei; Yin, Li; You, Hong-Lian Complete monotonicity and inequalities involving the \(k\)-gamma and \(k\)-polygamma functions. (English) Zbl 1532.33006 Math. Slovaca 73, No. 5, 1217-1230 (2023). MSC: 33B15 33B30 26D07 26A48 26A51 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J.-M. Zhang} et al., Math. Slovaca 73, No. 5, 1217--1230 (2023; Zbl 1532.33006) Full Text: DOI
Shao, Zehui; Kosari, Saeed; Yadollahzadeh, Milad; Beikaee, Seyed Abdollah New results of uncertain integrals and applications. (English) Zbl 07757061 Georgian Math. J. 30, No. 5, 775-781 (2023). MSC: 26A48 26D15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Z. Shao} et al., Georgian Math. J. 30, No. 5, 775--781 (2023; Zbl 07757061) Full Text: DOI
Saucedo, Miquel Hardy inequalities for \(p\)-weakly monotone functions. (English) Zbl 07747051 Eurasian Math. J. 14, No. 2, 94-106 (2023). MSC: 26D15 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Saucedo}, Eurasian Math. J. 14, No. 2, 94--106 (2023; Zbl 07747051) Full Text: DOI MNR
Olbryś, Andrzej On separation by function of bounded variation. (English) Zbl 07745862 Period. Math. Hung. 87, No. 1, 232-244 (2023). MSC: 26A45 26A48 39B62 39B72 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Olbryś}, Period. Math. Hung. 87, No. 1, 232--244 (2023; Zbl 07745862) Full Text: DOI OA License
Yang, Zhen-Hang; Tian, Jing-Feng Convexity of ratios of the modified Bessel functions of the first kind with applications. (English) Zbl 1531.33009 Rev. Mat. Complut. 36, No. 3, 799-825 (2023). MSC: 33C10 26A51 26A48 39B62 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Z.-H. Yang} and \textit{J.-F. Tian}, Rev. Mat. Complut. 36, No. 3, 799--825 (2023; Zbl 1531.33009) Full Text: DOI
Berg, Christian; Pedersen, Henrik L. A family of Horn-Bernstein functions. (English) Zbl 07739750 Exp. Math. 32, No. 3, 505-513 (2023). MSC: 33B10 26A48 26A06 44A10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. Berg} and \textit{H. L. Pedersen}, Exp. Math. 32, No. 3, 505--513 (2023; Zbl 07739750) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Assefa, Genet M.; Baricz, Árpád Exponential bounds for the logarithmic derivative of Whittaker functions. (English) Zbl 1534.33004 Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 151, No. 11, 4867-4880 (2023). Reviewer: Bujar Fejzullahu (Preševo) MSC: 33C15 41A60 34M03 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{G. M. Assefa} and \textit{Á. Baricz}, Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 151, No. 11, 4867--4880 (2023; Zbl 1534.33004) Full Text: DOI
Qi, Feng; Lim, Dongkyu Increasing property and logarithmic convexity of functions involving Dirichlet lambda function. (English) Zbl 1534.11110 Demonstr. Math. 56, Article ID 20220243, 6 p. (2023). MSC: 11M41 11M06 26A48 26A51 33B10 33B15 44A10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Qi} and \textit{D. Lim}, Demonstr. Math. 56, Article ID 20220243, 6 p. (2023; Zbl 1534.11110) Full Text: DOI OA License
Han, Xue-Feng; Chen, Chao-Ping; Srivastava, Hari M. Asymptotic expansions and complete monotonicity properties for the Barnes \(G\)-function. (English) Zbl 1521.41009 Rocky Mt. J. Math. 53, No. 3, 775-790 (2023). MSC: 41A60 26A48 33B15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{X.-F. Han} et al., Rocky Mt. J. Math. 53, No. 3, 775--790 (2023; Zbl 1521.41009) Full Text: DOI Link
Möhle, M. A particular family of absolutely monotone functions and relations to branching processes. (English) Zbl 1538.26025 Anal. Math. 49, No. 2, 641-650 (2023). Reviewer: Tomasz Natkaniec (Gdańsk) MSC: 26A48 33B30 60J80 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Möhle}, Anal. Math. 49, No. 2, 641--650 (2023; Zbl 1538.26025) Full Text: DOI
Goswami, Angshuman R.; Páles, Zsolt On approximately convex and affine functions. (English) Zbl 1538.26027 J. Math. Inequal. 17, No. 2, 459-480 (2023). MSC: 26A51 26A48 39A12 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. R. Goswami} and \textit{Z. Páles}, J. Math. Inequal. 17, No. 2, 459--480 (2023; Zbl 1538.26027) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Mao, Zhong-Xuan; Tian, Jing-Feng Delta complete monotonicity and completely monotonic degree on time scales. (English) Zbl 1518.26020 Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2) 46, No. 4, Paper No. 142, 23 p. (2023). MSC: 26E70 26A48 26B25 33B15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Z.-X. Mao} and \textit{J.-F. Tian}, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2) 46, No. 4, Paper No. 142, 23 p. (2023; Zbl 1518.26020) Full Text: DOI
Alzer, Horst Extension of an inequality of Ramanujan. (English) Zbl 07712227 Expo. Math. 41, No. 2, 448-450 (2023). MSC: 26D15 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. Alzer}, Expo. Math. 41, No. 2, 448--450 (2023; Zbl 07712227) Full Text: DOI
Kovalev, M. D.; Kuleshov, A. A. On properties of continuous monotone functions. (English. Russian original) Zbl 07710644 Math. Notes 113, No. 6, 874-878 (2023); translation from Mat. Zametki 113, No. 6, 945-949 (2023). MSC: 26A15 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. D. Kovalev} and \textit{A. A. Kuleshov}, Math. Notes 113, No. 6, 874--878 (2023; Zbl 07710644); translation from Mat. Zametki 113, No. 6, 945--949 (2023) Full Text: DOI
Yang, Zhen-Hang; Tian, Jing-Feng Complete monotonicity involving the divided difference of polygamma functions. (English) Zbl 1524.33015 Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. 17, No. 1, 138-158 (2023). MSC: 33B15 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Z.-H. Yang} and \textit{J.-F. Tian}, Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. 17, No. 1, 138--158 (2023; Zbl 1524.33015) Full Text: DOI
Tian, Jing-Feng; Yang, Zhen-Hang Absolute monotonicity of the accuracy of Ramanujan approximations for perimeter of an ellipse. (English) Zbl 1524.33080 Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat., Ser. A Mat., RACSAM 117, No. 3, Paper No. 135, 16 p. (2023). MSC: 33E05 26A48 26E60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J.-F. Tian} and \textit{Z.-H. Yang}, Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat., Ser. A Mat., RACSAM 117, No. 3, Paper No. 135, 16 p. (2023; Zbl 1524.33080) Full Text: DOI
Carlota, Clara; Ornelas, António Constructive decomposition of any \(L^1(a, b)\) function as sum of a strongly convergent series of integrable functions each one positive or negative exactly in open sets. (English) Zbl 1524.26018 Mediterr. J. Math. 20, No. 4, Paper No. 226, 17 p. (2023). MSC: 26A42 26A46 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. Carlota} and \textit{A. Ornelas}, Mediterr. J. Math. 20, No. 4, Paper No. 226, 17 p. (2023; Zbl 1524.26018) Full Text: DOI OA License
Yamazaki, Kaori Extensions of continuous increasing functions. (English) Zbl 1523.54024 Topology Appl. 335, Article ID 108566, 38 p. (2023). Reviewer: Isabel Garrido (Madrid) MSC: 54C45 54C20 26A48 54F05 06A06 91B02 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{K. Yamazaki}, Topology Appl. 335, Article ID 108566, 38 p. (2023; Zbl 1523.54024) Full Text: DOI
Reich, Simeon; Zaslavski, Alexander J. Most continuous and increasing functions on a compact real interval have infinitely many different fixed points. (English) Zbl 07690357 J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 25, No. 2, Paper No. 53, 7 p. (2023). Reviewer: Sergei V. Rogosin (Minsk) MSC: 47H10 26A15 26A48 54E35 54E52 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Reich} and \textit{A. J. Zaslavski}, J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 25, No. 2, Paper No. 53, 7 p. (2023; Zbl 07690357) Full Text: DOI
Alizadeh, Mohammad Hossein On \(e\)-convex functions and \(e\)-subdifferentials in locally convex spaces. (English) Zbl 1517.47084 Optimization 72, No. 5, 1347-1362 (2023). MSC: 47H05 49J53 46B10 26A27 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. H. Alizadeh}, Optimization 72, No. 5, 1347--1362 (2023; Zbl 1517.47084) Full Text: DOI
Bessenyei, Mihály; Pénzes, Evelin Support theorems for generalized monotone functions. (English) Zbl 1528.26010 J. Convex Anal. 30, No. 1, 359-369 (2023). Reviewer: Szymon Wąsowicz (Bielsko-Biała) MSC: 26A51 26A48 26D15 39B62 41A17 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Bessenyei} and \textit{E. Pénzes}, J. Convex Anal. 30, No. 1, 359--369 (2023; Zbl 1528.26010) Full Text: Link
Qi, Feng; Yao, Yong-Hong Increasing property and logarithmic convexity concerning Dirichlet beta function, Euler numbers, and their ratios. (English) Zbl 1524.11060 Hacet. J. Math. Stat. 52, No. 1, 17-22 (2023). MSC: 11B68 11M06 26A48 26A51 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Qi} and \textit{Y.-H. Yao}, Hacet. J. Math. Stat. 52, No. 1, 17--22 (2023; Zbl 1524.11060) Full Text: DOI
Mehrez, Khaled A study of certain class of strictly positives definite functions and applications. (English) Zbl 1508.11091 Positivity 27, No. 2, Paper No. 30, 18 p. (2023). MSC: 11M35 26A48 33C10 26D07 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{K. Mehrez}, Positivity 27, No. 2, Paper No. 30, 18 p. (2023; Zbl 1508.11091) Full Text: DOI
Mao, Zhong-Xuan; Tian, Jing-Feng Monotonicity and complete monotonicity of some functions involving the modified Bessel functions of the second kind. (English) Zbl 1529.33007 C. R., Math., Acad. Sci. Paris 361, 217-235 (2023). MSC: 33C10 33B15 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Z.-X. Mao} and \textit{J.-F. Tian}, C. R., Math., Acad. Sci. Paris 361, 217--235 (2023; Zbl 1529.33007) Full Text: DOI OA License
Ferreira, Rui A. C.; Simon, Thomas Convolution of beta prime distribution. (English) Zbl 1505.60021 Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 376, No. 2, 855-890 (2023). MSC: 60E05 26A48 33C15 33C20 33C45 33C65 60E07 60E15 62E15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. A. C. Ferreira} and \textit{T. Simon}, Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 376, No. 2, 855--890 (2023; Zbl 1505.60021) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Ressel, Paul On the compounding of higher order monotonic pseudo-Boolean functions. (English) Zbl 07621105 Positivity 27, No. 1, Paper No. 3, 13 p. (2023). MSC: 26A48 26E25 06E30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. Ressel}, Positivity 27, No. 1, Paper No. 3, 13 p. (2023; Zbl 07621105) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Yang, Zhenhang; Tian, Jing-Feng Complete monotonicity of the remainder of the asymptotic series for the ratio of two gamma functions. (English) Zbl 1522.33001 J. Math. Anal. Appl. 517, No. 2, Article ID 126649, 15 p. (2023). MSC: 33B15 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Z. Yang} and \textit{J.-F. Tian}, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 517, No. 2, Article ID 126649, 15 p. (2023; Zbl 1522.33001) Full Text: DOI
Mao, Zhong-Xuan; Du, Xiao-Yue; Tian, Jing-Feng Some monotonicity rules for quotient of integrals on time scales. arXiv:2312.10252 Preprint, arXiv:2312.10252 [math.CA] (2023). MSC: 33B15 26A48 26E70 BibTeX Cite \textit{Z.-X. Mao} et al., ``Some monotonicity rules for quotient of integrals on time scales'', Preprint, arXiv:2312.10252 [math.CA] (2023) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Baslingker, Jnaneshwar; Dan, Biltu Partial divisibility of random sets and powers of completely monotone functions. arXiv:2312.02766 Preprint, arXiv:2312.02766 [math.PR] (2023). MSC: 52A22 60E07 26A48 BibTeX Cite \textit{J. Baslingker} and \textit{B. Dan}, ``Partial divisibility of random sets and powers of completely monotone functions'', Preprint, arXiv:2312.02766 [math.PR] (2023) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Genest, Christian; Ouimet, Frédéric; Richards, Donald On the Gaussian product inequality conjecture for disjoint principal minors of Wishart random matrices. arXiv:2311.00202 Preprint, arXiv:2311.00202 [math.ST] (2023). MSC: 60E15 26A48 44A10 62E15 62H10 BibTeX Cite \textit{C. Genest} et al., ``On the Gaussian product inequality conjecture for disjoint principal minors of Wishart random matrices'', Preprint, arXiv:2311.00202 [math.ST] (2023) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Belton, Alexander; Guillot, Dominique; Khare, Apoorva; Putinar, Mihai Negativity-preserving transforms of tuples of symmetric matrices. arXiv:2310.18041 Preprint, arXiv:2310.18041 [math.CA] (2023). MSC: 15B48 15A18 26A48 32A05 BibTeX Cite \textit{A. Belton} et al., ``Negativity-preserving transforms of tuples of symmetric matrices'', Preprint, arXiv:2310.18041 [math.CA] (2023) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Altaymani, Nuha; Jedidi, Wissem New monotonicity and infinite divisibility properties for the Mittag-Leffler function and for the stable distributions. arXiv:2310.00695 Preprint, arXiv:2310.00695 [math.PR] (2023). MSC: 26A48 30E20 60E05 60E07 60E10 33E12 BibTeX Cite \textit{N. Altaymani} and \textit{W. Jedidi}, ``New monotonicity and infinite divisibility properties for the Mittag-Leffler function and for the stable distributions'', Preprint, arXiv:2310.00695 [math.PR] (2023) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Schindl, Gerhard On the regularization of sequences and associated weight functions. arXiv:2307.07902 Preprint, arXiv:2307.07902 [math.CA] (2023). MSC: 26A12 26A48 26A51 BibTeX Cite \textit{G. Schindl}, ``On the regularization of sequences and associated weight functions'', Preprint, arXiv:2307.07902 [math.CA] (2023) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Nantomah, Kwara; Abe-I-Kpeng, Gregory; Sandow, Sunday On Some Properties of the Trigamma Function. arXiv:2304.12081 Preprint, arXiv:2304.12081 [math.CA] (2023). MSC: 33B15 26A48 26A51 41A29 BibTeX Cite \textit{K. Nantomah} et al., ``On Some Properties of the Trigamma Function'', Preprint, arXiv:2304.12081 [math.CA] (2023) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Niculescu, Constantin P.; Sra, Suvrit The Hornich-Hlawka functional inequality for functions with positive differences. arXiv:2301.08342 Preprint, arXiv:2301.08342 [math.FA] (2023). MSC: 26B25 26B35 26D15 26A48 26A51 BibTeX Cite \textit{C. P. Niculescu} and \textit{S. Sra}, ``The Hornich-Hlawka functional inequality for functions with positive differences'', Preprint, arXiv:2301.08342 [math.FA] (2023) Full Text: arXiv OA License
Qi, Feng Two monotonic functions defined by two derivatives of a function involving trigamma function. (English) Zbl 1538.26026 TWMS J. Pure Appl. Math. 13, No. 1, 91-104 (2022). MSC: 26A48 33B15 44A10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Qi}, TWMS J. Pure Appl. Math. 13, No. 1, 91--104 (2022; Zbl 1538.26026) Full Text: Link
Dragomir, S. S. Second derivative Lipschitz type inequalities for an integral transform of positive operators in Hilbert spaces. (English) Zbl 07790521 Extr. Math. 37, No. 2, 261-282 (2022). Reviewer: K. C. Sivakumar (Chennai) MSC: 47A30 47A60 44A99 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. S. Dragomir}, Extr. Math. 37, No. 2, 261--282 (2022; Zbl 07790521) Full Text: DOI OA License
Mohammed, Pshtiwan Othman; Goodrich, Christopher S.; Hamasalh, Faraidun Kadir; Kashuri, Artion; Hamed, Y. S. On positivity and monotonicity analysis for discrete fractional operators with discrete Mittag-Leffler kernel. (English) Zbl 1529.26011 Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 45, No. 10, 6391-6410 (2022). MSC: 26A48 26A33 26A51 39A12 39B62 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. O. Mohammed} et al., Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 45, No. 10, 6391--6410 (2022; Zbl 1529.26011) Full Text: DOI
Schindl, Gerhard On the equivalence between moderate growth-type conditions in the weight matrix setting. (English) Zbl 07725443 Note Mat. 42, No. 1, 1-36 (2022). MSC: 46E10 26A12 26A48 46A13 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{G. Schindl}, Note Mat. 42, No. 1, 1--36 (2022; Zbl 07725443) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Alzer, Horst; Kwong, Man Kam Monotonicity theorems and inequalities for certain sine sums. (English) Zbl 07689781 Rend. Ist. Mat. Univ. Trieste 54, Paper No. 19, 17 p. (2022). MSC: 26D05 26A48 26C15 42A05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. Alzer} and \textit{M. K. Kwong}, Rend. Ist. Mat. Univ. Trieste 54, Paper No. 19, 17 p. (2022; Zbl 07689781) Full Text: DOI Link
Menegatto, V. A.; Oliveira, C. P. An extension of Aitken’s integral for Gaussians and positive definiteness. (English) Zbl 1528.42015 Methods Appl. Anal. 29, No. 2, 179-194 (2022). Reviewer: Ana Paula Peron (São Carlos) MSC: 42A82 26A48 62J10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. A. Menegatto} and \textit{C. P. Oliveira}, Methods Appl. Anal. 29, No. 2, 179--194 (2022; Zbl 1528.42015) Full Text: DOI
Dyachenko, M. I.; Tikhonov, S. Yu. Piecewise general monotone functions and the Hardy-Littlewood theorem. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1508.42003 Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 319, 110-123 (2022); translation from Tr. Mat. Inst. Steklova 319, 120-133 (2022). MSC: 42A16 42B35 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. I. Dyachenko} and \textit{S. Yu. Tikhonov}, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 319, 110--123 (2022; Zbl 1508.42003); translation from Tr. Mat. Inst. Steklova 319, 120--133 (2022) Full Text: DOI
Vinogradov, O. L. Logarithmically absolutely monotone trigonometric functions. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1506.26012 J. Math. Sci., New York 268, No. 6, 773-782 (2022); translation from Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI 503, 57-71 (2021). MSC: 26D05 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. L. Vinogradov}, J. Math. Sci., New York 268, No. 6, 773--782 (2022; Zbl 1506.26012); translation from Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI 503, 57--71 (2021) Full Text: DOI
Qi, Feng; Wan, Aying A closed-form expression of a remarkable sequence of polynomials originating from a family of entire functions connecting the Bessel and Lambert functions. (English) Zbl 1503.11056 São Paulo J. Math. Sci. 16, No. 2, 1238-1248 (2022). MSC: 11B73 11B83 26A48 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Qi} and \textit{A. Wan}, São Paulo J. Math. Sci. 16, No. 2, 1238--1248 (2022; Zbl 1503.11056) Full Text: DOI
Jónás, Tamás; Bakouch, Hassan S. The generalized omega function and its connection with some probability distributions. (English) Zbl 1512.26007 Mediterr. J. Math. 19, No. 6, Paper No. 250, 11 p. (2022). MSC: 26A48 62E20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. Jónás} and \textit{H. S. Bakouch}, Mediterr. J. Math. 19, No. 6, Paper No. 250, 11 p. (2022; Zbl 1512.26007) Full Text: DOI OA License
Huang, Ti-Ren; Chen, Lu; Chu, Yu-Ming Asymptotically sharp bounds for the complete \(p\)-elliptic integral of the first kind. (English) Zbl 1522.33012 Hokkaido Math. J. 51, No. 2, 189-210 (2022). MSC: 33E05 26A48 26D07 33C05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T.-R. Huang} et al., Hokkaido Math. J. 51, No. 2, 189--210 (2022; Zbl 1522.33012) Full Text: DOI
Feng, Qi Necessary and sufficient conditions for a difference defined by four derivatives of a function containing trigamma function to be completely monotonic. (English) Zbl 1508.26011 Appl. Comput. Math. 21, No. 1, 61-70 (2022). MSC: 26A48 26D07 33B10 33B15 44A10 44A35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Q. Feng}, Appl. Comput. Math. 21, No. 1, 61--70 (2022; Zbl 1508.26011) Full Text: Link
Skordev, Dimitar Some aspects of distancing. (English) Zbl 1513.54100 C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 75, No. 1, 3-10 (2022). Reviewer: Petar Popivanov (Sofia) MSC: 54E35 26A48 05C69 14P10 03C10 03D78 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Skordev}, C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 75, No. 1, 3--10 (2022; Zbl 1513.54100) Full Text: DOI
Chavan, Sameer; Sahu, Chaman Kumar Dirichlet polynomials and a moment problem. (English) Zbl 1507.44005 Banach J. Math. Anal. 16, No. 4, Paper No. 63, 23 p. (2022). MSC: 44A60 26A48 30E20 30B50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Chavan} and \textit{C. K. Sahu}, Banach J. Math. Anal. 16, No. 4, Paper No. 63, 23 p. (2022; Zbl 1507.44005) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Kopeček, Oldřich The solvability of \(f(p(x)) = q(f(x))\) for given strictly monotonous continuous real functions \(p\), \(q\). (English) Zbl 1507.26019 Aequationes Math. 96, No. 5, 901-925 (2022). MSC: 26A48 39B22 65Q20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. Kopeček}, Aequationes Math. 96, No. 5, 901--925 (2022; Zbl 1507.26019) Full Text: DOI OA License
Qi, Feng Decreasing property and complete monotonicity of two functions constituted via three derivatives of a function involving trigamma function. (English) Zbl 1524.33013 Math. Slovaca 72, No. 4, 899-910 (2022). MSC: 33B15 26A48 26A51 26D07 33B10 44A10 44A35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Qi}, Math. Slovaca 72, No. 4, 899--910 (2022; Zbl 1524.33013) Full Text: DOI
Ouimet, Frédéric; Qi, Feng Logarithmically complete monotonicity of a matrix-parametrized analogue of the multinomial distribution. (English) Zbl 1505.26022 Math. Inequal. Appl. 25, No. 3, 703-714 (2022). MSC: 26A48 05A20 33B15 60E10 62E17 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Ouimet} and \textit{F. Qi}, Math. Inequal. Appl. 25, No. 3, 703--714 (2022; Zbl 1505.26022) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Yang, Zhenhang; Tian, Jingfeng Absolute monotonicity involving the complete elliptic integrals of the first kind with applications. (English) Zbl 1513.33048 Acta Math. Sci., Ser. B, Engl. Ed. 42, No. 3, 847-864 (2022). MSC: 33E05 26A48 40A05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Z. Yang} and \textit{J. Tian}, Acta Math. Sci., Ser. B, Engl. Ed. 42, No. 3, 847--864 (2022; Zbl 1513.33048) Full Text: DOI
Qi, Feng Complete monotonicity for a new ratio of finitely many gamma functions. (English) Zbl 1524.33012 Acta Math. Sci., Ser. B, Engl. Ed. 42, No. 2, 511-520 (2022). MSC: 33B15 26A48 26D07 44A10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Qi}, Acta Math. Sci., Ser. B, Engl. Ed. 42, No. 2, 511--520 (2022; Zbl 1524.33012) Full Text: DOI HAL
Dhaigude, R. M.; Bagul, Y. J. A note on the Becker-Stark type inequalities. (English) Zbl 1502.26014 Probl. Anal. Issues Anal. 11(29), No. 1, 58-66 (2022). MSC: 26D05 26A48 33B10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. M. Dhaigude} and \textit{Y. J. Bagul}, Probl. Anal. Issues Anal. 11(29), No. 1, 58--66 (2022; Zbl 1502.26014) Full Text: DOI MNR OA License
Mir, Youness; Dubeau, François A piecewise model for two-phase growth phenomena. (English) Zbl 07553301 Commun. Stat., Simulation Comput. 51, No. 1, 99-115 (2022). MSC: 62-XX 26A48 65D10 62J02 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. Mir} and \textit{F. Dubeau}, Commun. Stat., Simulation Comput. 51, No. 1, 99--115 (2022; Zbl 07553301) Full Text: DOI
Alzer, Horst; Kwong, Man Kam Inequalities for Taylor series involving the divisor function. (English) Zbl 1524.11008 Czech. Math. J. 72, No. 2, 331-348 (2022). MSC: 11A25 26A48 26D15 33D05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. Alzer} and \textit{M. K. Kwong}, Czech. Math. J. 72, No. 2, 331--348 (2022; Zbl 1524.11008) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Stepanov, Vladimir D. On the boundedness of the Hilbert transform from weighted Sobolev space to weighted Lebesgue space. (English) Zbl 1504.44003 J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 28, No. 3, Paper No. 46, 17 p. (2022). MSC: 44A15 42B20 26A48 42A50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. D. Stepanov}, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 28, No. 3, Paper No. 46, 17 p. (2022; Zbl 1504.44003) Full Text: DOI
Vijay; Vijender, N.; Chand, A. K. B. Generalized zipper fractal approximation and parameter identification problems. (English) Zbl 1513.65018 Comput. Appl. Math. 41, No. 4, Paper No. 155, 23 p. (2022). MSC: 65D05 28A80 41A05 41A29 41A30 65D10 26A48 26A51 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Vijay} et al., Comput. Appl. Math. 41, No. 4, Paper No. 155, 23 p. (2022; Zbl 1513.65018) Full Text: DOI
Schindl, Gerhard On subadditivity-like conditions for associated weight functions. (English) Zbl 1501.26001 Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. - Simon Stevin 28, No. 3, 399-427 (2022). Reviewer: Edward Omey (Brussel) MSC: 26A12 26A48 40A05 46A13 46E10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{G. Schindl}, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. - Simon Stevin 28, No. 3, 399--427 (2022; Zbl 1501.26001) Full Text: arXiv