
Found 32,952 Documents (Results 1–100)

On a relationship between linear and differential characteristics of binary vector spaces mappings and diffusion characteristics over blocks of imprimitivity systems of translation group of the binary vector space. (English. Russian original) Zbl 07908434

Discrete Math. Appl. 34, No. 3, 121-144 (2024); translation from Diskretn. Mat. 35, No. 1, 3-34 (2023).
MSC:  94A60 20B30 20D60
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Middle-products of skew polynomials and learning with errors. (English) Zbl 07904521

Quaglia, Elizabeth A. (ed.), Cryptography and coding. 19th IMA international conference, IMACC 2023, London, UK, December 12–14, 2023. Proceedings. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14421, 199-219 (2024).
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Selective delegation of attributes in mercurial signature credentials. (English) Zbl 07904520

Quaglia, Elizabeth A. (ed.), Cryptography and coding. 19th IMA international conference, IMACC 2023, London, UK, December 12–14, 2023. Proceedings. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14421, 181-196 (2024).
MSC:  94A62 94A60
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ZK-for-Z2K: MPC-in-the-head zero-knowledge proofs for \(\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}\). (English) Zbl 07904518

Quaglia, Elizabeth A. (ed.), Cryptography and coding. 19th IMA international conference, IMACC 2023, London, UK, December 12–14, 2023. Proceedings. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14421, 137-157 (2024).
MSC:  94A60 94A62
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Zero-knowledge systems from MPC-in-the-head and oblivious transfer. (English) Zbl 07904517

Quaglia, Elizabeth A. (ed.), Cryptography and coding. 19th IMA international conference, IMACC 2023, London, UK, December 12–14, 2023. Proceedings. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14421, 120-136 (2024).
MSC:  94A60 68P25
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Coset leaders of the first order Reed-Muller codes in the classes of Niho functions and threshold functions. (English) Zbl 07904512

Quaglia, Elizabeth A. (ed.), Cryptography and coding. 19th IMA international conference, IMACC 2023, London, UK, December 12–14, 2023. Proceedings. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14421, 17-33 (2024).
MSC:  94B05 94D10 94A60
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Abstract algebra. With applications to Galois theory, algebraic geometry, representation theory and cryptography. 3rd edition. (English) Zbl 07896645

De Gruyter Graduate. Berlin: De Gruyter (ISBN 978-3-11-113951-7/pbk; 978-3-11-114252-4/ebook). xii, 410 p. (2024).
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An efficient autonomous path proxy re-encryption without pairing for cloud-assisted mHealth. (English) Zbl 07883580

Ge, Chunpeng (ed.) et al., Information security and cryptology. 19th international conference, Inscrypt 2023, Hangzhou, China, December 9–10, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Singapore: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14527, 411-415 (2024).
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Power of randomness recovery: tighter CCA-secure KEM in the QROM. (English) Zbl 07883578

Ge, Chunpeng (ed.) et al., Information security and cryptology. 19th international conference, Inscrypt 2023, Hangzhou, China, December 9–10, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Singapore: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14527, 403-406 (2024).
MSC:  94A60 81P94
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Improved homomorphic evaluation for hash function based on TFHE. (English) Zbl 07883577

Ge, Chunpeng (ed.) et al., Information security and cryptology. 19th international conference, Inscrypt 2023, Hangzhou, China, December 9–10, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Singapore: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14527, 399-402 (2024).
MSC:  68P25 94A60
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An efficient privacy-preserving scheme for weak password collection in Internet of Things. (English) Zbl 07883575

Ge, Chunpeng (ed.) et al., Information security and cryptology. 19th international conference, Inscrypt 2023, Hangzhou, China, December 9–10, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Singapore: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14527, 389-393 (2024).
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Differential privacy enhanced dynamic searchable symmetric encryption for cloud environments. (English) Zbl 07883574

Ge, Chunpeng (ed.) et al., Information security and cryptology. 19th international conference, Inscrypt 2023, Hangzhou, China, December 9–10, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Singapore: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14527, 368-386 (2024).
MSC:  94A60 68P15
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Forward secure online/offline key policy attribute-based encryption with keyword search. (English) Zbl 07883573

Ge, Chunpeng (ed.) et al., Information security and cryptology. 19th international conference, Inscrypt 2023, Hangzhou, China, December 9–10, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Singapore: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14527, 356-367 (2024).
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FaBFT: flexible asynchronous BFT protocol using DAG. (English) Zbl 07883572

Ge, Chunpeng (ed.) et al., Information security and cryptology. 19th international conference, Inscrypt 2023, Hangzhou, China, December 9–10, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Singapore: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14527, 343-355 (2024).
MSC:  94A60
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Quantum attacks: a view of data complexity on offline Simon’s algorithm. (English) Zbl 07883571

Ge, Chunpeng (ed.) et al., Information security and cryptology. 19th international conference, Inscrypt 2023, Hangzhou, China, December 9–10, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Singapore: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14527, 329-342 (2024).
MSC:  81P94 68Q12 94A60
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Quantum augmented lattice attack on NTRU with side information. (English) Zbl 07883570

Ge, Chunpeng (ed.) et al., Information security and cryptology. 19th international conference, Inscrypt 2023, Hangzhou, China, December 9–10, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Singapore: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14527, 317-328 (2024).
MSC:  94A60 81P94 68Q12
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A practical multi-candidate voting protocol on quantum blockchain adapted for various Tally principles. (English) Zbl 07883569

Ge, Chunpeng (ed.) et al., Information security and cryptology. 19th international conference, Inscrypt 2023, Hangzhou, China, December 9–10, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Singapore: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14527, 305-316 (2024).
MSC:  91B12 81P68 94A60
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Non-malleable codes from leakage resilient cryptographic primitives. (English) Zbl 07883567

Ge, Chunpeng (ed.) et al., Information security and cryptology. 19th international conference, Inscrypt 2023, Hangzhou, China, December 9–10, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Singapore: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14527, 272-290 (2024).
MSC:  94Bxx 94A60
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Full round distinguishing and key-recovery attacks on SAND-2. (English) Zbl 07883565

Ge, Chunpeng (ed.) et al., Information security and cryptology. 19th international conference, Inscrypt 2023, Hangzhou, China, December 9–10, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Singapore: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14527, 230-250 (2024).
MSC:  94A60
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Improved Herrmann-May’s attack with merging variables and lower LLL bound. (English) Zbl 07883564

Ge, Chunpeng (ed.) et al., Information security and cryptology. 19th international conference, Inscrypt 2023, Hangzhou, China, December 9–10, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Singapore: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14527, 209-229 (2024).
MSC:  94A60
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Differential-linear cryptanalysis of round-reduced SPARX-64/128. (English) Zbl 07883563

Ge, Chunpeng (ed.) et al., Information security and cryptology. 19th international conference, Inscrypt 2023, Hangzhou, China, December 9–10, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Singapore: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14527, 193-208 (2024).
MSC:  94A60
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Automatic search of linear structure: applications to Keccak and Ascon. (English) Zbl 07883562

Ge, Chunpeng (ed.) et al., Information security and cryptology. 19th international conference, Inscrypt 2023, Hangzhou, China, December 9–10, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Singapore: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14527, 172-192 (2024).
MSC:  94A60
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Improved integral cryptanalysis of block ciphers BORON and Khudra. (English) Zbl 07883561

Ge, Chunpeng (ed.) et al., Information security and cryptology. 19th international conference, Inscrypt 2023, Hangzhou, China, December 9–10, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Singapore: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14527, 153-171 (2024).
MSC:  94A60 90C11 90C05
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V-Curve25519: efficient implementation of Curve25519 on RISC-V architecture. (English) Zbl 07883560

Ge, Chunpeng (ed.) et al., Information security and cryptology. 19th international conference, Inscrypt 2023, Hangzhou, China, December 9–10, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Singapore: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14527, 130-149 (2024).
MSC:  68P25 68M11 94A60
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Hardware acceleration of NTT-based polynomial multiplication in CRYSTALS-Kyber. (English) Zbl 07883559

Ge, Chunpeng (ed.) et al., Information security and cryptology. 19th international conference, Inscrypt 2023, Hangzhou, China, December 9–10, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Singapore: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14527, 111-129 (2024).
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An Android malware detection method using better API contextual information. (English) Zbl 07883554

Ge, Chunpeng (ed.) et al., Information security and cryptology. 19th international conference, Inscrypt 2023, Hangzhou, China, December 9–10, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Singapore: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14527, 24-36 (2024).
MSC:  68Nxx 68Txx 94A60
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Text laundering: mitigating malicious features through knowledge distillation of large foundation models. (English) Zbl 07883553

Ge, Chunpeng (ed.) et al., Information security and cryptology. 19th international conference, Inscrypt 2023, Hangzhou, China, December 9–10, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Singapore: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 14527, 3-23 (2024).
MSC:  68Pxx 68T07 94A60
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Optimality despite chaos in fee markets. (English) Zbl 07882543

Baldimtsi, Foteini (ed.) et al., Financial cryptography and data security. 27th international conference, FC 2023, Bol, Brač, Croatia, May 1–5, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 13951, 346-362 (2024).
MSC:  91G99 94A60
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Kadabra: adapting Kademlia for the decentralized web. (English) Zbl 07882542

Baldimtsi, Foteini (ed.) et al., Financial cryptography and data security. 27th international conference, FC 2023, Bol, Brač, Croatia, May 1–5, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 13951, 327-345 (2024).
MSC:  68Mxx 68P25 94A60
Full Text: DOI arXiv

Cryptoeconomic security for data availability committees. (English) Zbl 07882541

Baldimtsi, Foteini (ed.) et al., Financial cryptography and data security. 27th international conference, FC 2023, Bol, Brač, Croatia, May 1–5, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 13951, 310-326 (2024).
MSC:  94A60 91B64
Full Text: DOI arXiv

Defi and NFTs hinder blockchain scalability. (English) Zbl 07882540

Baldimtsi, Foteini (ed.) et al., Financial cryptography and data security. 27th international conference, FC 2023, Bol, Brač, Croatia, May 1–5, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 13951, 291-309 (2024).
MSC:  91G99 94A60
Full Text: DOI arXiv

Short paper: estimating patch propagation times across blockchain forks. (English) Zbl 07882539

Baldimtsi, Foteini (ed.) et al., Financial cryptography and data security. 27th international conference, FC 2023, Bol, Brač, Croatia, May 1–5, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 13951, 276-287 (2024).
MSC:  94A60 91B64
Full Text: DOI arXiv

Extras and premiums: local PCN routing with redundancy and fees. (English) Zbl 07882530

Baldimtsi, Foteini (ed.) et al., Financial cryptography and data security. 27th international conference, FC 2023, Bol, Brač, Croatia, May 1–5, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 13951, 110-127 (2024).
MSC:  91G99 94A60
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Get me out of this payment! Bailout: an HTLC re-routing protocol. (English) Zbl 07882529

Baldimtsi, Foteini (ed.) et al., Financial cryptography and data security. 27th international conference, FC 2023, Bol, Brač, Croatia, May 1–5, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 13951, 92-109 (2024).
MSC:  91G99 94A60
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State machines across isomorphic layer 2 ledgers. (English) Zbl 07882528

Baldimtsi, Foteini (ed.) et al., Financial cryptography and data security. 27th international conference, FC 2023, Bol, Brač, Croatia, May 1–5, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 13951, 75-91 (2024).
MSC:  91G99 94A60
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Limits on revocable proof systems, with implications for stateless blockchains. (English) Zbl 07882527

Baldimtsi, Foteini (ed.) et al., Financial cryptography and data security. 27th international conference, FC 2023, Bol, Brač, Croatia, May 1–5, 2023. Revised selected papers. Part II. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 13951, 54-71 (2024).
MSC:  94A60 68P05 91B64
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