Babich, V. M. (ed.) Mathematical questions of the theory of wave propagation. 25. Work collection. (Matematicheskie voprosy teorii rasprostraneniya voln. 25. Sbornik rabot.) (Russian. English summary) Zbl 0868.00026 Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI. 230. Sankt-Peterburg: Nauka. 301 p. (1995). Show indexed articles as search result. The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. The preceding collection (23, 1994) has been reviewed (see Zbl 0842.00022).Contents:Aref’ev, A. V.; Kiselev, A. P., Viscoelastic Rayleigh waves in a layered structure with a weak lateral inhomogeneity, 7-13, see [Zbl 0902.73023]Babich, V. M., On a point source of harmonic oscillations in a homogeneous anisotropic elastic medium, 14-20, see [Zbl 0902.73017]Belishev, M. I., The conservative model of a dissipative dynamical system, 21-35, see [Zbl 0902.35122]Blagoveshchenskij, A. S., A method approximately solving inverse problems of wave propagation in dissipative layered medium, 36-40, see [Zbl 0902.34005]Golubeva, A. S., Solutions of the membrane equation concentrated near extremal loops, 41-51, see [Zbl 0900.35115]Kazakov, A. Ya., Quantum system level-band in a strong quasiresonant field with a deep modulation, 52-74, see [Zbl 0902.65086]Kamotskii, I. V., Scattering of a plane wave on a periodic curve with trapping domains, 75-85, see [Zbl 0900.35281]Kirpichnikova, N. Ya.; Filippov, V. B., Behavior of surface waves at transition through a junction line on the boundary of an elastic homogeneous isotopic body, 86-102, see [Zbl 0902.73024]Korotyaev, E. L.; Pushnitskij, A. B., Scattering on an anisotropic potential in a constant electric field, 103-114, see [Zbl 0902.35112]Krauklis, P. V.; Krauklis, L. A., Excitation of a tube wave in a borehole by a slow wave propagating in a liquid layer, 115-124, see [Zbl 0902.73061]Luk’yanov, V. D.; Nikitin, G. L., Scattering of a plane acoustic wave on a periodic array of piston radiators embedded into a rigid screen, 125-137, see [Zbl 0900.76560]Lyalinov, M. A., Method of perturbations in vector eletromagnetic problems of diffraction by a wedge, 138-156, see [Zbl 0902.35113]Lyalinov, M. A., Wave-field asymptotics in the problem of diffraction by a planar junction of thin layers and boundary-contact conditions, 157-171, see [Zbl 0902.35114]Molotkov, L. A.; Bakulin, A. V., The effective model of a stratified solid-fluid medium as a special case of Biot model, 172-195, see [Zbl 0900.76650]Molotkov, L. A.; Bakulin, A. V., Sources of the center of dilation and the center of compression types in the Biot model, 196-213, see [Zbl 0900.76651]Oskolkov, A. P., Nonlocal problems for the equations of Kelvin-Voigt fluids and their \(\varepsilon\)-approximations in classes of smooth functions, 214-242, see [Zbl 0902.76008]Smirnova, N. S., Calculation of a wave field in a multilayered medium, 243-252, see [Zbl 0921.73101]Starkov, A. S., Transform operators in a two-dimensional inverse problem for a finite domain, 253-263, see [Zbl 0902.45003]Troyan, V. N.; Ryzhikov, G. A., An application of the Radon inversion to diffraction tomography, 264-277, see [Zbl 0902.65082]Yanson, Z. A., Propagation of Rayleigh waves of SV type in transversely isotropic elastic media, 278-292, see [Zbl 0902.73022]Indexed articles:Starkov, A. S., Transform operators in the two-dimensional inverse problem for a finite domain [Zbl 0886.45001]Troyan, V. N.; Ryzhikov, G. A., An application of the Radon inversion in diffraction tomography [Zbl 0886.65134]Kazakov, A. Ya., Quantum system level-zone under strong quasi-resonant external field with deep modulation [Zbl 0886.65142]Blagoveshchenskij, A. S., On an approach to the inverse problem of the wave propagation in dissipative layered media [Zbl 0888.34005]Lyalinov, M. A., Perturbation method in eletromagnetic vector problems of diffraction by a wedge [Zbl 0888.35118]Lyalinov, M. A., Asymptotics of wave field in the problem of diffraction on a planar junction of two thin layers and boundary-contact conditions [Zbl 0889.35108]Belishev, M. I., Conservative model of dissipative dynamical system [Zbl 0889.35117]Korotyaev, E. L.; Pushnitskij, A. B., Scattering by anisotropic potential in a constant electric field [Zbl 0890.35153]Babich, V. M., On a point source of harmonic oscillations in homogeneous anisotropic elastic media [Zbl 0894.73019]Aref’ev, A. V.; Kiselev, A. P., Viscoelastic Rayleigh waves in a layered structure weakly varying in horizontal directions [Zbl 0894.73026]Yanson, Z. A., Propagation of Rayleigh waves of \(SV\) type in transversely isotropic elastic media [Zbl 0894.73028] Cited in 2 Reviews MSC: 00B15 Collections of articles of miscellaneous specific interest 74-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to mechanics of deformable solids Keywords:Wave propagation; Work collection Citations:Zbl 0842.00022; Zbl 0902.73023; Zbl 0902.73017; Zbl 0902.35122; Zbl 0902.34005; Zbl 0900.35115; Zbl 0902.65086; Zbl 0900.35281; Zbl 0902.73024; Zbl 0902.35112; Zbl 0902.73061; Zbl 0900.76560; Zbl 0902.35113; Zbl 0902.35114; Zbl 0900.76650; Zbl 0900.76651; Zbl 0902.76008; Zbl 0921.73101; Zbl 0902.45003; Zbl 0902.65082; Zbl 0902.73022 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF