
Equivariant Brauer groups and cohomology. (English) Zbl 1144.16016

Let \(\Gamma\) be a group, \(K\) a \(\Gamma\)-field, i.e., a field on which \(\Gamma\) acts by automorphisms, and \(H^2(\Gamma;K^*)\) the second cohomology group of \(\Gamma\) with coefficients in the multiplicative group \(K^*\) of \(K\) (viewed as a \(\Gamma\)-module). By definition, the equivariant Brauer group \(\text{Br}(K,\Gamma)\) of Fröhlich-Wall consists of equivalent Morita-equivalence classes of central simple \((K,\Gamma)\)-algebras, i.e., of central simple \(K\)-algebras endowed with a \(\Gamma\)-action by ring automorphisms extending the given \(\Gamma\)-action on \(K\). For any extension \(E/K\) of \(\Gamma\)-fields, the relative equivariant Brauer group \(\text{Br}(E/K,\Gamma)\) is the kernel of the induced homomorphism of \(\text{Br}(K,\Gamma)\) into \(\text{Br}(E,\Gamma)\).
The paper under review shows that if \(E/K\) is a finite Galois extension with Galois group \(G\), then there is a natural exact sequence \[ 0\to\text{Br}(E/K,\Gamma)\to H^2(G\times\Gamma;E^*)\to H^2(\Gamma;E^*), \] where \(G\times\Gamma\) is the semidirect product group associated with the diagonal \(\Gamma\)-action on \(G\). When \(\Gamma=1\), this is equivalent to the classical description of the relative Brauer group \(\text{Br}(E/K)\) in terms of similarity classes of crossed products and its interpretation in the language of Galois cohomology. The main result is obtained in a more explicit form in Section 3 of the paper, which is used for deriving two interesting consequences (as the authors point out, one of these is due to the reviewer).


16K50 Brauer groups (algebraic aspects)
12G05 Galois cohomology


Zbl 1036.12002
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