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Gallager, Robert G. Information theory and reliable communication. Translation from the English by M. S. Pinsker und B. S. Tsybakov. (Теория информации и надезная связь.) (Russian) Zbl 0295.94001 Moskva: ’Sovetskoe Radio’. 720 p. R. 3.66 (1974). MSC: 94-01 94A05 94A15 94-02 PDFBibTeX XML
Gallager, Robert G. Information theory and reliable communication. Course held at the Department of Automation and Information, July 1970, Udine. (English) Zbl 0285.94005 International Centre for Mechanical Sciences. Courses and Lectures. No. 30. Wien-New York: Springer-Verlag. 114 p. DM 16.80; Ö.S. 116.00; $ 7.60 (1972). MSC: 94A15 94B99 68Q45 94-02 PDFBibTeX XML