
Found 4 Documents (Results 1–4)

Selected works of Jacques-Louis Lions. Vol. II: Control and homogenization. (Œuvres choisies de Jacques-Louis Lions. Tome II: Contrôle et homogénéisation. Comité scientifique: Alain Bensoussan, Philippe G. Ciarlet, Roland Glowinski, Roger Temam. Coordination: François Murat, Jean-Pierre Puel. Préface par Alain Bensoussan.) (French, English) Zbl 1018.01013

Les Ulis: EDP Sciences. xv, 863 p. (2003).

Some geometric aspects of the control of partial differential equations. (Spanish) Zbl 0960.93505

Proceedings of the 15th congress on differential equations and applications and congress on applied mathematics, Vigo, Spain, September 23-26, 1997. Vols. I and II. Vigo: Servicio de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo. Colecc. Congr. 9, 119-130 (1998).
MSC:  93-XX

A generic result of approximate controllability. (English) Zbl 1017.93012

Li, Ta-Tsien (ed.), Collection of papers on geometry, analysis and mathematical physics. In honor of Professor Gu Chaohao. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. 144-154 (1997).
MSC:  93B05 93C20 35Q30

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