Riaza, Ricardo Attraction domains of degenerate singular equilibria in quasi-linear ODEs. (English) Zbl 1083.34005 SIAM J. Math. Anal. 36, No. 2, 678-690 (2004). Reviewer: Stephan Trenn (Ilmenau) MSC: 34A09 37B25 34C20 65H10 94C05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Bressan, Alberto; Yang, Tong A sharp decay estimate for positive nonlinear waves. (English) Zbl 1077.35088 SIAM J. Math. Anal. 36, No. 2, 659-677 (2004). MSC: 35L65 35B40 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Janas, Jan; Naboko, Serguei Infinite Jacobi matrices with unbounded entries: Asymptotics of eigenvalues and the transformation operator approach. (English) Zbl 1091.47026 SIAM J. Math. Anal. 36, No. 2, 643-658 (2004). Reviewer: Leonid Golinskii (Kharkov) MSC: 47B36 47A75 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kim, Kyeong-Hun; Krylov, N. V. On the Sobolev space theory of parabolic and elliptic equations in \(C^{1}\) domains. (English) Zbl 1083.35041 SIAM J. Math. Anal. 36, No. 2, 618-642 (2004). Reviewer: Aleksandr D. Borisenko (Kyïv) MSC: 35K20 35J15 35B65 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Lan, Chiu-Ya; Lin, Huey-Er; Liu, Tai-Ping; Yu, Shih-Hsien Propagation of viscous shock waves away from the boundary. (English) Zbl 1085.35102 SIAM J. Math. Anal. 36, No. 2, 580-617 (2004). Reviewer: V. D. Sharma (Mumbai) MSC: 35L67 35L65 74D05 76L05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Ishii, Hitoshi; Mikami, Toshio Convexified Gauss curvature flow of sets: a stochastic approximation. (English) Zbl 1129.53048 SIAM J. Math. Anal. 36, No. 2, 552-579 (2004). MSC: 53C44 35K65 60D05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Torres, Monica Plane-like minimal surfaces in periodic media with exclusions. (English) Zbl 1088.49027 SIAM J. Math. Anal. 36, No. 2, 523-551 (2004). MSC: 49Q05 35B27 35A15 35F20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Huang, Feimin; Matsumura, Akitaka; Shi, Xiaoding Viscous shock wave to a gas-solid free boundary problem for compressible gas. (English) Zbl 1083.35113 SIAM J. Math. Anal. 36, No. 2, 498-522 (2004). Reviewer: Nikolai V. Krasnoschok (Donetsk) MSC: 35Q35 35L65 35R35 76N15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Oshita, Yoshihito Stable stationary patterns and interfaces arising in reaction-diffusion systems. (English) Zbl 1108.35045 SIAM J. Math. Anal. 36, No. 2, 479-497 (2004). Reviewer: Dian K. Palagachev (Bari) MSC: 35J50 35K57 82B24 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Hanada, Takao; Ishimura, Naoyuki; Nakamura, Masaaki On the Eguchi–Oki–Matsumura equation for phase separation in one space dimension. (English) Zbl 1081.80007 SIAM J. Math. Anal. 36, No. 2, 463-478 (2004). Reviewer: Kazuaki Taira (Tsukuba) MSC: 80A30 35K45 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kyriazis, George Multilevel characterizations of anisotropic function spaces. (English) Zbl 1130.46019 SIAM J. Math. Anal. 36, No. 2, 441-462 (2004). Reviewer: Joan Cerdà (Barcelona) MSC: 46E35 42C15 42B25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Pedregal, Pablo \(\Gamma\)-convergence through Young measures. (English) Zbl 1077.49012 SIAM J. Math. Anal. 36, No. 2, 423-440 (2004). Reviewer: Riccardo De Arcangelis (Napoli) MSC: 49J45 49J20 74Q05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Bendahmane, Mostafa; Karlsen, Kenneth H. Renormalized entropy solutions for quasi-linear anisotropic degenerate parabolic equations. (English) Zbl 1090.35104 SIAM J. Math. Anal. 36, No. 2, 405-422 (2004). Reviewer: Alexander A. Kovalevsky (Donetsk) MSC: 35K65 35L65 35K15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Link
Mielke, Alexander Existence of minimizers in incremental elasto-plasticity with finite strains. (English) Zbl 1076.74012 SIAM J. Math. Anal. 36, No. 2, 384-404 (2004). MSC: 74C15 74G65 74H20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Macià, Fabricio Wigner measures in the discrete setting: high-frequency analysis of sampling and reconstruction operators. (English) Zbl 1070.42022 SIAM J. Math. Anal. 36, No. 2, 347-383 (2004). MSC: 42C15 94A12 46E35 94A20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv