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Eckmann, Beno Groupes d’homotopie et dualité. (French) Zbl 0092.40202 Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 271-281 (1958). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. Eckmann}, Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 271--281 (1958; Zbl 0092.40202) Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML
Miranda, Carlo Su alcuni aspetti della teoria delle equazioni ellittiche. (Italian) Zbl 0092.31303 Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 331-354 (1958). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. Miranda}, Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 331--354 (1958; Zbl 0092.31303) Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML
Fourès-Bruhat, Yvonne Théorèmes d’existence en mécanique des fluides rélativistes. (French) Zbl 0092.20804 Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 155-175 (1958). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. Fourès-Bruhat}, Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 155--175 (1958; Zbl 0092.20804) Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML
Cartier, Pierre Questions de rationalité des diviseurs en géométrie algébrique. (French) Zbl 0091.33501 Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 177-251 (1958). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. Cartier}, Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 177--251 (1958; Zbl 0091.33501) Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML
Grothendieck, Alexander La théorie des classes de Chern. (French) Zbl 0091.33201 Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 137-154 (1958). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Grothendieck}, Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 137--154 (1958; Zbl 0091.33201) Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML
Borel, Armand; Serre, Jean-Pierre Le théorème de Riemann-Roch. (French) Zbl 0091.33004 Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 97-136 (1958). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Borel} and \textit{J.-P. Serre}, Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 97--136 (1958; Zbl 0091.33004) Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML
Segre, Beniamino Recenti prospettive nella teoria delle corrispondenze. (Italian) Zbl 0090.37407 Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 355-372 (1958). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. Segre}, Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 355--372 (1958; Zbl 0090.37407) Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML
Lions, Jacques-Louis Équations différentielles à coefficients opérateurs non bornés. (French) Zbl 0090.09903 Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 321-330 (1958). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J.-L. Lions}, Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 321--330 (1958; Zbl 0090.09903) Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML
Krasner, Marc Les algèbres cylindriques. (French) Zbl 0089.01804 Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 315-319 (1958). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Krasner}, Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 315--319 (1958; Zbl 0089.01804) Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML
L’Abbé, Maurice Structures algébriques suggérées par la logique mathématique. (French) Zbl 0089.01803 Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 299-314 (1958). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. L'Abbé}, Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 299--314 (1958; Zbl 0089.01803) Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML
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Pták, Vlastimil Completeness and the open mapping theorem. (English) Zbl 0082.32502 Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 41-74 (1958). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Pták}, Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 86, 41--74 (1958; Zbl 0082.32502) Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML
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