Obradovich, P. A class of Gould-Köthe function spaces. (Russian. Serbo-Croatian summary) Zbl 0643.46024 Mat. Vesn. 37, No. 4, 414-418 (1985). MSC: 46E30 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Narang, T. D. A note on f-best approximation in reflexive B-spaces. (English) Zbl 0635.41031 Mat. Vesn. 37, 411-413 (1985). Reviewer: S.Cobzaş MSC: 41A65 41A50 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Malinović, Todor Partially simple semigroups. (English) Zbl 0624.20043 Mat. Vesn. 37, 196-204 (1985). MSC: 20M12 20M10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Šimić, Grozdana One mapping of terms of a free commutative groupoid. (Serbo-Croatian. English summary) Zbl 0623.20054 Mat. Vesn. 37, 444-446 (1985). Reviewer: B.M.Schein MSC: 20N99 08A50 08A40 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Korkut, Luka On ellipticity of fourth order operator. (English) Zbl 0619.35038 Mat. Vesn. 37, 277-281 (1985). Reviewer: Z.Denkowski MSC: 35J30 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Miličić, P. M. Les espaces faiblement lisses et les espaces strictement quadratiques. (Weakly smooth spaces and strictly quadratic spaces). (French) Zbl 0614.46013 Mat. Vesn. 37, 404-410 (1985). Reviewer: J.Lorenz MSC: 46B20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Peruničić, P. On a non-constant rarefaction procedure. (Serbo-Croatian. English summary) Zbl 0608.60085 Mat. Vesn. 37, 215-220 (1985). MSC: 60K05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Ghaleb, F. F.; Aggour, M. M. Direct sum of residually decomposable operators. (English) Zbl 0608.47036 Mat. Vesn. 37, 374-378 (1985). MSC: 47B40 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Kadelburg, Zoran On the asymptotics of the spectral function of a one-dimensional Dirac system on a closed interval. (Russian) Zbl 0608.34024 Mat. Vesn. 37, 264-268 (1985). Reviewer: S.Staněk MSC: 34L99 34B05 33E99 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Stipanić, Ernest Seminar on Marin Ghetaldić (Marinus Ghetaldi) at the University of Pisa. (Séminaire sur Marin Ghetaldić (Marinus Ghetaldi) à l’Université de Pise.) (French) Zbl 0608.01013 Mat. Vesn. 37, 339-346 (1985). Reviewer: B.McAllister MSC: 01A45 01A70 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Ahmad, B.; Noiri, T. The inverse images of hyperconnected sets. (English) Zbl 0607.54016 Mat. Vesn. 37, 177-181 (1985). Reviewer: I.L.Reilly MSC: 54D05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Mursaleen; Khan, Hamidul Zafar Infinite matrices and conjugate derived Fourier series. (English) Zbl 0607.42007 Mat. Vesn. 37, 205-210 (1985). Reviewer: B.Kuttner MSC: 42A20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Sharma, P. L.; Prakash, Ved; Varma, S. K. On \([F,d_ n]\) summability of Fourier series. (English) Zbl 0606.42007 Mat. Vesn. 37, 231-235 (1985). Reviewer: B.Kuttner MSC: 42A24 40G99 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Mazhar, S. M. An estimate of the rate of convergence of Cesàro means of Fourier Stieltjes series and its conjugate series. (English) Zbl 0605.42008 Mat. Vesn. 37, 389-392 (1985). Reviewer: B.P.Mishra MSC: 42A24 42A50 42A20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Šimić, Grozdana On the terms in a free commutative groupoid. (Serbo-Croatian. English summary) Zbl 0603.20050 Mat. Vesn. 37, 347-349 (1985). Reviewer: J.Chvalina MSC: 20L05 08B20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Vučić, Snežana Separation axioms in ordered topological F-spaces. (Serbo-Croatian. English summary) Zbl 0602.54009 Mat. Vesn. 37, 455-463 (1985). MSC: 54A40 54F05 54D10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Igić, Radmila Separation axioms in fuzzy bitopological spaces. (Serbo-Croatian. English summary) Zbl 0602.54008 Mat. Vesn. 37, 393-403 (1985). MSC: 54A40 54E55 54D10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Sadykhov, V. Eh. Asymptotics of double Laplace integrals with quasihomogeneous kernels. (Russian) Zbl 0602.44006 Mat. Vesn. 37, 427-443 (1985). Reviewer: V.Petrův MSC: 44A30 44A10 40E05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Zougdani, H. Covering dimension of inverse limit of fuzzy spaces. (English) Zbl 0601.54013 Mat. Vesn. 37, 333-338 (1985). Reviewer: O.Kaleva MSC: 54A40 54F45 54B35 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Mursaleen; Zaidi, S. M. H. Infinite matrices and some new sequence spaces. (English) Zbl 0601.47028 Mat. Vesn. 37, 293-297 (1985). MSC: 47B37 47A45 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Khan, Liaqat Ali Weighted topology in the non-locally convex setting. (English) Zbl 0601.46042 Mat. Vesn. 37, 189-195 (1985). MSC: 46E40 46E10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Pondělíček, Bedřich Semigroups whose proper one-sided ideals are t-Archimedean. (English) Zbl 0601.20055 Mat. Vesn. 37, 315-321 (1985). Reviewer: W.R.Nico MSC: 20M10 20M12 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Haxhibeqiri, Qamil On the surjectivity of shape fibrations. (English) Zbl 0597.55007 Mat. Vesn. 37, 379-384 (1985). Reviewer: J.Segal MSC: 55P55 55R65 54C56 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Rakočević, Vladimir On a class of operators. (English) Zbl 0596.47001 Mat. Vesn. 37, 423-426 (1985). MSC: 47A10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Kocić, Vlajko Lj. Application of restricted Bäcklund transformation to linearization of second order nonlinear parabolic equation. (English) Zbl 0596.35067 Mat. Vesn. 37, 269-276 (1985). Reviewer: F.Conrad MSC: 35K55 35Q99 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Dimitrijević, Radoslav The spaces of ordered LO-proximity. (English) Zbl 0594.54023 Mat. Vesn. 37, 167-176 (1985). MSC: 54E05 54F05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Starc, Zdravko F. A note on the boundary curves of second order nonlinear differential equations. (English) Zbl 0594.34021 Mat. Vesn. 37, 311-314 (1985). Reviewer: P.N.Bajaj MSC: 34B15 34A34 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Vidaković, Branislav D. The effective measure of complexity of binary words. (Serbo-Croatian. English summary) Zbl 0593.94021 Mat. Vesn. 37, 327-332 (1985). MSC: 94C10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Ušćumlić, M. P. On a problem concerning the relation between shortest irreducible and minimal disjunctive normal forms of Boolean functions. (Serbo-Croatian. English summary) Zbl 0593.94020 Mat. Vesn. 37, 227-230 (1985). MSC: 94C10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Kočinac, Lyubiša On spaces with weak refinement. (Russian) Zbl 0593.54022 Mat. Vesn. 37, 182-188 (1985). Reviewer: J.Reiterman MSC: 54D20 54E30 54A25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Raina, R. K. Some new generating functions. (English) Zbl 0593.33006 Mat. Vesn. 37, 305-310 (1985). Reviewer: A.K.Agarwal MSC: 33C60 33C45 33C05 42C15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Stipanić, Ernest Rudjer Bošković at the University of Palermo. (Rudjer Bošković à l’université de Palerme.) (French) Zbl 0593.01002 Mat. Vesn. 37, 447-454 (1985). Reviewer: B.McAllister MSC: 01A50 01A70 51-03 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Bokan, Neda Curvature tensors of Riemannian manifold with connection without torsion. (English) Zbl 0592.53011 Mat. Vesn. 37, 356-364 (1985). Reviewer: G.G.Vrănceanu MSC: 53B05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Papantoniou, B.; Tsagas, Gr. Special categories of rectilinear congruences. (English) Zbl 0592.53010 Mat. Vesn. 37, 298-304 (1985). Reviewer: P.Koltsaki MSC: 53A25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Bogdanović, Stojan Inflation of a union of groups. (English) Zbl 0592.20061 Mat. Vesn. 37, 351-355 (1985). Reviewer: H.Mitsch MSC: 20M10 20M12 20M05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Obradović, Milutin Some theorems on subordination by univalent functions. (English) Zbl 0591.30010 Mat. Vesn. 37, 211-214 (1985). Reviewer: S.Walczak MSC: 30C45 30C80 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Lončar, Ivan Some results on inverse limit spaces. (English) Zbl 0589.54017 Mat. Vesn. 37, 282-292 (1985). Reviewer: W.Kulpa MSC: 54B35 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Bogdanović, Stojan Semigroups whose proper left ideals are commutative. (English) Zbl 0589.20045 Mat. Vesn. 37, 159-162 (1985). Reviewer: V.Koubek MSC: 20M12 20M14 20M10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Sekuloski, Radojko M. Méthode d’itération pour détermination simultane de facteurs multiples k des polynômes. (Serbo-Croatian. French summary) Zbl 0588.65031 Mat. Vesn. 37, 221-226 (1985). MSC: 65H05 12D05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Vučić, Snežana Separation axioms in topological F-spaces. (Serbo-Croatian. English summary) Zbl 0588.54006 Mat. Vesn. 37, 236-246 (1985). Reviewer: D.Adnadjević MSC: 54A40 54D10 54D15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Arya, S. P.; Bhamini, M. P. Some generalizations of completely normal spaces. (English) Zbl 0587.54052 Mat. Vesn. 37, 255-263 (1985). MSC: 54E55 54D15 54A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Kramer, Erika On projective planes of order 20. (English) Zbl 0587.51007 Mat. Vesn. 37, 385-388 (1985). Reviewer: T.G.Ostrom MSC: 51E15 51A35 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Pandeski, N. Interpolating sequences in the unit ball of \({\mathbb{C}}^ n\). (English) Zbl 0587.32010 Mat. Vesn. 37, 105-115 (1985). Reviewer: J.A.Cima MSC: 32A35 30E05 32A30 30D55 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Vuković, Veljko The nilpotency of near-rings. (English) Zbl 0587.16026 Mat. Vesn. 37, 247-254 (1985). Reviewer: M.Ştefănescu MSC: 16Y30 17A65 16N40 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Popović, Biljana Č. The prediction of finite moving average processes. (Serbo-Croatian. English summary) Zbl 0586.62156 Mat. Vesn. 37, 419-422 (1985). MSC: 62M20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Cigić, V. An approach to the problem of constructing a 2-block design. (Serbo-Croatian. German summary) Zbl 0585.05003 Mat. Vesn. 37, 163-166 (1985). MSC: 05B05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Stojanović, M. An example of the generalized Abel differential equation with comparative equations of the type \(Y'=F_ 2Y^ 4\) and \(Y'=F_ 2Y^ 4-\epsilon\). (Serbo-Croatian. English summary) Zbl 0584.34041 Mat. Vesn. 37, 322-326 (1985). MSC: 34E99 34B30 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Clark, Douglas N.; Misra, Gadadhar The curvature function and similarity of operators. (English) Zbl 0579.47015 Mat. Vesn. 37, 21-32 (1985). Reviewer: Wu Pei Yuan MSC: 47A65 47B35 47A05 47B37 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Mateljević, M.; Pavlović, M. On Hardy-Lipschitz spaces. (English) Zbl 0579.32004 Mat. Vesn. 37, 81-84 (1985). Reviewer: J.Benkö MSC: 32A35 32A10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Georgijević, D.r Radial limits in co-invariant subspaces. (English) Zbl 0576.47008 Mat. Vesn. 37, 47-57 (1985). MSC: 47A56 47A15 46E40 46E20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Nikić, M. GC-functions. (English) Zbl 0576.46035 Mat. Vesn. 37, 85-91 (1985). Reviewer: O.P.Juneja MSC: 46G20 30H05 32A10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Wiegerinck, J.; Korevaar, J. A lemma on mixed derivatives with applications to edge-of-the-wedge, Radon transformation and a theorem of Forelli. (English) Zbl 0576.32001 Mat. Vesn. 37, 145-157 (1985). Reviewer: Ph.Noverraz MSC: 32A10 26E05 32D15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Rajović, M. Taylor coefficients of Lipschitz space of analytic functions. (Russian) Zbl 0576.30041 Mat. Vesn. 37, 116-120 (1985). Reviewer: V.V.Peller MSC: 30H05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Siciak, J. Balanced domains of holomorphy of type \(H^{\infty}\). (English) Zbl 0575.32009 Mat. Vesn. 37, 134-144 (1985). Reviewer: E.Bedford MSC: 32D10 32D05 32A35 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Čanak, Miloš Randwertaufgabe von Hilbert-Typus für die p-analytischen Funktionen und die Methode der Fourierschen Transformation. (Boundary value problem of Hilbert type for p-analytic functions and the method of Fourier transform). (German) Zbl 0575.30041 Mat. Vesn. 37, 58-62 (1985). Reviewer: M.Kracht MSC: 30G20 30E25 35F15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Dajović, V. Sur le produit d’Hadamard borné et son inversion. The bounded Hadamard product and its inversion. (Serbo-Croatian. French summary) Zbl 0575.30031 Mat. Vesn. 37, 33-45 (1985). MSC: 30D55 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Jevtić, M. Subspaces \(H_ E^{p,q,\alpha}\) of mixed-norm spaces \(H^{p,q,\alpha}\) of holomorphic functions. (English) Zbl 0575.30029 Mat. Vesn. 37, 71-77 (1985). Reviewer: M.Stoll MSC: 30D55 46E10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Abdul-Hadi, Z.; Bschouty, D.; Hengartner, W. Canonical mappings in \(\Sigma _ M(D)\). (English) Zbl 0574.30024 Mat. Vesn. 37, 9-20 (1985). Reviewer: G.Schober MSC: 30C62 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Obradović, M. Some results on Bazilevič functions. (English) Zbl 0574.30012 Mat. Vesn. 37, 92-96 (1985). Reviewer: J.Waniurski MSC: 30C45 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Mateljević, M.; Pavlović, M. Some inequalities of isoperimetric type for the integral means of analytic functions. (English) Zbl 0573.32007 Mat. Vesn. 37, 78-80 (1985). Reviewer: J.Benkö MSC: 32A35 30D55 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Čanak, M. Schwarzsche Randwertaufgabe für eine Klasse der verallgemeinerten analytischen Funktionen (Schwarz boundary value problem for a class of generalized analytic functions). (German) Zbl 0572.30039 Mat. Vesn. 37, 63-70 (1985). Reviewer: M.Kracht MSC: 30G20 30E25 35F15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Saitoh, S. A general theory of integral transforms and its applications. (English) Zbl 0567.44001 Mat. Vesn. 37, 121-133 (1985). Reviewer: S.P.Goyal MSC: 44A05 30E20 31A30 34A25 35A22 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Pflug, P. Non-extendable holomorphic functions. (English) Zbl 0567.32003 Mat. Vesn. 37, 97-104 (1985). MSC: 32D15 32D05 32A07 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF