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Williams, Mark Interactions involving gliding rays in boundary problems for semilinear wave equations. (English) Zbl 0798.35003 Duke Math. J. 59, No. 2, 365-397 (1989). MSC: 35A20 35L70 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Önsiper, Hurşit Generalized Albanese varieties for surfaces in characteristic \(p>0\). (English) Zbl 0753.14039 Duke Math. J. 59, No. 2, 359-364 (1989). MSC: 14K30 14G15 14E05 14J25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Herbst, Ira W.; Zhao, Zhongxin Green’s functions for the Schrödinger equation with short-range potentials. (English) Zbl 0728.35027 Duke Math. J. 59, No. 2, 475-519 (1989). Reviewer: P.A.McCoy (Annapolis) MSC: 35J10 35A08 31C35 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Mathieu, Olivier Filtrations of B-modules. (English) Zbl 0721.20028 Duke Math. J. 59, No. 2, 421-442 (1989). Reviewer: V.Lakshmibai (Boston) MSC: 20G05 14L30 20G15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
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Jones, John W. Iwasawa L-functions for multiplicative abelian varieties. (English) Zbl 0716.14008 Duke Math. J. 59, No. 2, 399-420 (1989). Reviewer: N.Yui MSC: 14G10 14K05 14G40 11G40 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Hoffman, Jerome William On Kollár’s vanishing theorems. I. (English) Zbl 0715.14008 Duke Math. J. 59, No. 2, 521-535 (1989). Reviewer: N.Manolache MSC: 14F17 14D07 14F05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Hoffstein, J.; Jochnowitz, N. On Artin’s conjecture and the class number of certain CM fields. I,II. (English) Zbl 0711.11042 Duke Math. J. 59, No. 2, 553-563, 565-584 (1989). Reviewer: S.Kanemitsu MSC: 11R29 11R42 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Zworski, Maciej Sharp polynomial bounds on the number of scattering poles. (English) Zbl 0705.35099 Duke Math. J. 59, No. 2, 311-323 (1989). Reviewer: J.Weidmann MSC: 35P25 35J10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Ogata, Shoetsu Non-Kähler manifolds and ball-product cusp singularities. (English) Zbl 0705.32019 Duke Math. J. 59, No. 2, 461-473 (1989). Reviewer: S.Ohyanagi MSC: 32S05 32J15 32S30 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Ahdout, Shahla Fanning curves of Lagrangian manifolds and geodesic flows. (English) Zbl 0702.58057 Duke Math. J. 59, No. 2, 537-552 (1989). Reviewer: F.C.Klepp MSC: 37D40 53D25 53C15 58J50 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Schechter, Martin The Hampwile theorem for nonlinear eigenvalues. (English) Zbl 0701.47036 Duke Math. J. 59, No. 2, 325-335 (1989). Reviewer: J.Appell MSC: 47J10 58E07 49R50 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI