Cong, Jiquan Generation of magic square of order \(2^ m\). (Chinese) Zbl 0565.05012 Math. Pract. Theory 1984, No. 1, 26-34 (1984). MSC: 05B15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Su, Huaming A proof of matrix method on the isoperimetric problem of polygon. (Chinese) Zbl 0563.52007 Math. Pract. Theory 1984, No. 1, 57-59 (1984). Reviewer: C.S.Wang MSC: 52A10 52A40 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Feng, Enmin; Shi, Guangyan; Gao, Guiping; Tan, Huanwen Application of stochastic programming in design and management of a special purpose wharf. (Chinese) Zbl 0562.90046 Math. Pract. Theory 1984, No. 1, 9-14 (1984). Reviewer: Deng Naiyang MSC: 90B99 90C90 90C15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Song, Fengming Application of nonlinear optimization condition in management decision. (Chinese) Zbl 0562.90041 Math. Pract. Theory 1984, No. 1, 1-9 (1984). Reviewer: Deng Naiyang MSC: 90B50 90C90 90C30 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Zhang, Lei; Tang, Longji A kind of inverse problems for linear algebraic equation \(Ax=b\). (Chinese) Zbl 0561.15003 Math. Pract. Theory 1984, No. 1, 21-26 (1984). Reviewer: M.Wu MSC: 15A06 15A18 15A42 15B48 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Du, Zhaowei On probability properties of the generalized Fibonacci sequence. (Chinese) Zbl 0556.10001 Math. Pract. Theory 1984, No. 1, 18-21 (1984). Reviewer: G.S.Xu MSC: 11A05 11B37 11K99 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Bechhofer, Robert Jack Carl Kiefer (1924-1981). (Chinese) Zbl 0553.01018 Math. Pract. Theory 1984, No. 1, 76-80 (1984). MSC: 01A70 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Che, Yuhu A rising frontier discipline - Environmental mathematics. (Chinese) Zbl 0551.92019 Math. Pract. Theory 1984, No. 1, 49-56 (1984). MSC: 92D40 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF