Šlapal, Josef On the axioms preserved by modifications of topologies without axioms. (English) Zbl 0681.54003 Arch. Math., Brno 24, No. 4, 203-215 (1988). Reviewer: P.R.Meyer MSC: 54A10 54A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EuDML
Brüll, L.; Mawhin, J. Finiteness of the set of solutions of some boundary-value problems for ordinary differential equations. (English) Zbl 0678.34023 Arch. Math., Brno 24, No. 4, 163-172 (1988). Reviewer: L.Grimm MSC: 34B15 34C25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EuDML
Anderson, Ian M. Aspects of the inverse problem to the calculus of variations. (English) Zbl 0674.58017 Arch. Math., Brno 24, No. 4, 181-202 (1988). Reviewer: G.Toth MSC: 58E30 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EuDML
Zaghrout, A. A. S.; Aly, Z. M. M. A note on nonlinear integral equations. (English) Zbl 0665.45001 Arch. Math., Brno 24, No. 4, 217-222 (1988). Reviewer: V.Lakshmikantham MSC: 45G10 45D05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EuDML
Paseka, Jan Conjunctivity in quantales. (English) Zbl 0663.06011 Arch. Math., Brno 24, No. 4, 173-179 (1988). Reviewer: S.Gacsályi MSC: 06F99 06F30 06B23 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EuDML
Polščica, Miroslav Topologies compatible with order and separation axioms. (English) Zbl 0659.06003 Arch. Math., Brno 24, No. 4, 223-225 (1988). MSC: 06A06 54D10 06F30 54F05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EuDML