Pizzetti, P. Sulla correzione da fare alle latitudini osservate per tener conto dell’ altezza dei punti di stazione sul livello del mare. (Italian) JFM 31.0873.01 Palermo Rend. 14, 9-15 (1900). Reviewer: Börsch, Prof. (Potsdam) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Puglisi, M. Sul movimento di un punto non soggetto ad alcuna forza sopra un toro. (Italian) JFM 31.0700.03 Palermo Rend. 14, 180-191 (1900). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Puglisi, M. Sulle formole per la composizione di più movimenti finiti. (Italian) JFM 31.0694.02 Palermo Rend. 14, 225-255 (1900). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Korteweg, D. J. Extrait d’une lettre à M. Appell. (French) JFM 31.0693.03 Palermo Rend. 14, 7-8 (1900). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Appell, P. Sur l’intégration des équations du mouvement d’un corps pesant de revolution roulant par une arête circulaire sur un plan horizontal; cas particulier du cerceau. (French) JFM 31.0693.02 Palermo Rend. 14, 1-6 (1900). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Burgatti, P. Teoria dei sistemi articolati più semplici. (Italian) JFM 31.0683.01 Palermo Rend. 14, 192-201 (1900). Reviewer: Lampe, Prof. (Berlin) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Castelnuovo, G.; Enriques, F. Sulle condizioni di razionalità dei piani doppi. (Italian) JFM 31.0658.02 Palermo Rend. 14, 290-302 (1900). Reviewer: Sommer, Prof. (Poppelsdorf) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
De Franchis, M. Le superficie irrazionali di \(4^\circ\) ordine di genere geometrico-superficiale nullo. (Italian) JFM 31.0632.03 Palermo Rend. 14, 33-65 (1900). Reviewer: Sommer, Prof. (Poppelsdorf) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Pétrovitch, M. Sur l’expression du terme général des séries de Taylor représentant des combinaisons rationnelles de la fonction exponentielle. (French) JFM 31.0435.05 Palermo Rend. 14, 22-27 (1900). Reviewer: Vivanti, Prof. (Messina) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Vitali, G. On analytic functions on Riemann surfaces. (Sulle funzioni analitiche sopra le superficie di Riemann.) (Italian) JFM 31.0422.01 Palermo Rend. 14, 202-208 (1900). Reviewer: Vivanti, Prof. (Messina) MSC: 30F99 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Severini, C. On the representation of real functions of real variables by means of a series of integral rational polynomials. (Sulla rappresentazione delle funzioni reali di variabili reali mediante serie di polinomi razionali interi.) (Italian) JFM 31.0415.01 Palermo Rend. 14, 157-179 (1900). Reviewer: Vivanti, Prof. (Messina) MSC: 41A99 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Phragmén, E. On the analytic representation of real functions given on an arbitrary set of points. (Extract from a letter to Mr. G. B. Guccia.). (Sur la représentation analytique des fonctions réelles, données sur un ensemble quelconque de points. (Extrait d’une lettre à M. G. B. Guccia).) (French) JFM 31.0410.01 Palermo Rend. 14, 256-261 (1900). Reviewer: Stäckel, Prof. (Kiel) MSC: 26B99 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Mittag-Leffler, G. On the analytic representation of functions of a real variable. (Extract from a letter to Mr. Émile Picard.). (Sur la représentation analytique des fonctions d’une variable réelle. (Extrait d’une lettre à M. Émile Picard.).) (French) JFM 31.0409.01 Palermo Rend. 14, 217-224 (1900). Reviewer: Stäckel, Prof. (Kiel) MSC: 41A10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Vitali, G. On limits for \(n=\infty\) of the \(n^{\text{th}}\) derivative of analytic functions. (Sui limiti per \(n=\infty\) delle derivate \(n^{\text{me}}\) delle funzioni analitiche.) (Italian) JFM 31.0399.03 Palermo Rend. 14, 209-216 (1900). Reviewer: Vivanti, Prof. (Messina) MSC: 30A99 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Vivanti, G. Sulla trasformazione di Laplace. (Italian) JFM 31.0381.03 Palermo Rend. 14, 145-156 (1900). Reviewer: Vivanti, Prof. (Messina) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Pétrovitch, M. Sur une classe d’équations différentielles du premier ordre. (Italian) JFM 31.0348.02 Palermo Rend. 14, 28-32 (1900). Reviewer: Vivanti, Prof. (Messina) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Pincherle, S. On an interpolation problem. (Sopra un problema d’interpolazione.) (Italian) JFM 31.0280.02 Palermo Rend. 14, 142-144 (1900). Reviewer: Weltzien, Prof. (Zehlendorf) MSC: 65D05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Gerbaldi, F. Sul gruppo semplice di 360 collineazioni piane. (Parte seconda). (Italian) JFM 31.0145.03 Palermo Rend. 14, 66-114 (1900). Reviewer: Loewy, Prof. (Freiburg i. B.) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Ciani, E. Un teorema sopra il covariante \(S\) della quartica piana. (Italian) JFM 31.0113.01 Palermo Rend. 14, 16-21 (1900). Reviewer: Meyer, F., Prof. (Königsberg i. Pr.) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Bucca, F. Studi di analisi. (Italian) JFM 31.0091.02 Palermo Rend. 14, 115-141 (1900). Reviewer: Vivanti, Prof. (Messina) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Cremona, L. Eugenio Beltrami. Commemorazione. (Italian) JFM 31.0023.03 Palermo Rend. 14, 275-289 (1900); Batt. G. 38, 355-375 (1900). Reviewer: Müller, F., Prof. (Steglitz) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Beltrami, E. Commemorazione di Francesco Brioschi. (Italian) JFM 31.0017.07 Palermo Rend. 14, 262-274 (1900). Reviewer: Müller, F., Prof. (Steglitz) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI