Saper, Leslie; Stern, Mark L\({}_ 2\)-cohomology of arithmetic varieties. (English) Zbl 0722.14009 Ann. Math. (2) 132, No. 1, 1-69 (1990). Reviewer: F.Kirwan (Oxford) MSC: 14F43 14G40 14M17 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Deninger, Christopher Higher regulators and Hecke \(L\)-series of imaginary quadratic fields. II. (English) Zbl 0721.14005 Ann. Math. (2) 132, No. 1, 131-158 (1990). Reviewer: W.W.J.Hulsbergen (Breda) MSC: 19F27 11G09 11G40 11R42 11R70 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI EuDML
Nadel, Alan Michael Semisimplicity of the group of biholomorphisms of the universal covering of a compact complex manifold with ample canonical bundle. (English) Zbl 0716.32021 Ann. Math. (2) 132, No. 1, 193-211 (1990). Reviewer: A.L.Onishchik MSC: 32M05 53C55 22E46 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Anderson, Greg W.; Thakur, Dinesh S. Tensor powers of the Carlitz module and zeta values. (English) Zbl 0713.11082 Ann. Math. (2) 132, No. 1, 159-191 (1990). Reviewer: David Goss (Columbus/Ohio) MSC: 11R58 11G09 14A20 14G25 14L05 14C35 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Link
Guckenheimer, John; Johnson, Stewart Distortion of S-unimodal maps. (English) Zbl 0708.58007 Ann. Math. (2) 132, No. 1, 71-130 (1990). Reviewer: M.Bartušek MSC: 37E99 37C70 37C75 34A40 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI