Pearson, K. On the flexure of heavy beams subjected to continuous systems of load. (English) JFM 21.1028.02 Quart. J. XXIV, 63-110 (1890). Reviewer: Kötter, F. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{K. Pearson}, Quart. J. 24, 63--110 (1890; JFM 21.1028.02)
Taylor On the centre of an algebraical curve. (English) JFM 21.0695.01 Quart. J. XXIV, 55-63 (1890). Reviewer: Faerber, Dr. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Taylor}, Quart. J. 24, 55--63 (1890; JFM 21.0695.01)
Dixon On twisted cubics. (English) JFM 21.0658.01 Quart. J. XXIV, 30-54 (1890). Reviewer: Stahl, W., Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Dixon}, Quart. J. 24, 30--54 (1890; JFM 21.0658.01)
Baker, H. F. Weierstrassian formulae applied to the binary quartic and ternary cubic. (English) JFM 21.0491.01 Quart. J. XXIV, 1-30 (1890). Reviewer: Müller, F., Prof. (Berlin) MSC: 33E05 11E20 11E76 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. F. Baker}, Quart. J. 24, 1--30 (1890; JFM 21.0491.01)
Dixon, A. C. On the doubly periodic functions arising out of the curve \(x^3 + y^3 - 3\alpha xy = 1\). (English) JFM 21.0490.01 Quart. J. XXIV, 167-233 (1890). Reviewer: Müller, F., Prof. (Berlin) MSC: 14K20 33E05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. C. Dixon}, Quart. J. 24, 167--233 (1890; JFM 21.0490.01)
Askwith On possible groups of substitutions that can be formed with three, four, five, six and seven letters respectively. (English) JFM 21.0142.02 Quart. J. XXIV, 111-167 (1890). Reviewer: Faerber, Dr. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Askwith}, Quart. J. 24, 111--167 (1890; JFM 21.0142.02)
Chree, C. On the longitudinal vibrations of aelotropic bars with one axis of material symmetry. (English) JFM 22.1010.04 Quart. J. XXIV, 340-358 (1890). Reviewer: Kötter, F., Dr. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. Chree}, Quart. J. 24, 340--358 (1890; JFM 22.1010.04)
Morley, F. On the kinematics of a triangle of constant shape but varying size (with a note). (English) JFM 22.0856.02 Quart. J. XXIV, 359-369 (1890); XXIV, 386 (1890). Reviewer: Schumann, Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Morley}, Quart. J. 24, 359--369 (1890; JFM 22.0856.02)
Jeffery, H. M. On the identity of the nodes of a nodal curve of the fourth order with those of its quartic and sextic contravariants. (English) JFM 22.0737.04 Quart. J. XXIV, 250-256 (1890). Reviewer: Hilbert, Prof. (Königsberg i. Pr.) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. M. Jeffery}, Quart. J. 24, 250--256 (1890; JFM 22.0737.04)
Baker, H. F. On the centre of an algebraic curve. (English) JFM 22.0715.03 Quart. J. XXIV, 338-339 (1890). Reviewer: R. Müller, F., Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. F. Baker}, Quart. J. 24, 338--339 (1890; JFM 22.0715.03)
Routh, E. J. Note on the intersection of a curve with a straight line. (French) JFM 22.0715.02 Quart. J. XXIV, 257-259 (1890). Reviewer: R. Müller, F., Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. J. Routh}, Quart. J. 24, 257--259 (1890; JFM 22.0715.02)
Heawood, P. J. Map-colour theorem. (English) JFM 22.0562.02 Quart. J. XXIV, 332-338 (1890). Reviewer: Schönflies, Prof. (Göttingen) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. J. Heawood}, Quart. J. 24, 332--338 (1890; JFM 22.0562.02)
Sharphe, H. J. Note on Legrendre’s coefficients. (English) JFM 22.0514.02 Quart. J. XXIV, 383-386 (1890). Reviewer: Wangerin, Prof. (Halle a. S.) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. J. Sharphe}, Quart. J. 24, 383--386 (1890; JFM 22.0514.02)
Cayley, A. A transformation in elliptic functions. (English) JFM 22.0454.02 Quart. J. XXIV, 259-262 (1890). Reviewer: Müller, F., Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Cayley}, Quart. J. 24, 259--262 (1890; JFM 22.0454.02) Full Text: EuDML
MacMahon, P. A. A theorem in the calculus of linear partial differential operations. (English) JFM 22.0350.01 Quart. J. XXIV, 246-250 (1890). Reviewer: Schafheitlin, Dr. (Charlottenburg) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. A. MacMahon}, Quart. J. 24, 246--250 (1890; JFM 22.0350.01)
Stieltjes, T.-J. Sur quelques intégrales définies et leur développement en fractions continues. (English) JFM 22.0297.02 Quart. J. XXIV, 370-382 (1890). Reviewer: R. Müller, F., Prof. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. J. Stieltjes}, Quart. J. 24, 370--382 (1890; JFM 22.0297.02)
Hudson, E. C. On the expansion of a series. (English) JFM 22.0262.02 Quart. J. XXIV, 233-245 (1890). Reviewer: Weltzien, Dr. (Berlin) MSC: 41A58 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. C. Hudson}, Quart. J. 24, 233--245 (1890; JFM 22.0262.02)
Askwith On groups of substitutons that can be formed with eight letters. (English) JFM 22.0176.01 Quart. J. XXIV, 263-331 (1890). Reviewer: Faerber, Dr. (Berlin) PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Askwith}, Quart. J. 24, 263--331 (1890; JFM 22.0176.01)