Kubota, Yôto Notes on absolutely convergent integration. (English) Zbl 0941.26007 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 856-859 (1997). Reviewer: M.Tvrdý (Praha) MSC: 26A42 26A30 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Csörnyei, Marianna On the chord set of continuous functions. (English) Zbl 0940.26002 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 853-855 (1997). Reviewer: M.Zelený (Praha) MSC: 26A15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Cao, Jiling; Dontchev, Julian On some weaker forms of continuity for multifunctions. (English) Zbl 0937.54011 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 842-852 (1997). Reviewer: M.Hušek (Praha) MSC: 54C60 54C08 54D05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Dalang, Robert C.; Mountford, T. Points of increase of functions in the plane. (English) Zbl 0942.26026 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 833-841 (1997). MSC: 26B35 60G60 60J65 28C20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Kharazishvili, A. On some subsets of spaces equipped with transformation groups. (English) Zbl 0941.28001 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 818-832 (1997). Reviewer: M.Zelený (Praha) MSC: 28A05 28C15 43A46 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Nowik, Andrzej On a measure which measures at least one selector for every uncountable subgroup. (English) Zbl 0943.28017 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 814-817 (1997). MSC: 28C10 03E05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Katafiasz, Aleksandra; Natkaniec, Tomasz A new variant of Blumberg’s theorem. (English) Zbl 0942.26003 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 806-813 (1997). MSC: 26A15 54C08 54C30 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Foran, James A note on convergence in measure. (English) Zbl 0941.28002 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 802-805 (1997). Reviewer: I.Netuka (Praha) MSC: 28A20 26A42 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Rana, Inder K. On approximate unsmoothing of functions. (English) Zbl 0937.45002 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 798-801 (1997). Reviewer: B.Opic (Praha) MSC: 45E10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Zsilinszky, László Superporosity in a class of non-normable spaces. (English) Zbl 0943.28004 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 785-797 (1997). Reviewer: M.Zelený (Praha) MSC: 28A20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Buczolich, Zoltán Another note on the gradient problem of C. E. Weil. (English) Zbl 0940.26011 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 775-784 (1997). Reviewer: Jan Malý (Praha) MSC: 26B05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
D’Aniello, Emma; Hirshberg, A.; Bhaskara Rao, K. P. S.; Shortt, R. M. Bounded common extensions of vector measures. (English) Zbl 0941.28012 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 766-774 (1997). MSC: 28B05 46G10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Grande, Zbigniew On functions of two variables equicontinuous in one variable. (English) Zbl 0942.26024 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 760-765 (1997). Reviewer: Václav Kelar (Praha) MSC: 26B05 26A15 54C08 54C30 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Bullen, P. S.; Sarkhel, D. N. Properties of derivative-like functions. (English) Zbl 0942.26013 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 740-759 (1997). Reviewer: Jaroslav Tišer (Praha) MSC: 26A24 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Lee, Peng Yee; Zhao, Dongsheng Upper and lower Henstock integrals. (English) Zbl 0941.26004 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 734-739 (1997). Reviewer: Š.Schwabik (Praha) MSC: 26A39 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Ene, Vasile Riesz type theorems for general integrals. (English) Zbl 0942.26016 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 714-733 (1997). MSC: 26A39 26A46 26A45 46A50 54E52 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Jordan, Francis Cardinal invariants connected with adding real functions. (English) Zbl 0942.26005 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 696-713 (1997). MSC: 26A15 03E75 54A25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Ene, Vasile On Borel measurable functions that are VBG and (N). (English) Zbl 0942.26019 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 688-695 (1997). MSC: 26A45 26A39 26A24 26A46 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Lee, Peng Yee; Leng, Ng Wee The Radon-Nikodým theorem for the Henstock integral in the Euclidean space. (English) Zbl 0941.26005 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 677-687 (1997). Reviewer: Š.Schwabik (Praha) MSC: 26A39 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Knuckles, Craig; Wolenski, Peter R. \(C^1\) selections of multifunctions in one dimension. (English) Zbl 0942.49021 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 655-676 (1997). Reviewer: V.Křivan (České Budějovice) MSC: 49J53 26E25 49J52 28B20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Masters, Joseph D. The perimeter-minimizing enclosure of two areas in \(S^2\). (English) Zbl 0946.52004 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 645-654 (1997). Reviewer: D.Medková (Praha) MSC: 52A38 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Ene, Vasile Local systems and Taylor’s theorem. (English) Zbl 0942.26012 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 638-644 (1997). Reviewer: M.Zelený (Praha) MSC: 26A24 26A21 26A15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Faure, Claude-Alain; Guénard, François Upper and lower approximations of Perron integrable functions. (English) Zbl 0941.26006 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 626-637 (1997). Reviewer: Š.Schwabik (Praha) MSC: 26A39 26A21 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
McClure, Mark The Hausdorff dimension of the hyperspace of compact sets. (English) Zbl 0943.28013 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 611-625 (1997). Reviewer: Ondřej Zindulka (Praha) MSC: 28A78 54B20 28C20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Swiatek, Bozena Extending Darboux functions with finite variation. (English) Zbl 0941.26010 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 590-610 (1997). MSC: 26B30 26B05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Vuong, Hung Nhon Measure linearity of bi-Lipschitz maps of self-similar Cantor sets. (English) Zbl 0941.28006 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 574-589 (1997). MSC: 28A80 28A78 28A05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Sarkhel, D. N. A unified scale of absolute and non-absolute integrals. (English) Zbl 0940.26012 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 534-573 (1997). Reviewer: Jan Malý (Praha) MSC: 26B15 26A39 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Gibson, Richard G.; Natkaniec, Tomasz Darboux like functions. (English) Zbl 0942.26004 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 492-533 (1997). Reviewer: Václav Kelar (Praha) MSC: 26A15 54C30 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Rodenhausen, Anna; Peitgen, Heinz-Otto; Skordev, Gencho Self-affine curves and sequential machines. (English) Zbl 0937.68072 Real Anal. Exch. 22(1996-97), No. 2, 446-491 (1997). Reviewer: M.Hykšová (Praha) MSC: 68Q45 54H20 68Q42 26A30 26A27 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF