Berman, Edward B. A regional production and transportation model. (English) Zbl 0995.90531 Manage. Sci. 5, 319-326 (1959). MSC: 90B30 90B06 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. B. Berman}, Manage. Sci. 5, 319--326 (1959; Zbl 0995.90531) Full Text: DOI
Eastman, Willard L. A note on the multi-commodity warehouse problem. (English) Zbl 0995.90556 Manage. Sci. 5, 327-331 (1959). MSC: 90B50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{W. L. Eastman}, Manage. Sci. 5, 327--331 (1959; Zbl 0995.90556) Full Text: DOI
Harary, Frank Graph theoretic methods in the management sciences. (English) Zbl 0995.90557 Manage. Sci. 5, 387-403 (1959). MSC: 90B50 05C85 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Harary}, Manage. Sci. 5, 387--403 (1959; Zbl 0995.90557) Full Text: DOI
Mills, Edwin S. A note on the asymptotic behavior of an optimal procurement policy. (English) Zbl 0995.90555 Manage. Sci. 5, 204-209 (1959). MSC: 90B50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. S. Mills}, Manage. Sci. 5, 204--209 (1959; Zbl 0995.90555) Full Text: DOI
Fulkerson, D. R. Increasing the capacity of a network: the parametric budget problem. (English) Zbl 0995.90517 Manage. Sci. 5, 472-483 (1959). MSC: 90B10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. R. Fulkerson}, Manage. Sci. 5, 472--483 (1959; Zbl 0995.90517) Full Text: DOI
Derman, Cyrus A simple allocation problem. (English) Zbl 0995.90577 Manage. Sci. 5, 453-459 (1959). MSC: 90B80 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. Derman}, Manage. Sci. 5, 453--459 (1959; Zbl 0995.90577) Full Text: DOI Link
Morris, William T. Some analysis of purchasing policy. (English) Zbl 0995.90558 Manage. Sci. 5, 443-452 (1959). MSC: 90B50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{W. T. Morris}, Manage. Sci. 5, 443--452 (1959; Zbl 0995.90558) Full Text: DOI
Friedman, Lawrence Competitive coefficients. (English) Zbl 0995.90587 Manage. Sci. 5, 404-409 (1959). MSC: 90B99 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L. Friedman}, Manage. Sci. 5, 404--409 (1959; Zbl 0995.90587) Full Text: DOI
Schild, A. On inventory, production and employment scheduling. (English) Zbl 0995.90504 Manage. Sci. 5, 157-168 (1959). MSC: 90B05 90B35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Schild}, Manage. Sci. 5, 157--168 (1959; Zbl 0995.90504) Full Text: DOI
Wagner, Harvey M. On a class of capacitated transportation problems. (English) Zbl 0995.90513 Manage. Sci. 5, 304-318 (1959). MSC: 90B06 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. M. Wagner}, Manage. Sci. 5, 304--318 (1959; Zbl 0995.90513) Full Text: DOI
Johnson, S. M. Discussion: sequencing \(n\) jobs on two machines with arbitrary time lags. (English) Zbl 0995.90537 Manage. Sci. 5, 299-303 (1959). MSC: 90B35 90C27 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. M. Johnson}, Manage. Sci. 5, 299--303 (1959; Zbl 0995.90537) Full Text: DOI
Mitten, L. G. Sequencing \(n\) jobs on two machines with arbitrary time lags. (English) Zbl 0995.90539 Manage. Sci. 5, 293-298 (1959). MSC: 90B35 90C27 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L. G. Mitten}, Manage. Sci. 5, 293--298 (1959; Zbl 0995.90539) Full Text: DOI
Gessford, John Scheduling the use of water power. (English) Zbl 0995.90538 Manage. Sci. 5, 179-191 (1959). MSC: 90B35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Gessford}, Manage. Sci. 5, 179--191 (1959; Zbl 0995.90538) Full Text: DOI
Radner, Roy The application of linear programming to team decision problems. (English) Zbl 0995.90597 Manage. Sci. 5, 143-150 (1959). MSC: 90C05 90B50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. Radner}, Manage. Sci. 5, 143--150 (1959; Zbl 0995.90597) Full Text: DOI Link
Kao, Richard C.; Rowan, Thomas C. A model for peronnel recruiting and selection. (English) Zbl 0995.90586 Manage. Sci. 5, 192-203 (1959). MSC: 90B99 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. C. Kao} and \textit{T. C. Rowan}, Manage. Sci. 5, 192--203 (1959; Zbl 0995.90586) Full Text: DOI
Tyndall, D. G. Welfare pricing and transport costs. (English) Zbl 0995.90514 Manage. Sci. 5, 169-178 (1959). MSC: 90B06 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. G. Tyndall}, Manage. Sci. 5, 169--178 (1959; Zbl 0995.90514) Full Text: DOI