
Found 63 Documents (Results 1–63)

Discontinuous initial value problems for systems of quasi-linear hyperbolic equations. I-III. (English. Chinese original) Zbl 0192.19303

Chinese Math. 2, 354-365, 366-370 (1963); 3, 142-155 (1963); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 11, 314-323, 324-327 (1961); 12, 132-143 (1962).

Contributions to the theory of conjugate nets in projective hyperspace. III, IV. (English. Chinese original) Zbl 0148.15401

Chin. Math. 2, 376-385, 386-397 (1963); Sci. Sin. 11, 163-172, 457-468 (1961); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 11, 333-339, 340-347 (1961).
Reviewer: L. Godeaux
MSC:  53A20

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