Li, Zhao-hua Regular linear differential equations. (English. Chinese original) Zbl 0221.34004 Chinese Math. 8(1966), 560-568 (1967); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 16, 537-544 (1966). MSC: 34A30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Z.-h. Li}, Chinese Math. 8, 560--568 (1967; Zbl 0221.34004); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 16, 537--544 (1966)
Xu, C.-h. On the automorphisms of orthogonal groups over perfect fields of characteristic 2. (English. Chinese original) Zbl 0217.08001 Chinese Math. 8(1966), 475-523 (1967); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 16, 453-502 (1966). MSC: 51F25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. h. Xu}, Chinese Math. 8, 475--523 (1967; Zbl 0217.08001); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 16, 453--502 (1966)
Dai, Zongduo On transitivity of subspaces in orthogonal geometry over fields of characteristic 2. (English. Chinese original) Zbl 0212.37301 Chinese Math. 8 (1966), 569-584 (1967); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 16, 545-560 (1966). Reviewer: P. Hafner MSC: 15A63 11E04 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Z. Dai}, Chinese Math. 8, 569--584 (1967; Zbl 0212.37301); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 16, 545--560 (1966)
Yang, C.-q. Boundary conditions for the system of Kolmogorov backward differential equations. (English. Chinese original) Zbl 0212.20402 Chinese Math. 8(1966), 449-474 (1967); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 16, 429-452 (1966). MSC: 60J27 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. q. Yang}, Chinese Math. 8, 449--474 (1967; Zbl 0212.20402); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 16, 429--452 (1966)
Shen, X.-y. Computation of secondary products. (English. Chinese original) Zbl 0211.26401 Chinese Math. 8(1966), 828-834 (1967); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 8, 231-238 (1958). MSC: 55Q40 55Q35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{X. y. Shen}, Chinese Math. 8, 828--834 (1967; Zbl 0211.26401); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 8, 231--238 (1958)
Liao, S. D. Periodic transformations and fixed point therorems. II: Manifolds. (Chinese) Zbl 0207.53904 Chinese Math. 8(1966), 637-665 (1967). MSC: 55M20 57S99 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. D. Liao}, Chinese Math. 8, 637--665 (1967; Zbl 0207.53904)
Lu, Qi-keng An analytic invariant and its characteristic properties. (English. Chinese original) Zbl 0195.09302 Chinese Math. 8(1966), 839-848 (1967); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 8, 243-252 (1958). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Q.-k. Lu}, Chinese Math. 8, 839--848 (1967; Zbl 0195.09302); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 8, 243--252 (1958)
Ren, Fu-yao Extensions of some theorems of Robinson and Goluzin. (English. Chinese original) Zbl 0195.09002 Chinese Math. 8(1966), 780-787 (1967); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 8, 181-189 (1958). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F.-y. Ren}, Chinese Math. 8, 780--787 (1967; Zbl 0195.09002); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 8, 181--189 (1958)
Zhang, Kai-ming Typically real functions with starlike images. (English. Chinese original) Zbl 0195.09001 Chinese Math. 8(1966), 599-607 (1967); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 8, 12-22 (1958). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{K.-m. Zhang}, Chinese Math. 8, 599--607 (1967; Zbl 0195.09001); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 8, 12--22 (1958)
Wang, Si-Lei A boundary problem in the theory of absolute summability factors of Fourier series. (English. Chinese original) Zbl 0195.07801 Chinese Math. 8(1966), 524-533 (1967); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 16, 503-512 (1966). PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S.-L. Wang}, Chinese Math. 8, 524--533 (1967; Zbl 0195.07801); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 16, 503--512 (1966)
Su, Buchin Contributions to the theory of conjugate nets in projective hyperspace. VI. (English. Chinese original) Zbl 0193.21803 Chin. Math. 8(1966), 550-559 (1967); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 16, 528-536 (1966). Reviewer: L. Godeaux MSC: 53A20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. Su}, Chinese Math. 8, 550--559 (1967; Zbl 0193.21803); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 16, 528--536 (1966)
Xie, Tingfan On lacunary Fourier series. II. (English. Chinese original) Zbl 0193.02803 Chinese Math. 8(1966), 534-537 (1967); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 16, 513-516 (1966). Reviewer: J. A. Siddiqi MSC: 42Axx PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. Xie}, Chinese Math. 8, 534--537 (1967; Zbl 0193.02803); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 16, 513--516 (1966)