
Numerical study of a fast two-level Strang splitting method for spatial fractional Allen-Cahn equations. (English) Zbl 07698931

Summary: In this paper, a numerical method to solve the multi-dimensional spatial fractional Allen-Cahn equations has been investigated. After semi-discretizating the equations, a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations with a Toeplitz structure is induced. We propose to split the Toeplitz matrix into the sum of a circulant matrix and a skew-circulant matrix, and apply the Strang splitting method. Such a two-level Strang splitting method will reduce the computational complexity to \({\mathcal{O}}(q\log q)\). Moreover, it preserves not only the discrete maximum principle unconditionally but also second-order convergence as well. By introducing a new modified energy formula, the energy dissipation property can be guaranteed. Finally, some numerical experiments are conducted to confirm the theories we put forward.


65Mxx Numerical methods for partial differential equations, initial value and time-dependent initial-boundary value problems
35Rxx Miscellaneous topics in partial differential equations


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