Eidelman, Yuli; Haimovici, Iulian Improved bisection eigenvalue method for band symmetric Toeplitz matrices. (English) Zbl 1524.65166 ETNA, Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal. 58, 316-347 (2023). Summary: We apply a general bisection eigenvalue algorithm, developed for Hermitian matrices with quasiseparable representations, to the particular case of real band symmetric Toeplitz matrices. We show that every band symmetric Toeplitz matrix \(T_q\) with bandwidth \(q\) admits the representation \(T_q=A_q+H_q\), where the eigendata of \(A_q\) are obtained explicitly and the matrix \(H_q\) has nonzero entries only in two diagonal blocks of size \((q-1)\times (q-1)\). Based on this representation, one obtains an interlacing property of the eigenvalues of the matrix \(T_q\) and the known eigenvalues of the matrix \(A_q\). This allows us to essentially improve the performance of the bisection eigenvalue algorithm. We also present an algorithm to compute the corresponding eigenvectors. Cited in 1 Document MSC: 65F15 Numerical computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices 15B05 Toeplitz, Cauchy, and related matrices Keywords:Toeplitz; quasiseparable; banded matrices; eigenstructure; inequalities; Sturm with bisection × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Link References: [1] W. BARTH, R. S. MARTIN,ANDJ. H. WILKINSON,Calculations of the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix by the method of bisection, Numer. Math., 9 (1967), pp. 386-393. · Zbl 0189.47803 [2] D. BINI ANDM. CAPOVANI,Spectral and computational properties of band symmetric Toeplitz matrices, Linear Algebra Appl., 52/53 (1983), pp. 99-126. · Zbl 0549.15005 [3] D. BINI ANDV. PAN,On the evaluation of the eigenvalues of banded block Toeplitz block matrices, J. Complexity, 7 (1991), pp. 408-424. · Zbl 0767.65027 [4] ,Polynomial and Matrix Computations. Vol I., Birkhäuser, Boston, 1994. · Zbl 0809.65012 [5] A. CANTONI ANDP. 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