
Beyond tail median and conditional tail expectation: extreme risk estimation using tail \(L^p\)-optimization. (English) Zbl 1454.62143

Summary: The conditional tail expectation (CTE) is an indicator of tail behavior that takes into account both the frequency and magnitude of a tail event. However, the asymptotic normality of its empirical estimator requires that the underlying distribution possess a finite variance; this can be a strong restriction in actuarial and financial applications. A valuable alternative is the median shortfall (MS), although it only gives information about the frequency of a tail event. We construct a class of tail \(L^p\)-medians encompassing the MS and CTE. For \(p\) in \((1,2)\), a tail \(L^p\)-median depends on both the frequency and magnitude of tail events, and its empirical estimator is, within the range of the data, asymptotically normal under a condition weaker than a finite variance. We extrapolate this estimator and another technique to extreme levels using the heavy-tailed framework. The estimators are showcased on a simulation study and on real fire insurance data.


62G32 Statistics of extreme values; tail inference
60F17 Functional limit theorems; invariance principles
62P20 Applications of statistics to economics
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