Xie, Shuilian; Yang, Zhen-Ping; Xu, Hongru A neural network approach for solving weighted nonlinear complementarity problems. (English) Zbl 07939744 Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 45, No. 12, 581-598 (2024). MSC: 90C33 65H10 90C30 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Huang, Jingfang; Yu, Xin Error estimates of semidiscrete finite element approximation for minimal time impulse control problems. (English) Zbl 07922050 Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., Ser. B 29, No. 10, 4345-4360 (2024). MSC: 65-XX 49M25 49N25 93C27 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Marino, L.; Menozzi, S.; Priola, E. About the regularity of degenerate non-local Kolmogorov operators under diffusive perturbations. (English) Zbl 07920792 Menozzi, Stéphane (ed.) et al., Kolmogorov operators and their applications. Singapore: Springer. Springer INdAM Ser. 56, 263-287 (2024). MSC: 35B65 35K70 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Triggiani, R. Unique continuation properties of static over-determined eigenproblems: the ignition key for uniform stabilization of dynamic fluids by feedback controllers. (English) Zbl 07918501 Bodnár, Tomáš (ed.) et al., Fluids under control. Invited lectures based on the presentations at the summer school, Prague, Czech Republic, August 23–27, 2021. Cham: Birkhäuser. Adv. Math. Fluid Mech., 63-155 (2024). MSC: 76V05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Ašković, Veljko; Trélat, Emmanuel; Zidani, Hasnaa Linear quadratic optimal control turnpike in finite and infinite dimension: two-term expansion of the value function. (English) Zbl 07885780 Syst. Control Lett. 188, Article ID 105803, 9 p. (2024). MSC: 49N10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Akram, Wasim; Mitra, Debanjana; Nataraj, Neela; Ramaswamy, Mythily Feedback stabilization of a parabolic coupled system and its numerical study. (English) Zbl 1542.35217 Math. Control Relat. Fields 14, No. 2, 695-746 (2024). MSC: 35K20 93D15 65M12 65M22 65M60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Jammazi, Chaker; Bouamaied, Ghada; Boutayeb, Mohamed On the logarithmic stability estimates of non-autonomous systems: applications to control systems. (English) Zbl 1543.93311 Qual. Theory Dyn. Syst. 23, No. 4, Paper No. 186, 32 p. (2024). MSC: 93D99 93D15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Holroyd, Oscar A.; Cimpeanu, Radu; Gomes, Susana N. Linear quadratic regulation control for falling liquid films. (English) Zbl 1537.93245 SIAM J. Appl. Math. 84, No. 3, 940-960 (2024). MSC: 93B52 76A20 35Q30 49N10 49J20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Huang, Hao; Wu, Zheng; Su, Xiaofeng Approximate controllability of second-order impulsive neutral stochastic differential equations with state-dependent delay and Poisson jumps. (English) Zbl 1532.34082 J. Inequal. Appl. 2023, Paper No. 53, 26 p. (2023). MSC: 34K50 34K45 34K40 93B05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Bensalem, Abdelhamid; Salim, Abdelkrim; Ahmad, Bashir; Benchohra, Mouffak Existence and controllability of integrodifferential equations with non-instantaneous impulses in Fréchet spaces. (English) Zbl 1520.93042 Cubo 25, No. 2, 231-250 (2023). MSC: 93B05 93C25 47H10 46A04 45J05 47H08 35D30 47B40 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Pazoto, Ademir F.; Vieira, Miguel D. Soto Biorthogonal functions for complex exponentials and an application to the controllability of the Kawahara equation via a moment approach. (English) Zbl 1522.35446 Appl. Math. Optim. 88, No. 2, Paper No. 57, 22 p. (2023). MSC: 35Q53 93B05 30E05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Duprez, Michel; González-Burgos, Manuel; Souza, Diego A. Remarks on the controllability of parabolic systems with non-diagonalizable diffusion matrix. (English) Zbl 1520.93048 Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., Ser. S 16, No. 6, 1346-1382 (2023). MSC: 93B05 93C20 35K40 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Chowdhury, Shirshendu; Dutta, Rajib; Majumdar, Subrata Boundary controllability and stabilizability of a coupled first-order hyperbolic-elliptic system. (English) Zbl 1517.35098 Evol. Equ. Control Theory 12, No. 3, 907-943 (2023). MSC: 35G46 93B05 93B07 93B52 93C20 93D15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Gozzi, Fausto; Masiero, Federica Stochastic control problems with unbounded control operators: solutions through generalized derivatives. (English) Zbl 1512.93151 SIAM J. Control Optim. 61, No. 2, 586-619 (2023). MSC: 93E20 60H20 49L20 35R15 93C25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Marino, L.; Menozzi, S.; Priola, E. Poisson process and sharp constants in \(L^p\) and Schauder estimates for a class of degenerate Kolmogorov operators. (English) Zbl 1498.35121 Stud. Math. 267, No. 3, 321-346 (2022). MSC: 35B45 35H10 35K15 35K65 35K70 60J76 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Favini, Angelo Optimal regulation with quadratic cost functional of a degenerate system. (English) Zbl 1498.93331 Mediterr. J. Math. 19, No. 5, Paper No. 198, 19 p. (2022). MSC: 93C25 93C15 49N05 93C05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Eisenhuth, Benedikt; Grothaus, Martin Essential m-dissipativity for possibly degenerate generators of infinite-dimensional diffusion processes. (English) Zbl 1494.35178 Integral Equations Oper. Theory 94, No. 3, Paper No. 28, 29 p. (2022). MSC: 35R15 35B65 35R60 37L50 47B44 60H15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Da Prato, Giuseppe; Tubaro, Luciano A probabilistic formula for gradients of solutions of hypoelliptic Dirichlet problems. (English) Zbl 1497.35134 Eur. J. Math. 8, Suppl. 1, S367-S391 (2022). MSC: 35J15 60G53 60H99 60J65 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kong, Lingju; Wang, Min Optimal control for an ordinary differential equation online social network model. (English) Zbl 1499.49007 Differ. Equ. Appl. 14, No. 2, 205-214 (2022). MSC: 49J15 49K15 91D30 92D25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Medve\u{d}, Milan; Pospíšil, Michal Stability and feedback stabilizability of delay periodic differential equations with pairwise permutable matrix functions. (English) Zbl 1501.34061 Math. Slovaca 72, No. 2, 379-396 (2022). Reviewer: Sébastien Boisgérault (Paris) MSC: 34K20 34K35 34K06 93D15 37C60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Lasiecka, Irena; Priyasad, Buddhika; Triggiani, Roberto Finite-dimensional boundary uniform stabilization of the Boussinesq system in Besov spaces by critical use of Carleman estimate-based inverse theory. (English) Zbl 1509.35186 J. Inverse Ill-Posed Probl. 30, No. 1, 35-79 (2022). MSC: 35Q30 35Q79 35K05 80A19 35R30 35B65 35A01 35A02 93C20 93D15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Jammazi, Chaker; Boutayeb, Mohamed; Bouamaied, Ghada On the global polynomial stabilization and observation with optimal decay rate. (English) Zbl 1498.34149 Chaos Solitons Fractals 153, Part 2, Article ID 111447, 10 p. (2021). MSC: 34D20 34C11 93D15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Azmi, Behzad; Kunisch, Karl; Rodrigues, Sérgio S. Stabilization of nonautonomous parabolic equations by a single moving actuator. (English) Zbl 1483.93459 Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 41, No. 12, 5789-5824 (2021). MSC: 93D05 93C20 93B52 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Tan, Zeng-Zhen; Hu, Rong; Zhu, Ming; Fang, Ya-Ping A dynamical system method for solving the split convex feasibility problem. (English) Zbl 1476.65106 J. Ind. Manag. Optim. 17, No. 6, 2989-3011 (2021). MSC: 65K05 65K10 90C25 47H09 65L09 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Karafyllis, Iasson On the relation of IOS-gains and asymptotic gains for linear systems. (English) Zbl 1478.93572 Syst. Control Lett. 152, Article ID 104934, 11 p. (2021). MSC: 93D25 93C05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Triggiani, Roberto; Wan, Xiang Unique continuation properties of over-determined static Boussinesq problems with application to uniform stabilization of dynamic Boussinesq systems. (English) Zbl 1487.35306 Appl. Math. Optim. 84, No. 2, 2099-2146 (2021). MSC: 35Q30 76D05 80A19 93B52 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Toan, N. T.; Thuy, L. Q. Subgradients of the value function via multiplier sets of parametric convex discrete optimal control problems. (English) Zbl 1475.49029 Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 42, No. 7, 785-808 (2021). Reviewer: Gheorghe Tigan (Timișoara) MSC: 49K40 49J53 90C31 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Lasiecka, Irena; Priyasad, Buddhika; Triggiani, Roberto Uniform stabilization of 3D Navier-Stokes equations in low regularity Besov spaces with finite dimensional, tangential-like boundary, localized feedback controllers. (English) Zbl 1468.76022 Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 241, No. 3, 1575-1654 (2021). MSC: 76D55 76D05 35Q30 93B52 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Karafyllis, Iasson; Espitia, Nicolás; Krstic, Miroslav Event-triggered gain scheduling of reaction-diffusion PDEs. (English) Zbl 1467.93209 SIAM J. Control Optim. 59, No. 3, 2047-2067 (2021). MSC: 93C65 93C20 35K57 93D23 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Barkhayev, Pavel; Rabah, Rabah; Sklyar, Grigory Conditions of exact null controllability and the problem of complete stabilizability for time-delay systems. (English) Zbl 1470.93020 Sklyar, Grigory (ed.) et al., Stabilization of distributed parameter systems: design methods and applications. Selected papers based on the presentations of the mini-symposium at ICIAM 2019, Valencia, Spain, July 15–19, 2019. Cham: Springer. SEMA SIMAI Springer Ser. ICIAM 2019 SEMA SIMAI Springer Ser. 2, 1-15 (2021). Reviewer: Seenith Sivasundaram (Daytona Beach) MSC: 93B05 93D05 93C43 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Marino, Lorenzo Schauder estimates for degenerate Lévy Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators. (English) Zbl 1462.35428 J. Math. Anal. Appl. 500, No. 1, Article ID 125168, 37 p. (2021). Reviewer: Maria Alessandra Ragusa (Catania) MSC: 35R09 47G20 60G51 60J60 35B45 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Huan, Diem Dang; Agarwal, Ravi P. Controllability for impulsive neutral stochastic delay partial differential equations driven by fBm and Lévy noise. (English) Zbl 1459.35412 Stoch. Dyn. 21, No. 2, Article ID 2150013, 24 p. (2021). MSC: 35R60 35R12 93B05 35B35 39B82 93E03 60H15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Lasiecka, Irena; Priyasad, Buddhika; Triggiani, Roberto Uniform stabilization of Boussinesq systems in critical \(\mathbf{L}^q \)-based Sobolev and Besov spaces by finite dimensional interior localized feedback controls. (English) Zbl 1452.35229 Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., Ser. B 25, No. 10, 4071-4117 (2020). MSC: 35Q93 35B35 35K40 93C20 93B52 76D05 80A17 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Carmelo Flores, J.; de Teresa, Luz Null controllability of one dimensional degenerate parabolic equations with first order terms. (English) Zbl 1457.35020 Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., Ser. B 25, No. 10, 3963-3981 (2020). Reviewer: Vyacheslav I. Maksimov (Yekaterinburg) MSC: 35K65 93B05 93C20 35K58 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Hartmann, Carsten; Neureither, Lara; Sharma, Upanshu Coarse graining of nonreversible stochastic differential equations: quantitative results and connections to averaging. (English) Zbl 1447.35028 SIAM J. Math. Anal. 52, No. 3, 2689-2733 (2020). MSC: 35B25 35R60 35B40 35K10 60J60 60H10 82C31 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
González-Burgos, Manuel; Sousa-Neto, Gilcenio R. Boundary controllability of a one-dimensional phase-field system with one control force. (English) Zbl 1441.35032 J. Differ. Equations 269, No. 5, 4286-4331 (2020). Reviewer: Kaïs Ammari (Monastir) MSC: 35B30 35K51 93B05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Ouaili, Lydia Minimal time of null controllability of two parabolic equations. (English) Zbl 1442.93010 Math. Control Relat. Fields 10, No. 1, 89-112 (2020). MSC: 93B05 34L10 35K20 93C20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Hernández-Santamaría, Víctor; Peralta, Liliana Some remarks on the robust Stackelberg controllability for the heat equation with controls on the boundary. (English) Zbl 1498.49008 Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., Ser. B 25, No. 1, 161-190 (2020). MSC: 49J20 93B05 49K35 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Khayar, M. Jidou Controllability of some bilinear and semilinear parabolic problems. (English) Zbl 07836841 Moroccan J. Pure Appl. Anal. 5, No. 2, 222-234 (2019). MSC: 93B05 93C20 35K57 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kunisch, Karl; Rodrigues, Sérgio S. Explicit exponential stabilization of nonautonomous linear parabolic-like systems by a finite number of internal actuators. (English) Zbl 1436.93106 ESAIM, Control Optim. Calc. Var. 25, Paper No. 67, 38 p. (2019). Reviewer: Kaïs Ammari (Monastir) MSC: 93D15 93D23 93C05 93C20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Mishra, Indira Almost automorphy and Riccati equation. (English) Zbl 1433.49051 Differ. Equ. Dyn. Syst. 27, No. 4, 379-394 (2019). Reviewer: Savin Treanta (Bucharest) MSC: 49N10 34C27 37L05 93B52 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
El Mustapha, Ait Ben Hassi; Mohamed, Fadili; Maniar, Lahcen On algebraic condition for null controllability of some coupled degenerate systems. (English) Zbl 1423.35150 Math. Control Relat. Fields 9, No. 1, 77-95 (2019). MSC: 35K20 35K65 47D06 93B05 93B07 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Yu, Xin; Huang, Jingfang; Liu, Kangsheng Finite element approximations of impulsive optimal control problems for heat equations. (English) Zbl 1416.49031 J. Math. Anal. Appl. 477, No. 1, 250-271 (2019). MSC: 49M25 65M60 35K05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Jammazi, Chaker; Zaghdoudi, Maâli; Boutayeb, Mohamed On the global polynomial stabilization of nonlinear dynamical systems. (English) Zbl 1408.93098 Nonlinear Anal., Real World Appl. 46, 29-42 (2019). MSC: 93D15 93C10 93C15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Sutrima, Sutrima; Indrati, Christiana Rini; Aryati, Lina Exact null controllability, stabilizability, and detectability of linear nonautonomous control systems: a quasisemigroup approach. (English) Zbl 1470.93073 Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2018, Article ID 3791609, 12 p. (2018). MSC: 93C25 93B05 47D06 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Zhang, Yaling; Liu, Hongwei A projection neural network for circular cone programming. (English) Zbl 1427.90226 Math. Probl. Eng. 2018, Article ID 4607853, 12 p. (2018). MSC: 90C25 49J52 90C20 90C33 90C30 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Huang, Hao; Wu, Zheng; Hu, Ling; Wei, Zhangzhi; Wang, Lianglong Existence and controllability of second-order neutral impulsive stochastic evolution integro-differential equations with state-dependent delay. (English) Zbl 1387.34107 J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 20, No. 1, Paper No. 9, 27 p. (2018). MSC: 34K30 34K50 34K45 93B05 34K35 47N20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Trélat, Emmanuel; Zhang, Can; Zuazua, Enrique Steady-state and periodic exponential turnpike property for optimal control problems in Hilbert spaces. (English) Zbl 1387.49042 SIAM J. Control Optim. 56, No. 2, 1222-1252 (2018). MSC: 49K40 49K20 49J20 93D20 49K27 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Apte, Amit; Auroux, Didier; Ramaswamy, Mythily Observers for compressible Navier-Stokes equation. (English) Zbl 1383.93017 SIAM J. Control Optim. 56, No. 2, 1081-1104 (2018). MSC: 93B07 93C20 93C95 93B40 35Q30 76D05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
al Jamal, Rasha; Morris, Kirsten Linearized stability of partial differential equations with application to stabilization of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. (English) Zbl 1387.35045 SIAM J. Control Optim. 56, No. 1, 120-147 (2018). MSC: 35B35 35B40 35K55 93C20 93D15 93D20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Link
Lizzy, Rajendran Mabel Controllability of nonlinear stochastic fractional integrodifferential systems in Hilbert spaces. (English) Zbl 1425.93044 Babiarz, Artur (ed.) et al., Theory and applications of non-integer order systems. Papers of the 8th conference on non-integer order calculus and its applications, Zakopane, Poland, September 20–21, 2016. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Electr. Eng. 407, 345-355 (2017). MSC: 93B05 93C10 93E03 93C25 93C15 26A33 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Fadili, Mohamed; Maniar, Lahcen Null controllability of \(n\)-coupled degenerate parabolic systems with \(m\)-controls. (English) Zbl 1387.35326 J. Evol. Equ. 17, No. 4, 1311-1340 (2017). MSC: 35K20 35K65 47D06 93B05 93B07 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Acquistapace, P.; Gozzi, F. Minimum energy for linear systems with finite horizon: a non-standard Riccati equation. (English) Zbl 1381.49032 Math. Control Signals Syst. 29, No. 4, Paper No. 19, 47 p. (2017). MSC: 49N10 34G20 47D06 49J20 93B05 93C05 93C20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv Link
Rabah, Rabah; Sklyar, Grigory; Barkhayev, Pavel Exact null controllability, complete stabilizability and continuous final observability of neutral type systems. (English) Zbl 1373.93067 Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci. 27, No. 3, 489-499 (2017). MSC: 93B05 93C25 93C05 34K40 93D99 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Gozzi, Fausto; Masiero, Federica Stochastic optimal control with delay in the control. I: Solving the HJB equation through partial smoothing. (English) Zbl 1375.93140 SIAM J. Control Optim. 55, No. 5, 2981-3012 (2017); errata ibid. 59, No. 4, 3096-3101 (2021). MSC: 93E20 60H20 47D07 49L20 35R15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Phung, Kim Dang; Wang, Gengsheng; Xu, Yashan Impulse output rapid stabilization for heat equations. (English) Zbl 1386.35136 J. Differ. Equations 263, No. 8, 5012-5041 (2017). MSC: 35K05 35B40 49J20 93D15 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Buşe, Constantin; O’Regan, Donal; Saierli, Olivia An inequality concerning the growth bound of an evolution family and the norm of a convolution operator. (English) Zbl 06740690 Semigroup Forum 94, No. 3, 618-631 (2017). MSC: 47-XX × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Bianca, Carlo; Brézin, Louis Modeling the antigen recognition by B-cell and T-cell receptors through thermostatted kinetic theory methods. (English) Zbl 1365.92040 Int. J. Biomath. 10, No. 5, Article ID 1750072, 37 p. (2017). MSC: 92C42 92C40 45K05 35Q92 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Masiero, Federica; Priola, Enrico Well-posedness of semilinear stochastic wave equations with Hölder continuous coefficients. (English) Zbl 1365.60060 J. Differ. Equations 263, No. 3, 1773-1812 (2017). Reviewer: Ruhollah Jahanipur (Kashan) MSC: 60H15 35R60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Wang, Jinrong; Fečkan, Michal; Zhou, Yong Random noninstantaneous impulsive models for studying periodic evolution processes in pharmacotherapy. (English) Zbl 1419.34133 Luo, Albert C. J. (ed.) et al., Mathematical modeling and applications in nonlinear dynamics. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 3rd international conference on complex dynamical systems: new mathematical concepts and applications in life sciences, CDSC 2014, Ankara, Turkey, November 24–26, 2014. Cham: Springer. Nonlinear Syst. Complex., 87-107 (2016). MSC: 34C25 60H10 34G20 34A37 34F05 92C45 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Ahluwalia, Divya; Sukavanam, N.; Arora, Urvashi Approximate controllability of abstract semilinear stochastic control systems with nonlocal conditions. (English) Zbl 1438.93006 Cogent Math. 3, Article ID 1191409, 10 p. (2016). MSC: 93B05 93E03 34K30 34K35 93C25 93C10 93C05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Korobov, V. I.; Sklyar, K. V.; Skoryk, V. O. Stepwise synthesis of constrained controls for single input nonlinear systems of special form. (English) Zbl 1354.93055 NoDEA, Nonlinear Differ. Equ. Appl. 23, No. 3, Paper No. 31, 26 p. (2016). MSC: 93B50 93B52 93B11 93C10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Koshkin, Sergiy Positive semigroups and algebraic Riccati equations in Banach spaces. (English) Zbl 1508.47094 Positivity 20, No. 3, 541-563 (2016). MSC: 47D06 93C25 47B65 49J27 49K27 34D20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Trélat, Emmanuel; Wang, Lijuan; Zhang, Yubiao Impulse and sampled-data optimal control of heat equations, and error estimates. (English) Zbl 1370.35158 SIAM J. Control Optim. 54, No. 5, 2787-2819 (2016). MSC: 35K05 49J20 34A37 93C57 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Ammar Khodja, Farid; Benabdallah, Assia; González-Burgos, Manuel; de Teresa, Luz New phenomena for the null controllability of parabolic systems: minimal time and geometrical dependence. (English) Zbl 1342.93022 J. Math. Anal. Appl. 444, No. 2, 1071-1113 (2016). MSC: 93B05 93C20 35K40 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Cannarsa, Piermarco; Martinez, Patrick; Vancostenoble, Judith Global Carleman estimates for degenerate parabolic operators with applications. (English) Zbl 1328.35114 Mem. Am. Math. Soc. 1133, ix, 207 p. (2016). Reviewer: Vincenzo Vespri (Firenze) MSC: 35K65 35R30 93B05 93B07 93C20 26D10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Errebii, Mouna; Hammami, Mohamed Ali On the practical stabilization of dynamical systems with application. (English) Zbl 1499.34303 J. Dyn. Syst. Geom. Theor. 13, No. 1, 51-70 (2015). MSC: 34D20 93D10 34C11 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Pawluszewicz, Ewa Constrained controllability of the \(h\)-difference fractional control systems with Caputo type operator. (English) Zbl 1418.93033 Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc. 2015, Article ID 638420, 7 p. (2015). MSC: 93B05 93C55 34A08 93B07 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel, Agnieszka; Bodnar, Marek; Mirota, Fryderyk Dynamic oligopoly with sticky prices: off-steady-state analysis. (English) Zbl 1348.91208 Dyn. Games Appl. 5, No. 4, 568-598 (2015). MSC: 91B54 91A23 91A80 91B24 91B55 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Zhang, Shuorui; Sun, Jitao Controllability of impulsive mixed type Volterra-Fredholm stochastic systems with nonlocal conditions. (English) Zbl 1328.93060 Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control 25, No. 13, 2196-2206 (2015). MSC: 93B05 93E03 60H10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Korobov, V. I.; Skoryk, V. O. Construction of a set of restricted inertial controls for \(C^{(1)}\)-smooth affine systems with multidimensional control. (English) Zbl 1321.93041 J. Dyn. Control Syst. 21, No. 4, 513-538 (2015). MSC: 93C10 93B50 93C35 93D15 34D20 93D30 93B52 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Zitelli, Gregory; Djouadi, Seddik M.; Day, Judy D. Combining robust state estimation with nonlinear model predictive control to regulate the acute inflammatory response to pathogen. (English) Zbl 1354.92039 Math. Biosci. Eng. 12, No. 5, 1127-1139 (2015). MSC: 92C50 93C15 93B05 93B07 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kröner, Axel; Rodrigues, Sérgio S. Remarks on the internal exponential stabilization to a nonstationary solution for 1D Burgers equations. (English) Zbl 1312.93052 SIAM J. Control Optim. 53, No. 2, 1020-1055 (2015). MSC: 93B52 93C20 93D15 35Q53 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI HAL
Koshkin, Sergiy Positive semigroups and abstract Lyapunov equations. (English) Zbl 1325.47086 Positivity 19, No. 1, 1-21 (2015). Reviewer: Matheus Cheque Bortolan (Lima) MSC: 47D06 47B65 49K27 34D20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Priola, Enrico On weak uniqueness for some degenerate SDEs by global \(L^p\) estimates. (English) Zbl 1306.60077 Potential Anal. 42, No. 1, 247-281 (2015). MSC: 60H10 60J60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Miao, Xinhe; Chen, Jein-Shan; Ko, Chun-Hsu A smoothed NR neural network for solving nonlinear convex programs with second-order cone constraints. (English) Zbl 1341.90101 Inf. Sci. 268, 255-270 (2014). MSC: 90C25 90C59 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Bugariu, Ioan Florin Uniform controllability for the beam equation with vanishing structural damping. (English) Zbl 1349.93065 Czech. Math. J. 64, No. 4, 869-881 (2014). MSC: 93B05 93C20 74K10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Link
Kexue, Li; Jigen, Peng Controllability of fractional neutral stochastic functional differential systems. (English) Zbl 1347.34115 Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 65, No. 5, 941-959 (2014). MSC: 34K37 93C23 34K35 34K40 93B05 47H10 34K50 34K30 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Khaldi, Nassima; Benharrat, Mohammed; Messirdi, Bekkai On the spectral boundary value problems and boundary approximate controllability of linear systems. (English) Zbl 1309.47011 Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) 63, No. 1, 141-153 (2014). MSC: 47A50 93B28 93B05 93C25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Palanisamy, M.; Chinnathambi, R. Approximate boundary controllability of Sobolev-type stochastic differential systems. (English) Zbl 1296.93026 J. Egypt. Math. Soc. 22, No. 2, 201-208 (2014). MSC: 93B05 60H10 93E03 34K50 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Ammar Khodja, Farid; Benabdallah, Assia; González-Burgos, Manuel; de Teresa, Luz Minimal time for the null controllability of parabolic systems: the effect of the condensation index of complex sequences. (English) Zbl 1304.35379 J. Funct. Anal. 267, No. 7, 2077-2151 (2014). MSC: 35K90 35K40 93B05 93C05 93C20 93C25 30B50 30B70 11J82 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI HAL
Bugariu, Ioan Florin; Rovenţa, Ionel Small time uniform controllability of the linear one-dimensional Schrödinger equation with vanishing viscosity. (English) Zbl 1292.93026 J. Optim. Theory Appl. 160, No. 3, 949-965 (2014). MSC: 93B05 93C05 35Q40 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Eisenberg, Julia; Grandits, Peter; Thonhauser, Stefan Optimal consumption under deterministic income. (English) Zbl 1305.49034 J. Optim. Theory Appl. 160, No. 1, 255-279 (2014). Reviewer: Fabio Bagagiolo (Trento) MSC: 49L25 49N90 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Khodja, Farid Ammar; Bouzidi, Cherif; Dupaix, Cédric; Maniar, Lahcen Null controllability of retarded parabolic equations. (English) Zbl 1281.93021 Math. Control Relat. Fields 4, No. 1, 1-15 (2014). MSC: 93B05 93B07 47D06 34K35 35K10 35R10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Zeng, Yi; Xie, Zuoshi; Guo, Faming On exact controllability and complete stabilizability for linear systems. (English) Zbl 1307.93073 Appl. Math. Lett. 26, No. 7, 766-768 (2013). MSC: 93B05 93C25 93C05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Bashirov, Agamirza E.; Jneid, Maher On partial complete controllability of semilinear systems. (English) Zbl 1291.93034 Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2013, Article ID 521052, 8 p. (2013). MSC: 93B05 93C25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Balachandran, K.; Govindaraj, V.; Rivero, M.; Machado, J. A. Tenreiro; Trujillo, J. J. Observability of nonlinear fractional dynamical systems. (English) Zbl 1295.34008 Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2013, Article ID 346041, 7 p. (2013). MSC: 34A08 34H05 93B07 47N20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Buse, Constantin; Khan, Aftab; Rahmat, Gul; Tabassum, Afshan A new estimation of the growth bound of a periodic evolution family on Banach spaces. (English) Zbl 1455.47010 J. Funct. Spaces Appl. 2013, Article ID 260920, 6 p. (2013). MSC: 47D99 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Li, Dequan; Liu, Qipeng; Wang, Xiaofan Distributed quantized consensus for agents on directed networks. (English) Zbl 1292.93008 J. Syst. Sci. Complex. 26, No. 4, 489-511 (2013). MSC: 93A14 68T42 93C55 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Pawłuszewicz, Ewa; Mozyrska, Dorota Constrained controllability of \(h\)-difference linear systems with two fractional orders. (English) Zbl 1271.93024 Mitkowski, Wojciech (ed.) et al., Advances in the theory and applications of non-integer order systems. 5th conference on non-integer order calculus and its applications, Cracow, Poland, July 4–5, 2013. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-00932-2/hbk; 978-3-319-00933-9/ebook). Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 257, 67-75 (2013). MSC: 93B05 93C05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Favini, A.; Kurina, G. Linear-quadratic regulator with intermediate points for degenerate equations with unbounded operator. (English) Zbl 1257.49034 J. Dyn. Control Syst. 19, No. 1, 95-121 (2013). MSC: 49N10 49N35 49J27 34A09 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Shen, Lijuan; Sun, Jitao Approximate controllability of stochastic impulsive functional systems with infinite delay. (English) Zbl 1271.93025 Automatica 48, No. 10, 2705-2709 (2012). MSC: 93B05 93E03 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Link
Buşe, Constantin; Lassoued, Dhaou; Nguyen, Thanh Lan; Saierli, Olivia Exponential stability and uniform boundedness of solutions for nonautonomous periodic abstract Cauchy problems. An evolution semigroup approach. (English) Zbl 1279.47063 Integral Equations Oper. Theory 74, No. 3, 345-362 (2012). Reviewer: Jin Liang (Shanghai) MSC: 47D06 47A05 47A30 47A10 35B15 35B10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Marchand, R.; McDevitt, T.; Triggiani, R. An abstract semigroup approach to the third-order Moore-Gibson-Thompson partial differential equation arising in high-intensity ultrasound: structural decomposition, spectral analysis, exponential stability. (English) Zbl 1255.35047 Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 35, No. 15, 1896-1929 (2012). MSC: 35B40 35L35 47D03 93D20 35R25 35L90 47D06 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Miranda, Francisco Numerical methods of stabilizer construction via guidance control. (English) Zbl 1256.93095 Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 35, No. 14, 1670-1680 (2012). MSC: 93D25 93C10 93C95 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Micu, Sorin; Rovenţa, Ionel Uniform controllability of the linear one dimensional Schrödinger equation with vanishing viscosity. (English) Zbl 1242.93019 ESAIM, Control Optim. Calc. Var. 18, No. 1, 277-293 (2012). MSC: 93B05 30E05 35Q41 93C20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI EuDML
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Lefter, Adriana-Ioana On the feedback stabilization of Boussinesq equations. (English) Zbl 1249.76024 An. Științ. Univ. Al. I. Cuza Iași, Ser. Nouă, Mat. 57, No. 2, 285-310 (2011). MSC: 76D05 47H05 35B35 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Wang, Feng-Yu Coupling for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes with jumps. (English) Zbl 1238.60090 Bernoulli 17, No. 4, 1136-1158 (2011). MSC: 60J75 60G51 60H10 60J35 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Micu, Sorin; Ortega, Jaime H.; Pazoto, Ademir F. Null-controllability of a hyperbolic equation as singular limit of parabolic ones. (English) Zbl 1230.93007 J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 17, No. 5, 991-1007 (2011). MSC: 93B05 30E05 35E20 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI