Molland, A. G. Shifting the foundations: Descartes’s transformation of ancient geometry. (English) Zbl 0332.01005 Hist. Math. 3, 21-49 (1976). Page: −4 −3 −2 −1 ±0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Show Scanned Page Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 7 Documents MSC: 01A45 History of mathematics in the 17th century 51-03 History of geometry Biographic References: Descartes, René PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. G. Molland}, Hist. Math. 3, 21--49 (1976; Zbl 0332.01005) Full Text: DOI References: [1] Allard Jean-Louis, Le Mathématisme de Descartes (1963), Université d’Ottawa [2] Apollonius of Perga, Quae Graece Exstant cum Commentariis Antiquis, (Heiberg, J. L. (1891-1993), Teubner: Teubner Leipzig), 2 vols · JFM 23.0005.02 [3] Apollonius of Perga, Treatise on Conic Sections, (Ed. in modern notation by T L Heath Reprint (1961), Heffer: Heffer Cambridge) · JFM 27.0004.01 [4] Archimedes, Opera omnia cum commentariis Eutocii, (Heiberg, J. L. 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