
Found 227 Documents (Results 1–100)

Asymptotic expansions for market risk assessment: evidence in energy and commodity indices. (English) Zbl 07910582

Valenzuela, Olga (ed.) et al., Theory and applications of time series analysis and forecasting. Selected contributions from the 7th international conference on time series and forecasting, ITISE 2021, Gran Canaria, Spain, July 19–21, 2021. Cham: Springer. Contrib. Stat., 123-142 (2023).
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Distribution estimation for probabilistic loops. (English) Zbl 1522.68132

Ábrahám, Erika (ed.) et al., Quantitative evaluation of systems. 19th international conference, QEST 2022, Warsaw, Poland, September 12–16, 2022. Proceedings. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 13479, 26-42 (2022).
MSC:  68N19

Independent component analysis (ICA) using Pearsonian density function. (English) Zbl 1301.62059

Adali, Tülay (ed.) et al., Independent component analysis and signal separation. 8th international conference, ICA 2009, Paraty, Brazil, March 15–18, 2009. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-00598-5/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5441, 74-81 (2009).
MSC:  62H25 94A12
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