
Vortex structures inside spherical mesoscopic superconductor plus magnetic dipole. (English) Zbl 1440.82012

Summary: We investigate the existence of multivortex states in a superconducting mesoscopic sphere with a magnetic dipole placed at the center. We obtain analytic solutions for the order parameter \(\Psi(\overset{\rightarrow} {r})\) inside the sphere through the linearized Ginzburg-Landau (GL) model, coupled with mixed boundary conditions, and under regularity conditions and decoupling coordinates approximation. The solutions of the linear GL equation are obtained in terms of Heun double confluent functions, in dipole coordinates symmetry. The analyticity of the solutions and the associated eigenproblem are discussed thoroughly. We minimize the free energy for the fully nonlinear GL system by using linear combinations of linear analytic solutions, and we provide the conditions of occurring multivortex states. The results are not restricted to the particular spherical geometry, since the present formalism can be extended for large samples, up to infinite superconducting space plus magnetic dipole.


82D55 Statistical mechanics of superconductors


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