
Critical scale for a continuous AIMD model. (English) Zbl 1323.60120

Summary: A scaled version of the general AIMD model of transmission control protocol (TCP) used in internet traffic congestion management leads to a Markov process \(x(t)\) representing the time dependent data flow that moves forward with constant speed on the positive axis and jumps backward to \(\gamma x(t)\), \(0 < \gamma < 1\) according to a Poisson clock whose rate \(\alpha(x)\) depends on the interval swept in between jumps. We give sharp conditions for Harris recurrence and analyze the convergence to equilibrium on multiple scales (polynomial, fractional exponential, exponential) identifying the critical case \(x\alpha(x) \sim \beta\). Criticality has different behavior according to whether it occurs at the origin or infinity. In each case, we determine the transient (possibly explosive), null – and positive – recurrent regimes by comparing {\(\beta\)} to \((-\ln \gamma)^{- 1}\).


60K30 Applications of queueing theory (congestion, allocation, storage, traffic, etc.)
60J25 Continuous-time Markov processes on general state spaces
90B20 Traffic problems in operations research
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