Thrun, Michael C.; Ultsch, Alfred Using projection-based clustering to find distance- and density-based clusters in high-dimensional data. (English) Zbl 07413949 J. Classif. 38, No. 2, 280-312 (2021). Summary: For high-dimensional datasets in which clusters are formed by both distance and density structures (DDS), many clustering algorithms fail to identify these clusters correctly. This is demonstrated for 32 clustering algorithms using a suite of datasets which deliberately pose complex DDS challenges for clustering. In order to improve the structure finding and clustering in high-dimensional DDS datasets, projection-based clustering (PBC) is introduced. The coexistence of projection and clustering allows to explore DDS through a topographic map. This enables to estimate, first, if any cluster tendency exists and, second, the estimation of the number of clusters. A comparison showed that PBC is always able to find the correct cluster structure, while the performance of the best of the 32 clustering algorithms varies depending on the dataset. 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