Akimova, A. A. Tabulation of prime projections of links in the thickened surface of genus 2 with no more than 4 crossings. (English) Zbl 1456.57003 Vestn. Yuzhno-Ural. Gos. Univ., Ser. Mat., Mekh., Fiz. 12, No. 3, 5-14 (2020). Summary: In this article, we present the result of the first step of tabulation of prime links in the thickened surface of genus 2 that admit diagrams with no more than 4 crossings. Namely, we describe all three steps of tabulation of prime link projections in the surface of genus 2 with no more than 4 crossings. First, we define primality of a link projection in the surface of genus 2. Second, we tabulate prime link projections in the surface of genus 2 with no more than 4 crossings. For this purpose, it is sufficient to consider graphs having special type and enumerate all possible embeddings of the graphs into the surface of genus 2 giving prime link projections. At this step, we prove some auxiliary statements to simplify enumeration of the embeddings. Finally, we show that all obtained projections are nonequivalent in the sense of homeomorphism of the surface of genus 2 onto itself. Our main result states that there exist exactly 15 pairwise nonequivalent prime link projections in the surface of genus 2 with no more than 4 crossings. Several new and known tricks allow rigorously theoretically prove the completeness of the obtained tabulation, as well as to keep the process within reasonable limits. Further, we intend to use the obtained table to classify prime diagrams, i.e. to obtain table of prime links. MSC: 57K10 Knot theory Keywords:prime projection; link; thickened surface of genus 2; tabulation Software:Knot Atlas × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI MNR References: [1] J. Hoste, M. Thistlethwaite, J. Weeks, “The first 1,701,936 knots”, The Mathematical Intelligencer, 20:4 (1998), 33-48 · Zbl 0916.57008 · doi:10.1007/BF03025227 [2] D. Rolfsen, Knots and Links, Publish or Perish, Berkeley, CA, 1976 · Zbl 0339.55004 [3] D. Bar-Natan, The Knot Atlas, [4] B. Gabrovšek, M. Mroczkowski, “Knots in the Solid Torus up to 6 Crossings”, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 21:11 (2012), 1250106-1-1250106-43 · Zbl 1278.57006 · doi:10.1142/S0218216512501064 [5] S. V. Matveev, L. R. Nabeeva, “Tabulating knots in the thickened Klein bottle”, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 57:3 (2016), 542-548 · Zbl 1348.57013 · doi:10.1134/S0037446616030174 [6] B. Gabrovšek, “Tabulation of Prime Knots in Lens Spaces”, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 14:88 (2017) · Zbl 1372.57025 · doi:10.1007/s00009-016-0814-5 [7] J. Green, A table of virtual knots, [8] E. Stenlund, Classification of virtual knots, · Zbl 0828.03002 [9] A.A. Akimova, S.V. Matveev, “Classification of Genus 1 Virtual Knots Having at most Five ClassicalCrossings”, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 23:6 (2014), 1450031-1-1450031-19 · Zbl 1302.57008 · doi:10.1142/S021821651450031X [10] A.A. Akimova, “Classification of prime knots in the thickened surface of genus 2 having diagrams with at most 4 crossings”, Journal of Computational and Engineering Mathematics, 7:1 (2020), 32-46 · Zbl 1499.57001 · doi:10.14529/jcem200103 [11] Yu. V. Drobotukhina, “Classification of links in RP3 with at most six crossings”, Advances in Soviet Mathematics, 18:1 (1994), 87-121 · Zbl 0866.57007 [12] A. A. Akimova, S. V. Matveev, V. V. Tarkaev, “Classification of Links of Small Complexity in the Thickened Torus”, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 303, Suppl. 1, 12-24 · Zbl 1418.57002 · doi:10.1134/s008154381809002x [13] P. Zinn-Justin, J.B. Zuber, “Matrix Integrals and the Generation and Counting of Virtual Tangles and Links”, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 13:3 (2004), 325-355 · Zbl 1077.57002 · doi:10.1142/S0218216504003172 [14] P. Zinn-Justin, Alternating Virtual Link Database, [15] A. A. Akimova, “Classification of prime projections of knots in the thickened torus of genus 2 with at most 4 crossings”, Bulletin of the South Ural State University SeriesMathematics. Mechanics. Physics, 12:1 (2020), 5-13 · Zbl 1456.57002 · doi:10.14529/mmph200101 This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.