Grechkoseeva, Maria A.; Mazurov, Victor D.; Shi, Wujie; Vasil’ev, Andrey V.; Yang, Nanying Finite groups isospectral to simple groups. (English) Zbl 1520.20052 Commun. Math. Stat. 11, No. 2, 169-194 (2023). Reviewer: Enrico Jabara (Venezia) MSC: 20D60 20D05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. A. Grechkoseeva} et al., Commun. Math. Stat. 11, No. 2, 169--194 (2023; Zbl 1520.20052) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Lytkina, Dar’ya Viktorovna; Mazurov, Viktor Danilovich; Zhurtov, Archil Khazeshovich On infinite Frobenius groups. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1445.20034 Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh. 20, No. 2, 80-85 (2018). MSC: 20F50 20E34 20F28 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. V. Lytkina} et al., Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh. 20, No. 2, 80--85 (2018; Zbl 1445.20034) Full Text: DOI MNR
Lytkina, Daria V.; Mazurov, Victor D. Groups with given element orders. (English) Zbl 1522.20148 J. Sib. Fed. Univ., Math. Phys. 7, No. 2, 191-203 (2014). MSC: 20F50 20E25 20F05 20E36 20F28 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. V. Lytkina} and \textit{V. D. Mazurov}, J. Sib. Fed. Univ., Math. Phys. 7, No. 2, 191--203 (2014; Zbl 1522.20148) Full Text: MNR
Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. On groups with given properties of the finite subgroups generated by couples of 2-elements. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1275.20041 Sib. Math. J. 54, No. 1, 96-98 (2013); translation from Sib. Mat. Zh. 54, No. 1, 127-130 (2013). MSC: 20F50 20E25 20E07 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. V. Lytkina} and \textit{V. D. Mazurov}, Sib. Math. J. 54, No. 1, 96--98 (2013; Zbl 1275.20041); translation from Sib. Mat. Zh. 54, No. 1, 127--130 (2013) Full Text: DOI
Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. Groups with given properties of finite subgroups. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1266.20047 Algebra Logic 51, No. 3, 213-219 (2012); translation from Algebra Logika 51, No. 3, 321-330 (2012). MSC: 20F50 20E07 20E25 20F05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. V. Lytkina} and \textit{V. D. Mazurov}, Algebra Logic 51, No. 3, 213--219 (2012; Zbl 1266.20047); translation from Algebra Logika 51, No. 3, 321--330 (2012) Full Text: DOI