Bachraoui, Moussa; Hattaf, Khalid; Yousfi, Noura Spatiotemporal dynamics of fractional hepatitis B virus infection model with humoral and cellular immunity. (English) Zbl 1471.92090 Mondaini, Rubem P. (ed.), Trends in biomathematics: chaos and control in epidemics, ecosystems, and cells. Selected works from the 20th BIOMAT consortium lectures, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 1–6, 2020. Cham: Springer. 293-313 (2021). MSC: 92C32 92C37 35R11 35B35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Bachraoui} et al., in: Trends in biomathematics: chaos and control in epidemics, ecosystems, and cells. Selected works from the 20th BIOMAT consortium lectures, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 1--6, 2020. Cham: Springer. 293--313 (2021; Zbl 1471.92090) Full Text: DOI
Bachraoui, Moussa; Ichou, Mohamed Ait; Hattaf, Khalid; Yousfi, Noura Spatiotemporal dynamics of a fractional model for hepatitis B virus infection with cellular immunity. (English) Zbl 1467.92173 Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. 16, Paper No. 5, 13 p. (2021). MSC: 92D30 92C32 26A33 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Bachraoui} et al., Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. 16, Paper No. 5, 13 p. (2021; Zbl 1467.92173) Full Text: DOI OA License
Bachraoui, Moussa; Hattaf, Khalid; Yousfi, Noura Analysis of a fractional reaction-diffusion HBV model with cure of infected cells. (English) Zbl 1459.92113 Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc. 2020, Article ID 3140275, 8 p. (2020). MSC: 92D30 92C60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Bachraoui} et al., Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc. 2020, Article ID 3140275, 8 p. (2020; Zbl 1459.92113) Full Text: DOI OA License
Bachraou, Moussa; Hattaf, Khalid; Yousfi, Noura A fractional order model for HBV infection with capsids and cure rate. (English) Zbl 1430.92087 Mondaini, Rubem P. (ed.), Trends in biomathematics: mathematical modeling for health, harvesting, and population dynamics. Selected works presented at the 18th BIOMAT consortium lectures, Mohammedia, Morocco, October 29 – November 2, 2018. Cham: Springer. 359-371 (2019). MSC: 92D30 92C60 34D23 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Bachraou} et al., in: Trends in biomathematics: mathematical modeling for health, harvesting, and population dynamics. Selected works presented at the 18th BIOMAT consortium lectures, Mohammedia, Morocco, October 29 -- November 2, 2018. Cham: Springer. 359--371 (2019; Zbl 1430.92087) Full Text: DOI