
Pseudospectral meshless radial point Hermit interpolation versus pseudospectral meshless radial point interpolation. (English) Zbl 07336559

Summary: This paper develops pseudospectral meshless radial point Hermit interpolation (PSMRPHI) and pseudospectral meshless radial point interpolation (PSMRPI) in order to apply to the elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) held on irregular domains subject to impedance (convective) boundary conditions. Elliptic PDEs in simplest form, i.e., Laplace equation or Poisson equation, play key role in almost all kinds of PDEs. On the other hand, impedance boundary conditions, from their application in electromagnetic problems, or convective boundary conditions, from their application in heat transfer problems, are nearly more complicated forms of the boundary conditions in boundary value problems (BVPs). Based on this problem, we aim also to compare PSMRPHI and PSMRPI which belong to more influence type of meshless methods. PSMRPI method is based on a combination of meshless methods and spectral collocation techniques. The point interpolation method with the help of radial basis functions is used to construct shape functions which act as basis functions in the frame of PSMRPI and PSMRPHI methods. While the latter one has been rarely used in applications, we observe that is more accurate and reliable than PSMRPI method.


65N35 Spectral, collocation and related methods for boundary value problems involving PDEs
65D05 Numerical interpolation


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