
New integral solutions for a thermoelastic quarter-plane. (English) Zbl 1346.74050

Summary: In this paper new influence functions on the thermal displacements and stresses of a unit point heat source for a boundary value problems of thermoelasticity for a quarter-plane were obtained. Also, new integral solutions of Green’s for a boundary value problems were derived, thermal stresses caused by the temperature gradient acting on a segment of the boundary line were calculated. All these results are presented in terms of elementary functions for canonical domains of Cartesian system coordinates. Using the computer program Maple 18, the graphical presentations of thermal stresses caused by a unit point of heat source and of thermal stresses for one boundary value problems caused by the temperature gradient acting on a segment of the boundary line were constructed.


74G05 Explicit solutions of equilibrium problems in solid mechanics
35C15 Integral representations of solutions to PDEs
35Q74 PDEs in connection with mechanics of deformable solids


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