
EMI2, the counting efficiency for electron capture by a \(KL_1 L_2 L_3 M\) model. (English) Zbl 0967.81536

Summary: The program EMI2 computes the liquid-scintillation counting efficiency for pure electron capture, single isomeric and electron capture-gamma nuclides. In this second version, the atomic rearrangement process subsequent to electron capture is described in terms of a more sophisticated \(KL_1L_2L_3M\) model of 264 different pathways. The addition of Coster-Kronig transitions improves the accuracy of the method, especially for nuclides of low atomic numbers. A Monte Carlo method is applied to simulate the photoelectric and Compton interactions of \(X\)- and \(\gamma\)-photons with the scintillator inside the vial geometry.


81V35 Nuclear physics
81-08 Computational methods for problems pertaining to quantum theory


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