
An object-oriented serial implementation of a DSMC simulation package. (English) Zbl 1365.76004

Summary: This paper reports a scalar implementation of a multi-dimensional direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) package named “\b{G}eneralized Ṟarefied g\b{A}s \b{S}imulation \b{P}ackage” (GRASP). This implementation adopts a concept of simulation engine and it utilizes many Object-Oriented Programming features and software engineering design patterns. As a result, this implementation successfully resolves the problem of program functionality and interface conflictions for multi-dimensional DSMC implementations. The package has an open architecture which benefits further development and code maintenance. To reduce engineering time for three-dimensional simulations, one effective implementation is to adopt a hybrid grid scheme with a flexible data structure, which can automatically treat cubic cells adjacent to object surfaces. This package can utilize traditional structured, unstructured or hybrid grids to model multi-dimensional complex geometries and simulate rarefied non-equilibrium gas flows. Benchmark test cases indicate that this implementation has satisfactory accuracy for complex rarefied gas flow simulations.


76-04 Software, source code, etc. for problems pertaining to fluid mechanics
76F60 \(k\)-\(\varepsilon\) modeling in turbulence
76M28 Particle methods and lattice-gas methods
76P05 Rarefied gas flows, Boltzmann equation in fluid mechanics


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