
How to talk to strangers: ways to leverage connectivity between R, Java and Objective C. (English) Zbl 1232.62012

Summary: R has certain limitations either introduced by design or historically that are not easy to resolve directly. Among those are lack of support for multi-threading or graphical user interfaces. Often we can find a solution in another system or environment. We show several possibilities of talking between R and other environments and languages that allow the developer to leverage technologies that are not directly accessible from within R. Most prominently the Java and Objective C interfaces in R have been simplified recently such that their use is much easier and ready for wide deployment. We give a short introduction to their use, focus on package development and discuss some implementation issues.


62-04 Software, source code, etc. for problems pertaining to statistics
68N19 Other programming paradigms (object-oriented, sequential, concurrent, automatic, etc.)
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